Divine Child System

Chapter 2911: You are still a flatterer

Xie Yueying chose to surrender!

All the prisoners present were shocked!

In their eyes, Xie Yueying is a tyrannical and stubborn strong man!

How can such a person surrender to others casually?

But now, Xie Yueying did not hesitate, and knelt down straight!

Ye Meng ignored Xie Yueying, his eyes fell on Ah Da and the others who were about to die!

"So, what about you?"

The three of Ah Da sighed softly after hearing the words.

"Wish to drop!"

The young masters have fallen, so naturally they will not continue to insist!


Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction.

In the next moment, it is predicted that the baby's talent will be opened instantly!

"Ada, Aer, Asan, restore as before!"

The voice fell, and the injuries on the three of Ah Da's body disappeared instantly!

Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath.

What magical power is this?

It's even more terrifying than talking about the law?

The most shocking is naturally the three of Ah Da.

They clearly know that their vitality is constantly passing by!

Even though they are all four-star true gods, they look like gods in the eyes of ordinary people!

But in fact, this is still not beyond the scope of martial arts!

They are still not truly immortal!

But now, Ye Meng only said a word, but they restored them to the peak state again!

what does this mean?

It means that the child in front of him has transcended the scope of martial arts!

"The master's supernatural power is beyond the ages, and the villain admires the five-body cast to the ground!"

However, the first thing that reacted was Xie Yueying, and he was flattering with a shy face!

Ye Meng looked at Xie Yueying in surprise!

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be a flatterer?"

Hearing this, Xie Yueying suddenly laughed!

"The words of the villain are from the bottom of the heart, not flattery!"

Xie Yueying's words are not exaggerated!

He was really scared by Ye Meng's unpredictable methods!

"Okay, get up, good flatterer, keep it up!"

Ye Meng waved her little hand and said milky voice!

After speaking, his eyes fell on the remaining prisoners!

All the prisoners knelt down after seeing this!

"We are willing to come down!"

"The villain ran into the master and hoped that the master would forgive me!"

"The villain doesn't know Taishan, please forgive me!"

"I am willing to be loyal to my master, and I will do my best!"

All the prisoners put down their resistance!

Even the evil moon eagle has fallen, how can they have confidence?

"Kill them!"

Ye Meng ignored the convicts, curled his lips, said milky voice!

The sound fell, and the three brothers, Xie Yueying and A Da, shot out suddenly!


The bursting sound keeps ringing!

This group of criminals was originally much worse than Xie Yueying and the others!

At this moment, Xie Yueying and the others suddenly took action, how could they resist it?

Especially Xie Yueying, in order to show off in front of Ye Meng, his shot was even more fierce!

In just a few breaths, most of the prisoners had already died in his hands!

"A group of pickled goods, they also want to take refuge in the owner, cut!"

Xie Yueying sneered a few times in his heart, and started to be even more joyful!

After a while, all the prisoners who followed the evil moon eagle were killed, except for the three of Ah Da!

Seeing this, Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction!

Ye Meng will naturally not take in this group of criminals with blood on their hands!

What a joke, he doesn't like this kind of stuff!

Of course, the most important thing is this group of pickled goods, which are contaminated with the lives of innocent people!

Ye Meng wouldn't care if it were replaced by the killing between warriors!

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