Divine Brilliance

Chapter 966: Tai Chi

Beyond Yuan Lianjie, inside a spacious giant ship. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

At this time, the wind is too tai chi, and I am looking cold and proud.

The spacious hall is covered with dark gold tiles. There are not many decorations, all the tables and chairs are the most expensive agarwood.

So that there is no incense in this hall, it is still a fragrant scent, and it is awkward.

Hong Jiu Chen Tan Jing, both of them recognized, sitting on the left hand side.

However, the two on the right are somewhat unexpected. He is the one who should not have appeared here and the Fu and the scattered people.

These two, this is the object of his next assignment. At this time, I came here and sat in the same room with Hong Jiuchen and others.

Sure enough, I have already joined forces. I want to tell him that I am going to tell the wind. These four forces are ready to go forward and retreat?

Wolverines -

The wind is too ridiculous in the heart of Tai Chi, but not in my heart.

Before the coming, various kinds of situations have been expected.

Still feeling cold and arrogant.

Since Zong Shou’s meaning is to save the heart and talk about it, there is no need to look at these people.

The final gaze fell on the top of the list. There was a six-seeking old man sitting there, full of hair and a gentle look.

The wind tai chi only looks at it, and I feel that there is a deep sense of unspeakable feeling.

The gas machine is restrained, but the wind taiji thinks of those few gods.

In fact, there is not much similarity between the two. It is only his instinctive equating the strength of this old man with that of the gods.

Not surprisingly. At this moment, this person is the real person in charge here.

A cultivator of the gods of Jiudu Xianting, the status must really be overwhelmed by Hong Jiuchen. []

But for this person, the wind Taiji is rude.

I took another look at the hall and found that there were only five seats and I could only stand and talk.

It is clear that there is an insult, and you must first suppress his arrogance!

Shake his head. The impulse of the wind Taiji temporarily depressed the sleeves. When I hugged my fist, I went straight to the mountain and asked: "Let's put under the house arrest in January, this is the way of hospitality for you in Jiudian Xianting? If you refuse to see me, you can refuse it directly. You and me are directly on the battlefield. If you win or lose, why bother to play these tricks? It’s really ridiculous!”

There are several people in the temple. Mu Fangfu Yue is fine. On the surface of Hong Jiu dust, it is a green.

The old man also raised his eyebrows, which was slightly unexpected.

Originally thought that the stalker came to ask the sin, then the messenger will probably not quit.

But the tone is so blunt, no half scruples, but I never thought of it.

Discretionary words, just want to speak, the wind Taiji side is the first to say: "In this year, I have been repeatedly violated. Frequent monks in the fairyland. Intervene in the war. You are the four Jiu Xian Xianting, first bad The rules! Before the battle of the foreign domain boundary river before January, the ignorant gods personally admitted that there are more than a few monks in the fairyland as evidence. The evidence is conclusive, let you know nothing!"

That Hong Jiu Chen heard the words. His eyes flashed slightly and he smiled.

"You also said that there is no gods and devils. Can the words of the Shadows and Devils be evidence? Isn't it a provocation?"

The wind Tai Chi slanted in the past, then shook his head and did not argue with this person.

"Provocative? I am too windy, confident and have the ability to distinguish between true and false. These words. Needless to say. In the end, what the situation, you and I are all in mind!"

Speaking of this, it is the gaze, and the old man opposite.

"My family's intention is to invite you to Jiudu Xianting, and to send Hong Jiuchen and other people to the top, to sigh me up and down. Let the five worlds be treated as compensation. Then this time, you can understand this."

Hong Jiucheng’s eyes are red and shocked.

He was really unsure, and whether Jiudu Xianting would really follow the stipulations and throw him out to calm the matter.

I didn’t know until I heard the last few sentences. [WWw.YZUU point m] The heart has risen with a sense of ridiculousness, and can not help but have the impulse to laugh.

It’s crazy! Empty mouth white teeth, we must let them Jiu Xian Xianting, let out five small worlds?

Is there such a thing in this world? What is it?

It is estimated that no one will agree.

I don't know if it is this wind tai chi, self-assertion, or from the instructions of the sect.

If this is the case, it can be said that the person is already mad!

Turning around and looking up, I saw the old man, and it really changed.

"Five small worlds? Really great tone!"

Under the words, it is the right side of the right hand. At this time, I dropped the glass and gave a cold smile.

"Even my guest, I can't stand it today. Is it that my brother, I don't feel that I am a big lion? You are now only half a small world, actually -"

The voice can no longer continue, the wind Taiji is already indifferent and said: "I don't want you, the rest of you are the same! It's just here, and I also saved my family to announce. Tianfang Xiuhui, Xuan Ling adjourn And the most fascinating fairy. All need to surrender the head of this culprit, sacrifice me to kill the wounded, and also give up five small worlds. This time, you can end!"

Within the hall, there was a silence. Including Tan Jing, all look at the wind and Tai Chi with unbelievable eyes.

Only when the words are spoken, it is only for the Jiudu Xianting family.

Instead, the forces of the four parties are included.

What is this person's intention? Such a condition, even if the four parties did not have the intention to cooperate.

At this time, we must be forced to stand together.

Silence for a long time, the needles in the hall can be heard, and finally the old man opened.

"Is this condition a bit too much? I don't say that there is no such thing as a godless demon, and there is a suspicion of intent to speculate. Even if it is true, I will not ask for my nine sects, so I will cut the land!"

The wind Taiji and the eyelids have never been lifted up, faintly said: "The life of my family is not worth five thousand worlds? Can you let them calculate? If you let it go today, then how do you follow suit? I have killed and injured more than tens of thousands of people. Is it so dead in vain? I have already said that I don’t need lung fire, I just say that I can’t give it.”

The old man can't maintain the gentleness of the whole, and the face is slightly green, obviously it is suppressing the anger. I sneered at it: "So, if I am Jiu Xian Xian Ting refused?"

"Nature is a war!"

The wind Taiji did not hesitate, and the answer was unambiguous. The language is ambiguous, and it is like a sword.

"There is a saying on the king, you don't give it, I will take it for myself!"

The old man suddenly became stunned and then laughed loudly.

"A good one to take it! I lived for six thousand years in the ancient moon, and I was the first to see such a arrogant child!"

Let the laughter last for a long time, shock the hall.

The mighty soul slammed open and made the storm in this hall.

The wind Tai Chi is right in the air, and it is oppressed by the idea, and it is all over the skeletal body, and it always emits a slight burst of sound.

There are countless blood and dark wounds in the body, and there are countless cracks in the upper and lower bones.

The mouth was slightly sloppy, and there was a kind of rust smell, but it swallowed. Still standing proudly, never had a half shake.

He is too proud of the wind, will he twist in front of these people?

A sigh of anger in the heart rushes, and the dark smiles, and you have the ability to crush yourself here in ancient months!

It seems that the pressure of the wind is too strong, and the laughter of the ancient moon is gradually stopped. The complexion is condensed, and there is a frost. Still not talking, fell into meditation.

It was Hong Jiu dust next to it, and it was coldly screaming: "I don't think about it! You can roll it! Go back and tell Zong Shou. I heard that he was a Lujia abandoned child in his early years. He is a **** creature of the seven-tailed fox. It is a good fortune. The status of today and today. Do not think that there is a sacred sage as a teacher, you can do whatever you want! Let me sing the land of the nine emperors, with him also!"

The wind Tai Chi is a glimpse of it, Lu Jia abandoned children? Seven-tailed fox blood?

These people are known to Zong Shou.

Although angry in the chest, but did not say anything, just a slight decapitation.

"This sentence, I will definitely tell him that he knows!"

What this person said is also a fact. However, after telling Zong Shou, what kind of consequences will happen, it is not what he knows.

As far as he knows, that person is by no means a good person who can insult the rogue.

If possible, he also wants to pull the sword and marry this person here.

Still looking at the ancient moon, the person who can represent Jiudu Xianting here will only be the sacred person.

The old man squinted, and after only half a moment, he seemed to think about it properly.

"The messenger asks! This ancient moon can not be the master, you need to go back to Xianting, and wait for the reply there. But these things, the Holy Emperor he will not care about it. Please ask your family, think about it, don't be tempted."

Between the words, it is still peaceful.

"If nature is really fighting, I will not be afraid of the nine courts!"

Hong Jiuchen is obviously an accident. It is not expected that the words of the ancient moon will be weak.

Until the old man was seen, the deep scornful disgusting intentions repressed the mood.

Knowing this is a must. This time, it will never be good!

Only a little meditation, it is known, it is nothing more than a temporary delay.

Zong Shou is so emboldened that it is indeed doubtful and must be flawed. The wind Taiji just talked, not like the appearance of the people, but the provocation.

The moment is silent, silently ~www.readwn.com~ wind Taiji also slightly decapitated: "know!"

Then he transferred to the rest of the people and asked questions.

The Mufang side was more cautious and only faintly said: "This matter is very important. Mu also needs to ask several veterans in the seminar. At that time, it was a war and a reply."

Fu Yue people directly 嘿 哂 哂 哂 哂 : : : : : : : “ “ “ 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知 告知!

Tan Jingcheng is extremely deep, and the words are equally calm: "I am going to retreat in the heavens, there is no land to be allowed! This matter will return to me to know the old people of the retreat. If the rehearsal is willing to be harmonious, then Tan Jing will not hesitate to die."

The wind Taiji sword eyebrows slightly raised, no more words, turned and walked away.

After the ceremony, the soldiers were sent out. Next, it must be a madness! RQ

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