Divine Child System

Chapter 2898: Gu Yue Zhizun

"Everyone, you must already know that the catastrophe is coming, and the invaders are here!"

"Fortunately this time, the presence of Ye Shen didn't let Jiu Youxing fall into disaster!"

It was Sima Dongcheng who was speaking. As the leader of the first nine catastrophes, everyone had to give three points of face!

In this case, for him, it is appropriate!

After hearing this, everyone nodded!

Ye Meng's deeds of slaying twelve invaders in succession had already spread throughout Jiu Youxing!

Today, Ye Meng has long become an idol that everyone worships!

"But, there is unfortunate news to tell everyone!"

As Sima Dongcheng spoke, his eyes swept over everyone!

"What news, Sima, don't sell it!"

The compassion bald donkey heard this and asked!

As a powerhouse of his peers with Sima Dongcheng, he and the drunken lunatic were present to speak to Sima Dongcheng in this tone!

"Although the previous invaders are all dead, this does not mean that the catastrophe is over!"

"In fact, everyone who has experienced the previous catastrophes knows that this is just the first wave of temptation!"

Sima Dongcheng Kankan said, his expression was extremely solemn!

After hearing this, everyone nodded secretly again!

A total of nine people were present, except for Gu Yue Zhizun, the newly promoted Supreme, everyone else had experienced at least one catastrophe!

Therefore, they all know that Sima Dongcheng is telling the truth!

In past catastrophes, the invaders were generally divided into three waves!

The first wave has the largest number of people, but the weakest!

In the previous catastrophe, there were at least hundreds of invaders in the first wave!

The strongest of them is in the Supreme Realm, and the weakest are almost at the emperor and hidden emperor level!

In the second wave, the number will be reduced to about dozens, but everyone is the supreme strong!

In the final third wave, basically the number of people will not exceed one palm!

But the strength is so strong that it is almost desperate!

And after every third wave of invaders, Jiuyou Star will have a very high death rate!

"In the first wave of catastrophes in the past, what kind of strength the invaders are, everyone knows!"

"But this time, the first wave of invaders are all true gods!"

Sima Dongcheng's expression became extremely serious!

Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

To be honest, they all know that Ye Meng wiped out the first wave of invaders!

But I didn't care too much!

Because these powerful people thought that the invaders that Ye Meng annihilated were still at the emperor level and hidden emperor level!

"True God, the existence above the Supreme!"

"In the entire Jiuyou Star, apart from Ye Shen, there is no powerhouse beyond the supreme level!"

The voice of Sima Dongcheng kept ringing, and the faces of the supreme powerhouses around them all looked ugly!

Especially Gu Yue Zhizun, his face turned into pig liver color!

Fortunately, he thought that the so-called invaders were just incompetents!

It now appears that he was completely wrong!

Even the first wave of invaders like cannon fodder is not something he can deal with!

True God, Gu Yue had never heard of this realm!

However, since Sima Dongcheng said, this is an existence beyond the supreme!

Gu Yue naturally believes in it!

In any case, Sima Dongcheng is also their popular idol of Jiuyouxing!

Even his Gu Yue grew up listening to the legend of Sima Dongcheng!

"Sima, according to what you said, this time of catastrophe, isn't our Jiuyou Xing doomed to escape?"

The expressions of compassionate bald donkeys and drunken madness have become extremely solemn!

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