Divine Child System

Chapter 2907: Possess magical powers

Qiuying's voice, with a hint of soft wax, is like a clear mountain spring, slowly flowing past, which is indescribable!

The sound reached Sima Dongcheng and the others, and they all froze for a while!

Immediately, they looked at Qiuying's eyes, and they had already unconsciously revealed a look of pity!

Not only them, but even the invaders, their eyes have entered this state at this moment!

Except for a few people such as Xie Yueying, everyone else is without exception!


This Qiuying is best at charm!

It's just that her charm is more than just giving birth to male and female desires!

It's all kinds of emotions that she can easily handle!

Just like now, what Qiuying uses is a means to provoke compassion, compassion, and other emotions in others' hearts!

After all, Ye Meng is a child, this kind of emotion is more suitable!

Ye Meng seemed to have fallen into a sluggish state, he raised his head and glanced at Qiuying!

"good to eat!"

"Sister, there is something more delicious, do you want to go with your sister?"

"it is good!"

"What a good boy, come with my sister!"

Qiuying glanced at Ye Meng, with a trace of sarcasm in her eyes!

It's really vulnerable!

She thought that a child who could kill Baolong backhand was somewhat capable!

But who thought, in front of her, there was no resistance at all!

As Qiuying spoke, she turned around, moved Lianbu lightly, and walked towards Wu Tong!

Ye Meng followed her behind her!

When the opposite Wu Tong saw this, his disdainful expression on his face was beyond words!

This little kid looks amazing, but compared to him, it's far behind!

How can I kill him in a while?

Well, he can be made into a puppet!

What Wu Tong is best at is the clone puppet!

The so-called clone puppet has nothing to do with the traditional puppet!

In fact, this is just a container for Wu Tong to change his identity!

As long as Wu Tong's mind is attached to the puppet, he can control the puppet, no different from a living person!

It's like this flesh body under Wu Tong's eyes, it's actually a clone puppet!

As for Wu Tong's real body, even Xie Yueying has never seen it!

In fact, if it weren't for the people of the temple, they would have restrained Wu Tong's clone with magical powers!

I'm afraid this Wu Tong can't be arrested at all!

One step, two steps, three steps!

The figures of Qiuying and Ye Meng are getting closer and closer to Wu Tong!

Xie Yueying and the others, the look of victory was already revealed in their eyes!

However, Sima Dongcheng and others still didn't get out of Qiuying's charm, staring blankly at everything in front of them, indifferent!

The corners of Wu Tong's mouth gradually twitched!

Another good puppet is about to take shape!

As he was moved by his thoughts, Wu Tong separated a hint of thought and slammed towards Ye Meng!

What he cultivates is possessed supernatural powers!

As long as someone is possessed by his mind, there is at least a 90% chance that he will become a puppet!

Of course, the martial artist has a firm mind, and it is naturally difficult to succeed with Wu Tong alone!

Therefore, Qiuying's charm has become Wu Tong's best means of cooperation!


Wu Tong's thoughts instantly fell into Ye Meng's body!

But the next moment, a heart-piercing scream rang!

"Ah...what the **** is this?"

Wu Tong held his head and let out a terrible cry!

His thoughts were eaten alive by something at the moment it was submerged in Ye Meng's body!

Qiuying was stunned!

Xie Yueying and others were also dumbfounded!

They have seen Wu Tong's supernatural powers, but they have seen it many times!

Success almost every time!

But now, he actually failed?

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