Divine Child System

Chapter 2884: This is a cage

In the training room, Ye Meng sat cross-legged!

It was Sima Dongcheng and others who were begging to make Ye Meng reluctantly enter the training room!

Now Ye Meng is ready to break through the Supreme Realm!

Outside the training room, the expressions of Sima Dongcheng and others became nervous!

There is no way, to break through the Supreme, naturally there is a certain risk!

Although Ye Meng is an endless-level genius, the risk has come to a minimum!

However, the so-called concern is chaos!

Ye Meng is pinning Jiu Youxing's hope, so naturally he can't tolerate any accidental appearance!

"I really don't know what they are nervous about. It's just a breakthrough to the supreme, and it's done by taking a breath. Can you stump this baby?"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and muttered!

However, since it is a rare breakthrough!

Ye Meng didn't want to break through to the supreme, how could he surpass the supreme?

"let's start!"

After grinding Xiaohu's teeth, Ye Meng took a deep breath!


There was a muffled thunderous sound from his body!

Immediately, the sage broke through the barrier of the sacred, like fragile glass, it shattered with a bang!

The majestic power instantly spread within Ye Meng's body!


Yes, it's that simple!

Just taking a breath, Ye Meng broke through from the most holy to the supreme!


Ye Meng is not satisfied with Supreme!

With the movement of the aura in his body, the realm suddenly soared!

In the blink of an eye, he has already reached the ultimate supreme level!

Having reached the level of extreme supremacy, logically speaking, there is no way to break through!

Because the upper limit of Jiu Youxing's martial arts is actually the ultimate supreme!

But Ye Meng didn't care!

Even if the upper limit is full, break the upper limit directly!


There was a loud thunderous noise!

The entire training room began to tremble!

Sima Dongcheng and others outside the training room changed their expressions as they felt this power!

"what happened?"

"This... this seems to be no longer the supreme power!"

"Does... Dean Ye wants..."

"No, it's impossible, this is too exaggerated!"

The deputy deans were shocked and uncertain.

But Sima Dongcheng's expression became solemn!

He could feel that Ye Meng was taking that step!

Immediately, his heart beat violently!


In the training room, Ye Meng's little face was wiped with a look of surprise!

"That's it!"

With that step taken, Ye Meng instantly understood why the Nine You Star Martial Dao was cut off!

Why is there a catastrophe and so on!

This is because Jiu Youxing has become a cage!

The secret of Jiu Youxing was completely cut off by Da Neng!

The inheritance of martial arts was cut off by a group of powerful students!

Therefore, even a strong man like Sima Dongcheng couldn't make that step!

There is no way to pass messages like the outside world!

Because Jiuyou Star has actually been abandoned by the Origin Galaxy!

This planet has become a dead place!

As for the so-called catastrophe!

That is, the prisoner of the original galaxy was exiled to Jiuyou Star!

Then, the mighties of the origin galaxy use this as a gamble!

The battle between prisoners and natives has become their best toy for fun!

As for the origin galaxy, why did Jiuyou Star be demoted to a cage? Ye Meng didn't know this!

Perhaps it is because the ancient powerhouse of Jiuyouxing offended the power of the original galaxy!

Or perhaps, Jiuyou Star is the funeral of the faction struggle of the Origin Galaxy!

Compared with the former, Ye Meng prefers the latter reason!

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