Divine Child System

Chapter 2850: What kind of evildoer is this

"You... are you finished?"

Da Miao asked tentatively!


Ye Meng curled his mouth when he heard the words, and the voice of milk replied!

The audience was shocked when he said this!

"What? The enlightenment is over?"

"Isn't there a problem with my ears? This is a fragment of ancient exercises. Is it so easy to understand?"

"Believe it or not, why do I think this kid is a bit unreliable!"

"It must be a lie. Just think about it. Can the fragments of ancient exercises be understood in such a short time?"

After everyone was stunned for a moment, they were all in an uproar!

They didn't believe that Ye Meng could understand the ancient techniques in such a short period of time!

Especially this is still fragmented, and the difficulty has been increased several times!

How much time has passed since Ye Meng got the fragments of the exercises?

Half a stick of incense?

No, not even a moment!

About dozens of breaths!

Use dozens of breaths to fully understand the fragments of ancient exercises?

This is simply a dream!

"Child, are you unable to comprehend it, and deliberately made trouble?"

"Yes, it must be so, I want to interrupt my enlightenment process!"

Da Miao was stunned for a while, then suddenly sneered!

He felt that he had guessed Ye Meng's purpose!

Since the kid knew he couldn't win, he would simply mess up the situation!

There is nothing for him to comprehend Damiao!

In this way, the two sides can also fight an unbeatable situation!

"Excuse me? You think too much!"

Ye Meng curled his lips when he heard the words!

Immediately, he stopped paying attention to Damiao, and turned to look at his tutor!

"Then who, hurry up and test, this baby is very busy!"

Hearing this, the tutor suddenly smiled bitterly!

To be honest, he didn't really believe that Ye Meng could understand the fragments of ancient exercises!

After all, this is incredible!

But for some reason, deep in his heart, he faintly felt that what the kid said was true!

The instructor walked towards Ye Meng with a contradictory mood!


After the spar approached Ye Meng, it suddenly lit up!

Soon, a line of text appeared!

The comprehension progress of "Nine-Nine Guiyi Jue" is 100%!

Seeing this scene, the instructor was instantly stunned!

what's the situation?

What's the matter with this "Nine Nine Guiyi Jue"?

"Well, this baby has already completed the deduction of this ancient exercise, and all the missing points are filled in!"

Looking at the bewildered instructor, Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth and said with a milky voice.


The instructor was shocked suddenly and stood blankly on the spot!

In just a few dozen breaths, a book of ancient incomplete exercises has been deduced and even completed!

What kind of savvy is this so?

Why don't you go to heaven?

Comprehension is linked to talent. Generally, people with extraordinary comprehension will not lose much of their talent!

Dye your hair,

Ye Meng's savvy is so high, one can imagine that his talent is absolutely extraordinary!

The people around were even more upset!

"My God, what the **** is this?"

"Monster, this kid is a monster!"

"It's horrible, I suspect that this kid also has a talent of Rank 9!"

"No, there should be more than nine products!"

"What, is he a ninth-grade talent?"

Everyone was horrified inexplicably, looking at Ye Meng in a daze!

Could it be that in today's world, is there really a peerless genius with the ninth-grade talent?

Damiao's face is ugly to the extreme!

Talent and understanding have always been his proudest place!

But now, his savvy was crushed by a kid!

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