Divine Child System

Chapter 2832: Baiyucheng

The Shenluo Empire, the imperial capital.

As the most powerful empire on Jiuyou Star, the imperial capital is far from outsiders' imagination!

"Ah, this city is so big!"

Even Ye Meng was shocked when he saw the imperial capital.

The entire imperial capital is made of white jade. The wall is about a hundred feet high, majestic and majestic, reflecting dazzling light in the sun!

Because the walls of the imperial capital are all made of white jade, from a distance, the entire imperial capital is like a white jade city!

Therefore, the imperial capital is also called the White Jade City!

The entire emperor can accommodate hundreds of millions of permanent residents, which is unimaginable in the ancient world!

At least, Ye Meng has been to Ten Thousand Realms, Yuanhuang Continent, and Shuling Universe!

But I have never seen a city like Baiyu City in the mortal world!

"Since the Shenra imperial family rebuilt the Shenra Empire, they began to build a white jade city!"

"From the beginning of construction to the completion of the construction of the city, it took nearly 300 years to complete this majestic white jade city after the hands of ten emperors of the Shenluo Empire!"

"Calculating now, Baiyu City has a history of 10,000 years. Although it has been destroyed in three wars, it was rebuilt in the hands of the emperors of the gods and dynasties!"

"It can be said that this white jade city bears witness to the history of our time!"

Hearing Ye Meng's emotions, Ye Jiaya Sheng Ye Tianjue, who was responsible for protecting him, explained something!

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words.

He could hear a hint of pride from Ye Tianjue's mouth!

After all, the Ye family belonged to the people of the Shenluo Empire, so they would naturally be proud of their country!

After all, compared to the other empires of Jiu Youxing, the Shenluo Empire is really too strong!

It is simply the Big Mac on the Nine You Stars!

"It's almost approaching Baiyu City, our Baoyan, it's time to land!"

Ye Tianjue glanced at Ye Meng and said slowly.

No flying objects are allowed in Baiyu City, so Ye Tianjue naturally has to abide by this rule!

The Ye family claimed to be the first family of the Shenluo Empire, but it was still not enough to face such a behemoth as the Shenluo Empire!

In other words, the current emperor of the Shenluo Empire is a powerful emperor.

As for the interior of the royal house, no one knows how many old monsters are hidden!

But Ye Family's strength was already on the bright side!

The strongest is the hidden emperor Ye Family Patriarch!

And the hidden emperor, compared to the emperor-level powerhouse, is naturally much inferior!

Otherwise, why is it called the hidden emperor?

"Then land it!"

Ye Meng has no objection to this!

Ye Tianjue nodded when he heard the words, manipulated Bao Nian, and slowly landed!

The appearance of Bao Nian also attracted the attention of many passersby!

However, this is not in the city, relatively speaking, there are fewer passers-by!

In addition, Baoan has a very extraordinary aura, and those passers-by are naturally afraid to provoke Ye Meng and Ye Tianjue, who have obvious backgrounds!

Bao Nian is a spiritual treasure, which can be large or small. When it is contracted, it is only the size of a palm, which is very convenient for storage!

"Let's go!"

Ye Tianjue put Baoyan away and turned to look at Ye Meng!

Immediately, the two slowly walked towards Baiyu City!

When they appeared at the gate of the city, Ye Meng and Ye Tianjue were stopped by the soldiers guarding the city!

In the past, Baiyu City did not require martial law!

But this moment is a critical period. Facing the eve of the opening of the Gods War Academy, the soldiers of the imperial capital naturally dare not neglect!

Ye Tianjue took out a token and shook it towards the guards!

Upon seeing this, the soldier bowed and apologized!

"The little man has clumsy eyes, I don't know that Wanlihou's Mansion is here, please forgive me!"

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