Divine Child System

Chapter 2862: Emperor Kendo

In three days, he practiced a martial skill to its peak, and also perfected its omissions!

This is the horror of the ninth rank genius!

However, the other vice presidents did not even know this!

They were quite dissatisfied with Ye Meng's attitude!

"Your kendo is too crude!"

Ye Meng looked at Sima Dongcheng and yawned!

When Sima Dongcheng heard this, his old face blushed!

Thinking of him, Sima Dongcheng is also a legendary figure on Jiuyou Star!

But his kendo, in front of Ye Meng, is not even worth mentioning?

"Finally, my baby, let me point you!"

Ye Meng said, slowly standing up!

"Those who use swords are not profitable. Although you are walking in the emperor's kendo, you are not beyond the scope of kendo after all!"

"But when you look at your kendo, you only pay attention to power and neglect to kill. Is this still kendo?"

The voice of a milky child came out, and Sima Dongcheng was stunned when he heard the words!

The deputy deans around are getting more and more angry!

"Emperor Sword Dao, isn't Weiga World? Why do you want to kill?"

Sima Dongcheng was puzzled and asked in a low voice!

"Stupid, the emperor is angry, floating the corpse thousands of miles, this is not only a powerful force, but also to kill!"

"Only after the fusion of killing and power is seamless, your kendo can reach the extreme!"

Ye Meng curled his lips and shouted with milk!

Hearing this, Sima Dongcheng thought a little bit!

But Meng Da on the side sneered again and again!

"Absurd, how profound is the swordsmanship of Dean Sima?"

"You are a little baby, but you are not ashamed to point him, what do you say about killing and power?"

"Do you know **** and be powerful?"

Meng Da didn't think Ye Meng was not pleasing to his eyes, but he was a fan of Sima Dongcheng!

Naturally, no one can slander his idol!

Ye Meng glanced at Meng Da upon hearing this!

In the next moment, a sharp sword intent burst out of the sky in an instant!


Jian Yi, with endless power and terrifying killing intent, rushed towards Meng Da!

Mengda was struck by lightning all at once!

His face turned pale instantly!

The whole body was trembling constantly, big beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead!


Seeing this, the other vice presidents all around took a breath!

Although this sword intent was not aimed at them!

But they also felt the horror!

"This... is this my kendo?"

Sima Dongcheng woke up from his contemplation and exclaimed in shock!

Others, maybe they haven't noticed this for a while!

But who is Sima Dongcheng?

He is the supreme swordsman on Nine You Star, and his understanding of swordsmanship is far beyond ordinary people!

Not to mention, what Ye Meng used was Sima Dongcheng's kendo!

"What? Dean Sima's kendo?"

"He... when did he learn it?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"My God, why does he use Dean Sima's kendo?"

Upon hearing Sima Dongcheng's words, the deputy deans immediately exclaimed in shock!

Sima Dongcheng just came up with his true understanding of kendo, which shows that Ye Meng definitely didn't know this before!

But now, Ye Meng suddenly used Sima Dongcheng's kendo!

Even its power is even more terrifying than Sima Dongcheng himself!

This shows what?

It means that Ye Meng has fully understood Sima Dongcheng's kendo in just a moment!

Meng Da's face changed several times, and the whole person knelt down!

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