Divine Brilliance

Chapter 964: Shocking news

"These are the gods of the Essence, the power of the Asura people, and the production of ten ships a year. m [read the novel is ~~] If you want to buy a brother, I can have a discount here. The price can be up to two. Thousands and five hundred, or on the empty ship, plus two additional Lingwutai E-Thunder. Ten of them can also be delivered within one month. These empty ships are also this time, can be preferential to the brothers. After today, there may not be a chance to buy it later -"

It seems to have seen the mind of Zong Shou, and the tiger language is tempted to increase the code again.

Zong Shou’s heart is also beating again.

Naturally knowing what the tiger said is true.

Things like Taiyi Shenlei Ship, no matter which family, can be described as the heavy weapon, controlling the core of the outer domain boundary river.

One ship can compete against the peak of the fairy squad, and if the sacred cultivator with the same strength sits in the town, the combat power can be increased several times!

I want to buy countless things to look for. The project is huge. If you want to build a ship within one year, you need at least 30 refinery masters.

I’m afraid that there are not so many forces like the Jiudu Holy Court and the Xuan Ling Xiuhui.

Delivery within one month means that you can catch up with the battle that will not be long after.

And if you want to bring nearby, all the little worlds are in control.

Then a more powerful fleet of empty ships is essential.

At the moment, those ordinary empty ships are far from needed.

And if there are twenty such dedicated warships in hand, it is not only possible to control the surrounding of this Yuanlian. It can even form a pressure on the periphery!

Really can't refuse -

However, after the list of the Taiyi Shenlei ship, there is still a restriction on the word 'twenty'.

Zong Shou did not hesitate, and he also pulled all over. (Look at the novel)

"There is no need to reduce the price, you can install two Lingwutai E-Thunder. But since it can't be delivered once, then the cousin needs me to pay in installments."

Seeing that Houhu does not refute, Zong Shou only wants him to be the default.

As a result, there are 30,000 yuan of Xianshi's debts.

The rest of the things, Zong Shou are no longer interested, and are not willing to bear more interest.

Therefore, after looking at the rest of the list, I would like to give up.

Just when he looks at the light. When you pass the bottom, it is moving again.

"Spiritual slavery? What is this?"

"As the name suggests, nature is the servant of the spiritual level. My family has not confiscated the foreign domain in these years. There are not many such servants, nor do they do this business. But in the large market, there are everything."

He also explained: "The brothers are relieved, that is, they dare to sell them. Naturally, all the after-effects have been eliminated. Most of these slave repairs have been cleaned up, and the equivalent is another personality. If there is a traitor Things or other accidents, the generally reputable big slaves, will bear full responsibility. Many forces will be bought as a Taoist, or a slave, or even a blood sacrifice. Like you in the cloud gate, a while ago A big handwriting. I bought a thousand people three years ago. But I don’t know what it is intended to be—"

Zong Shou's face was suddenly iron, and if he said before, he still couldn't figure out how to look at the tiger. Whether it is really helping him, or another purpose.

At this moment, after seeing this Taiyi Shenlei ship and spiritual slavery. At least know this person, it is definitely a willingness to pay.

Looking at the tiger seems to know that he is missing something at the moment. The list is all that he needs urgently.

The most frightened thing is to look at the news that Huhu said at the end. 【】【】

When the door is once, buy the spiritual slaves of thousands of people? What are you going to do?

"This is a secret, but this world has never had a wall that has no wind. I have only recently known by chance. You have several sects in the cloud, although the power in this field is not obvious, the savings are not too thick. Everywhere, you can be a hero of one side -"

That time, the tiger said, intentionally or unintentionally, and then asked: "I don't know how much the brother is going to buy? This spiritual slave. There is no stock in my family. But it can be purchased. It can also reach Yuanlian within one month. If the patriarch is not at ease with my family, then I can inspect the goods. Presumably, the means of prohibition of the control of the people is not the brethren. Ah! Right, think of it nearby. There is a merchant fleet of my family. A big slave trader consigns things, and only the brothers are willing to increase the price to negotiate with them. Then there is no need for one month, three days to arrive -"

Zong Shou decided to look at this tiger and he stopped talking. If you reach out directly, you will set a number of five hundred.

The ground level soldiers can grow naturally only if they have enough people and have enough resources.

Once you stand firm in the Yuanlian world, you can attract more monks to listen to the wind.

In fact, there is no more money to buy, five hundred spiritual environment slaves, the total price is also close to 30,000 down the fairy stone.

I don't know if it is a coincidence. The number of spiritual slaves and the Taiyi Shenlei ship is just about 60,000.

Fortunately, the material for refining the Yi Ling 诛 诛 is lower than the Tian Dao dao.

Zong Shou itself has prepared a lot, and this Yuanlian community also has enough materials, no need to build another.

When the transaction was in place, Zong Shou and the waiting tiger talked again.

It is obvious to talk about the heavens and the earth, to discuss the experience of spiritual practice, but both sides are secret, but they are all thoughts with words and temptations.

It’s only half a day, but nothing. This is a very tight tone, and I will not disclose too much. Zong Shou is also half a catty, and the mood is not in color.

In the end, I was only bored. Zong Shou snorted with a ‘Little Fox’ and stopped staying.

As for the discussion in the Yuanlian community, he had this idea before, but at the moment it was not mentioned.

The Shura people’s withdrawal of the people stationed there has already indicated their stance and they are not willing to intervene directly. Zong Shou also naturally took this heart, not to ask for fun.

Step out of this air palace and walk under the clouds.

Zong Shou suddenly felt a sigh of relief, and if these materials of the Ashura were able to come as expected.

Then his Daganxian Dynasty can have two hundred fairy steps and six hundred spiritual realms. Xuanhuang second-order soldiers, up to tens of thousands.

This kind of power, even when the cloud world is full of prosperity, is enough to split one side.

In the foreign domain, it has far surpassed the Tianfang retreat that has been operating for a million years.

Unconsciously, it has already reached this point -

I also want this Shura, so many materials are available in January. If he is unprepared, he is no longer willing to believe.

Most of them are prepared in advance, and it is not him who can unite Yuan Lian.

Zong Shou chuckled, and the final doubts have been solved.

Most of these things were originally prepared for Zhuang Yu, but in the end they were cheaper.

As for the waiting for the tiger, whether it is because of his reasons, but also increased the chip, Zong Shou is not aware, and do not have to care.

When returning to Yuanjingxian Palace, most people have already rushed back.

Only the net sound is not in the Xuan Yunlan. The two women are generally not good at fighting people, and they don’t like killing. But in the same way, there is a magical power to save the dead and help.

Xuan Yunlan plays the piano and masters the spiritual music, which can help the person to adjust the pulse and restore the injury. It can even provoke a machine to make people echo.

The pure voice speaks to Buddhism, and it is said that it is extremely deep in the Great Mercy and Chiba. There is also this kind of healing power that is not inferior to Xuan Yunlan, and even stronger.

Therefore, although they have not participated in the war, they are still respected.

Before the return of Zongshou, this southwestern land was fought. Even if Zhuang Yu has the ability to pass the sky, he can't avoid death or injury.

The two women then agreed to stay at the border to take care of the wounded soldiers.

According to Xuan Yunlan, it is impossible to see death. The net voice is to save lives and to have a good merit.

Let Zong Shou feel a pity, this is to see the net sound side, look at the difference between the two net sounds, ~ www.readwn.com ~ instinct feeling, Xuan Yunlan may not be able to come back at this time. The net sound, for the most part, is to hide from him.

Back to Yuanjing Palace, Zong Shou did not care. After catching the weak water, I was sleepless. After a day, Hu Tianhu began to really see things.

As the prince of the immortal, you can't do everything.

Fortunately, he ruled several countries in government affairs, and all of his monarchs took care of themselves.

In the Daganxian Dynasty, you only need to collect property. Some of the most difficult things to deal with, the Yuanlianjie version of the Senate Hall here, can also be decided in his absence.

There are Swordsmen Buddhism, as well as several forces of Cangsheng Road, and the mutual restraint of the countries, will not easily damage his interests.

What is really to be dealt with is actually military-related. And within his sacred dynasty, the sacred sacred offerings are enshrined.

Chapter 1003 is the final shortcoming. (Welcome to your support is my greatest motivation.)

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