Divine Child System

Chapter 2903: Young Master Evil Moon Eagle

The void is full of figures!

One by one directly floats in the void, exuding a palpitating breath!

In just a moment, the sky over the imperial capital was full of people!

At a glance, it covers the sky and the sun, and the momentum is terrifying!

"Gosh, why are there so many strong people?"

"Is this supreme? It feels more terrifying than your majesty!"

"Absolutely Supreme, and only Supreme can be so terrifying!"

"My God, so many supreme, what do they want?"

The ministers hadn't figured out the situation, they all screamed!

But Emperor Wen De's expression looked ugly!

This is not the supreme at all, but the true god!

"There are so many true gods, at least several hundred, can the ancestors resist them?"

Emperor Wende became more frightened as he thought about it!

He couldn't imagine what kind of terrible harm so many true gods would cause when they attacked the imperial capital!

Whoosh whoosh!

The sound of breaking through the air!

Sima Dongcheng and others shot out, leaped into the air, and confronted these prisoners!

"Only twelve invaders appeared last time, but this time there were hundreds of them. Could it be that heaven is going to kill me, Jiuyou Star?"

Although Sima Dongcheng and others are already absorbed!

However, facing so many true gods suddenly, their scalp was numb!

But, for the people, they cannot regress!

"What's going on? Why are there true gods among these natives?"

Among the convicts, a handsome young man standing in position C frowned and said something!

Hearing this, the other prisoners around shook their heads!

"Young Master, whether he has a true **** or not, just these stinky shrimps and rotten fish are not enough!"

Next to the handsome young man, a burly man replied with an urn sound!

The handsome young man called the Young Master is called Xie Yueying.

This guy is a real young master!

It's just that his family failed in a political struggle, so that the entire family became prisoners!

Now, the older generation of strong men in the Xie Yue family have all been tortured to death by competitors!

Only Xie Yueying and a few confidants were left, barely escaped!

Even though the evil moon eagle seems to be in despair!

But after being exiled here, he quickly became the boss of the mysterious cage with his background and powerful talent!

He is commanding hundreds of prisoners of mysterious characters, and his life is extremely chic!

However, no matter how awesome he is, it is impossible to challenge the fifth day Qi who guards the cage!

Therefore, when the Fifth Tianqi gave an order, he could only obediently bring the prisoners of the mysterious name to Jiuyou Star!

"That said, Baolong, kill these clowns!"

Hearing the words of the burly man next to him, Xie Yueying nodded!

Baolong, named by Xie Yueying, stood up!

But he was a bald man with a stalwart figure, and he looked extremely strong!

"Yes, Young Master!"

Baolong promised!

He is not Xie Yueying's confidant, and such thankless things generally fall on people like them!

However, Baolong didn't dare to disobey Xie Yueying's words!

Don't look at Xie Yueying, a handsome and handsome boy!

But in fact, this guy is the most vicious!

Who dared to disobey his orders, the end is extremely miserable!

Therefore, even if Baolong is unhappy, he can only act obediently!

Immediately, Baolong turned around and looked at Sima Dongcheng and the others, a trace of coldness was wiped from the corner of his mouth!

He dared not get angry at Xie Yueying, but he happened to vent his anger on this group of natives!

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