Divine Brilliance

Chapter 962: No injuries

This erect, has been stunned by hatred!

I don’t know what happened to the sacred road. Although Daozu has 70% confidence, there are still some variables.

Once the plan is not successful, this person has an excuse to return.

At this time, in the cloud world, who else can be the front? To solve this shoud, there must be a lot of price

"Globe! Is there room for you to talk?"

He believes in respecting Qingming, but there is no need for this Xiangzi, and Yan Yue

The father of the former is about to become the holy sage, and the matter of robbing has been stable.

It may be that after the Dragon Shadow, the ninth place in the cloud world is in the gate, and the status is respected.

And this Xiangxiangzi, although possessing the qualification of Lingwu and Wuyi, has made progress in these years, and it is not bad.

But his master’s death, a few years ago, is also related to it.

In his eyes, it is really grassy, ​​can be arbitrarily kneaded

Seeing that the face of Xiang Xiangzi was blue and white, and his eyes were slightly humiliated and angry, he was strong and patient, silent and no longer speaks.

Chengxin sighed coldly and ignored it. He said to the Qingming Road next to him: "The identity of the palace is honorable, and it is not easy to take risks. The nine sects of the sacred spirits have also been the enemy of my door and these people are scruples." Shadow, even if it is in conflict with Zong Shou, it will not easily harm him. He will directly cooperate with Zong Shou and work with them.

After a few words, I waited silently and cast a face of the clear sky.

In the end, how to choose, still need to rely on the meaning of this young woman's crown

This woman is now in charge of the Tao Lingdi, the identity of the Taoist Palace, the identity from the name only, can be said to be second only to the teaching

If it is replaced by others, even if there is no market, he does not need to

But this is clear, but there is a future sage to be the father, you can not be disrespectful

Qingming is hesitant to decide

She and the sect, hatred is really not wearing the sky with the magic mirror to say the shadow magic, painstakingly plan to instigate this ambush

I even watched the body for my own eyes and rushed here during my busy schedule.

I didn’t expect it, but in the end, it’s the result of the indiscriminate destruction.

It’s true that some of them are unwilling, and that the enemy is still alive.

The words of Xiang Xiangzi really made her heart move.

But I also know the risks that she may face next.

If the eternal life is not dead, and Zong Shou returns to the cloud world -

This result, I think anyone in the cloud world would not want to see

Unable to decide, Qingming gradually lost his heart but listened to his ear, and suddenly a laugh came.

"Interesting! Interesting! This adult has swayed all over the world. When he happened, he was shocked to hear that someone was calculating my friend. What should I do?"

The voice is vaguely familiar, and the Qingming is back to God.

I saw a distant sky, standing proudly in a figure about twenty years old, a purple robe eyes are not tamer-like like a smile

"The original is not hurt -"

Qingming suddenly, how can this person be here?

When this person arrives, why is it that the letter has never been noticed? Listening to what he said, it seems that they have already heard their words.

There is a treasure barrier under the foot, and how does this person do it?

This is no harm. I have worshipped Zong Shoujian earlier, but I have to pay homage to it.

If you tell Zong Shou about the things of today, then -

The consequences could be disastrous!

In the eyes of Qingming, it’s sharp and sharp, and it’s killing.

"Uncle Cheng, he killed him! This person can't stay!"

That Chengxin’s words did not hesitate, and when it’s a glimpse, it’s down.

Three thousand silver silk, all of them are as sharp as a sword, and it seems like a silver needle flying like a snake, cháo rolled over the past

But at the moment of coming, the void, suddenly a distance of psionic bursting three thousand silver wire, a little resistance

Then I listened to the original and did not hurt and continued to swear by the smile: "Are you y murdering and killing people? They all say that the most poisonous woman's heart, so fortunately fortunately -"

In the chaos of the sky, the original unharmed and suddenly thrown a thing [. At the beginning, only the grain of the big shoes and then the rapid expansion of the moment, only a moment, turned into a human form

It’s a jade figure, bare-handed, but not afraid of the three thousand flying silk.

The bang of the bang slammed into the dust, causing the silver wires to smash, and then screamed like a mad tiger.


The pupil of the letter became shrinking, and there was no half-divided vision.

The collapsed silver sè silk continues to entangle the past

In the sleeves of Chengxin, there are countless maple leaf-shaped blood sè blades stacked one on top of the other, gathered into a maple leaf knife, volley

That jade is not blocked, let the knife shine on its head, and ignore it.

Still a punch, fierce flying scorpion is a burst of shock, the whole lotus leaf below, shaking the moment

Chengxin frowned again, his eyes stunned

This jade is not only powerful, but also has a body of six thousand pieces of the power of the mountain. It is also a fairy treasure, hard and incomparable.

Look at the maple leaf knives, lie on the jade head, but only left a white mark

To cope with it, it’s just that it’s not hard to win, but it takes a lot of effort.

And immediately after the next moment, I saw a figure, and suddenly I was able to smash in the bursting spurs of the sect of the immortal monk.

Cheng Xin suddenly stunned, this is called the original non-injured kid, this is what you want to do?

It’s only a moment, the letter is reflected, and then it’s shocking.

The purpose of this person is Qingming and Xiaoxiangzi!

The heart is furious, and if you believe in the subconscious, you will put a banner on it and go to Qingming to show her in the past and firmly protect it.

As for Xiang Xiangzi, he was unable to distract himself at the moment under the pressure of Yu Yu.

About a quarter of an hour later, Chengxin was set in the void and looked at the jade white sè Guanghua flying far away, the look was exceptionally ugly.

Folding, just out of sight

Under the circumstance of prevention, in the end, it was still not able to carry the scorpion with the scorpion, and the speed of the original unharmed, but also surpassed him a little.

Can only watch, this person escapes

The face of Qingming was also yīn, and it was only after a long time of sinking.

"Uncle Shi, no matter what, you can't let this person meet with the sect, especially the singer--"

Cheng Xin's face is a dignified dagger, and he has a few things in his heart.

However, there is a jade in it. If you want to escape from the power of one person, you can’t live without it.

If you want to take this person, you must call the same door around you.

If it doesn't work, at least it must be a must-have.


When Zong Shou resisted the waiting for the tiger, and the palace in the cloud where the Xiu Luo people lived

Found here, it’s a man who went to the sky and the sky, but no one.

Zong Shou stepped into it, and there was no way to stop until he walked into one of the most magnificent temples.

Looking up, I saw that the tiger was sitting in the top of the hall.

There are countless doubts in Zongshou’s mind, but they are squatting and walking in.

"I only learned that the Seven Holy Alliances recently failed to continue to participate in the Yuanlian community because of the threat of the Ashura people. Thank you, brother!"

If the Seven Holy Alliances are also involved, five people, wind Taiji, etc., may not be able to support this time.

Even the other four, more or less, have been hampered by the Shura people.

At this time, it is more and more confirmed that this person is very ordinary, not just an ordinary general of Shura.

"Where is the patriarch? I have promised you, I will try my best to do this. What do you think?"

When the tiger was shaking his head, he got up and walked down the steps.

"It’s a brother, I really didn’t let me see the tiger’s disappointment. It’s really a battle for the outside world. It’s really worth it.”

Speaking of this, I don’t want to leave a jade slip when Zong Shou speaks. It means profoundly: “This is a recent incident that is not far from Yuanlianjie, and my brother can see it.”

Zong Shou took it with him and infiltrated the soul into it.

After about three interest rates, I was in a heavy mood and took my heart back.

In this jade, it is the news of Shi Yue.

Makes him feel awkward and nervous

That person, in less than four years, actually has occupied a total of twenty-three worlds, and one of the thousands of worlds.

Mood, it’s hard to recover for a long time

Zong Shou lost a full quarter of an hour before returning to God and re-adjusting his own veins.

An unspeakable sense of urgency, suddenly floating on the heart and feeling the future, is more difficult to measure

The rise of the man, it should be after occupying the Yuanlian world, and successively attacked dozens of small worlds before returning to the cloud world.

When the cloud world is completely in the hands, it will be out of control.

I started to attack the Yuanlian world. First of all, I occupied this world and said that it was taking the air, but I didn’t want to use it.

"After this person ~www.readwn.com~ there is a high person to help!"

When he was waiting for the tiger, he laughed again: "But when it comes to the main cause, it is because of the ancestors."

Zong Shou was surprised to see the past and only listened to Houhu: "If this is not the brethren this time, involving the strength of Jiudu Xianting and Xuan Ling Xiuhui, the pressure on the face is slightly loose, and the original will not be completed. So whales"

Zong Shou is only confusing, but his mouth is full of bitter taste.

what is this? It’s the heart that hinders the person’s coming, but it helps him.

Then he shook his head again. He was not the kind of person who blamed everyone. When he encountered setbacks, he sighed.

Can hinder that person is naturally better, can't resist it doesn't matter

The Yuanlian boundary is very good. It is not only human races, but also extremely fertile.

It is an excellent place to raise troops. Once this success is occupied, it may not be worse than that stone.

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