Divine Brilliance

Chapter 990: Bull finger 8 years

There is chaos in my mind, and I will look at it again.

Seeing that it was a chaos, it was just a few years ago that he had seen the scenery on the etiquette.

- The scene of the beginning!

After a few years, I have to watch again. It’s hard to say that Zong Shou’s heart is shocking.

Even more shocking, it is the power of the book.

This book of the world is really a retrospective of time, bringing his soul to a few years ago. He used the spectator, when he first opened up.

He also secretly laughed, and this book of the universe can forcibly pull out the person who should have been decapitated from the fate of death. So what else is it that it can't? This area is back in time, but it really is nothing.

Only this time, he only spent a hundred years of life on this technique.

But I don’t know what the cost of the ancestors at that time was.

This can be a step in the holy, but it falls into the spiritual world, and finally it is killed and killed.

I want to come at this time, I feel that I owe my father too much.

A spiritual thought next to him, suddenly passed at this time, also interrupted the thoughts of Zong Shou.

"Is this just the image of the opening of the beginning? At the beginning of your chance to find the viewfinder in the third dragon hall?"

At the moment, alongside Zong Shou, there is another ‘Zong Shou’. But it is screaming at God and looking into the distance. Obviously, I also tried my best to remember everything I saw at this time.

Zong Shou only felt that there was an inexplicable power in his body, which was constraining him.

There seems to be a layer of separation from the things around. Can not be touched, naturally can not affect.

The heart is regrettable, thinking of it at this moment. I can show myself this ‘Zong Shou’ a few years ago, then I am now. Can you be stronger?

Even if you pass a sentence, remind Wei Xu. Then it is also alive, and it will never fall into the current dilemma.

However, this layer of diaphragm, he can not break.

That must be at the expense of tens of millions of sacred stones.

He has no such financial resources, and there are not so many longevity can be squandered. It is a pity that it is regrettable.

Just when he was faintly awkward, the thought of the touched. It seems to be extremely dissatisfied.

The soul pressure of one has rolled over. Zong Shou helpless, so he also answered with his mind.

"At this time, Qiankun, you still have the heart to talk to me? I missed a minute. I was wasting my ancestor Shouyuan. I didn't feel that I had lost my good intentions?"

The book of the world of the universe, this time not only brought his soul to a few years ago.

Together, there is also Qiankun Yiyi.

There are dozens of empty ships in the dry ship, and the whole army guards. There is Ye Xuan sitting in the town, safe and sound.

The so-called protection of the law is at the time of the crisis. Take his soul, from a few years ago. Safely brought back to the world.

It’s impossible to do this without a half-step. Qiankun repair is worse. But this dragon is a short-lived dragon.

"Zhou Shou, you are a scam! It’s just a good one! It’s a fear that I owe you not enough. Sooner or later, I’ll be with you,”

Qiankun was almost swearing, but it was still silent.

Just like the eyes of Zong Shou. It’s a pity to miss even a trace of it at this time.

It is very important for Qiankun to create the world at the beginning!

The only flaw in his law of extinction is that the law of creation is still incomplete.

This is too early, and it is much stronger than the original creation vision.

The benefits are naturally incomparable -

Zong Shouxiao did not speak, with Qiankun coming over. It is to add a piece of insurance and to have a selfish heart.

Thinking that if Qiankun can complete, maybe it can help Yuan Jingzu, and really complement the Tao.

At that time, the three people of the Cangsheng Road came to the environment, relying on the shackles of the world, or they could have the power to fight.

Besides, he still has awkwardness. It is born with a different kind of life. At this time, it has even crossed two realms and has a long life.

The most gratifying thing at this time is the relationship between life and death.

However, this thought, if it is known by the ant, who will not directly use the arm knife to cut him.

On the other side of Yiyi, I did not speak. From the beginning to the end, they are kept quiet.

Almost all of the attention is looking at the opposite side, the scene when the origin broke out.

She doesn't have to look at the big picture, just look at the ice law and how to produce it. How can we coexist with other rules of nature?

Zong Shou also promptly excluded all distracting thoughts, ‘looking’ in front of him.

Endless energy, from the black spots, rushed out.

The rapid expansion of the outward direction, the ‘line’ of the strips, and the ‘points’ one by one, are intertwined with each other.

Numerous substances were formed one after another and then pushed to the distance.

A newborn world has already begun to take shape.

A few years ago, Zong Shou had seen it once. But at this time, it is completely different.

In the same detail, he can comprehend more truths and correct the mistakes of the past.

It is also more able to see the whole picture, and the whole origin of the explosion, all of which are included in the soul.

At that time, he was repaired as inadequate and could only be careful. Even with full memory, it is still limited.

More need to try to ignore a lot of things, so as not to have their own life, and consume too much.

At this time, Zong Shou, but no more scruples. Just like a sponge that doesn't bottom out, greedily absorbs everything in front of you.

If you can comprehend, you should try to comprehend it. If you can't comprehend it, you will reflect it on your heart, remember it for death, and leave it to the future.

All changes, all the rules of generation, are not allowed to let go.

Even a grain of dust, its trajectory, temperature, etc., is also remembered in the heart.

Small visible big, see the whole leopard.

These seemingly insignificant things can infer countless information and countless truths.

As for the body of the Yuan Soul, whether it exists here, whether it was smashed by the power of this too early creation, Zong Shou has not been placed on the heart.


In the dry-day giant ship, the time dedicated to the practice of the house, the time passed quietly.

At that time, from that day, the law of Zong Shou’s time to trace the time has been almost a month.

Really back to the past ~www.readwn.com~ In fact, only one hour.

And when Qiankun Yiyi, holding Zongshou. From a few years ago, pulled back now.

Several people have entered the same state. I don’t want to waste even a little bit of time, and I don’t have to talk anymore.

The feelings of fear during that time will be forgotten.

Zong Shou is so, the holy place like Qiankun Yiyi is no exception.

In the outside world in January, it was a hundred times longer in this quiet room.

Unconsciously, it is already eight years.

Knowing this day, the celestial stones distributed around this room have all shattered and exploded.

The psionic power accumulated in the book of the eternal life of the universe is completely consumed. Can no longer support, fell from the air.

The figure of Zong Shou only trembled fiercely, and woke up from the meditation. . . )

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