Divine Child System

Chapter 2919: So weird

"Child, after three breaths, you will fester and die!"

The **** **** looked at Ye Meng and cursed in his heart!

The next moment, a black and red breath instantly enveloped Ye Meng!

Seeing this, the stock **** smiled triumphantly!

See it, this is the strength of brother!

You can't handle it, brother can handle it!

Immediately, the stock **** began to count!


Two breaths!

Three breaths!


Three breaths?

The stock **** is a little dumbfounded!

The three breaths have passed, why is the child in front of him still asleep?

For his curse ability, the stock **** is extremely confident!

There were not ten strong ancient gods he had cursed, but eight!

And these ancient gods are all famous powerhouses in the origin galaxy!

But none of these strong men can escape his curse!


But right now, he missed!

The unprofitable curse has actually failed!

"I will curse you again!"

"Child, child, you will die immediately and turn into fly ash..."

The stock **** took a deep breath, cursing crazily in his heart!

Just after finishing the spell, the **** of stock felt that his feet seemed to be itchy!

"What's the matter? Lao Tzu's leg is already lame, how can I still feel it?"

While his thoughts flashed, the stock **** looked down!

In the next moment, he was suddenly horrified!

His feet, at this moment, began to gradually turn to gray...

After a few breaths, there was only a piece of fly ash left where the **** of stock was located!


The remaining assassins all took a breath!

My horse duck is so scary?

Even the stock **** has missed?

Besides, it's still dead?

This group of assassins oozes a cold sweat on their foreheads!

"Mum, Fatty Dahai, you just ended up..."

An assassin felt a little tricky, he turned his head and looked at the mummy and the fat sea!


Then he sanded it!

The mummy beside him is now really a mummy, with no breath!

A smear of red blood on his neck is particularly dazzling!

As for Fat Sea, there is no Fat Sea!

There is only a pool of blood in the place where Fatty Sea is located!

"Dead? They are all dead?"

The assassin's body couldn't stop shaking!

Nima, why is it so weird?

The assassin scratched his hairless head in fear!

Continue, or retreat?

He is very distressed!

"Mediterranean, what's wrong?"

Someone noticed his movement and asked Voice Transmission!

"The mummy and Fatty Dahai are dead!"

The bald nicknamed the Mediterranean, smiled bitterly!

"What? Are all dead?"

The remaining assassins all looked at the location of the mummy and the fat sea!

Sure enough, Fatty Dahai has disappeared, and the mummy has become a mummy!


Everyone swallowed hard!

It's weird!

After a moment of stunned, a man with blank eyes, who appeared to be blind, spoke!

"No matter how weird we are, we must also complete the task!"

After hearing this, everyone nodded!

"Next, I will go with the Mediterranean!"

It was someone who seemed to be blind!

As he said, he stood up slowly!

Soon, he stepped forward!

When everyone saw this, they didn't care at all!

This guy, who looks blind, is actually blind!

It's just that they are all powerhouses at the true **** level, even if they are blind, they can fly!

Seeing this, Bald Mediterranean sighed and stepped out!

The two appeared beside Ye Meng's bed!

After looking at each other, the blind man nodded!

"Do it!"

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