Divine Child System

Chapter 2929: Ganada Electric Eel

"The snake is dead?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!

A group of nobles, across the light curtain, the impact is not so great!

However, the devil and others at the scene have their hairs on end!

They could personally feel that Ye Meng had just kicked it out, and even the void was trembling!

So, kicking the viper to death is really nothing!


The devil saw his eyes split and hated him!

Viper and him have known each other for nearly ten thousand years in prison!

It can be said that this poisonous snake is his loyal little brother of the devil!

Now, the little brother just died in front of him!

But he has no way at all!

"Go together, kill this little bastard!"

The devil roared!

Although Ye Meng's demonstrated strength made him very afraid!

However, they are prisoners of criminals, pawns for the nobles to play!

If they can't get the first place, they will have only one end!

That's death!

Therefore, to advance is to die, and to retreat is to die!

It's better to fight hard!

Seven ancient god-level powerhouses joined forces, could it be that they couldn't beat an indigenous kid?


"Longyan Hand!"

"Violent palm!"

"Thunder light!"

One by one, they were released by members of the Devil Squad!

None of this group of people kept their hands!

Obviously, they are also very clear about the end if they can't win!

So, this group of people are desperate!

They are desperadoes!

Once you work hard, you should never underestimate it!

On Tianji Star, the nobles who bet on the Devil Squad were all relieved!

The Devil Team is serious!

They believe that the indigenous kid will end up not much better!

"It's time to get serious!"

"Yes, in the past few times, although more reasons were due to internal fighting among the prisoners, there are also a few native talents. This devil team still underestimates the enemy and shouldn't be!"

"The serious devil squad is not something the natives can resist!"

"Then need to say, seven ancient god-level warriors are enough to destroy the Jiuyou Star cage!"

The nobles pointed the country, and became vigorous again!

Only the Ye Family Patriarch, still staring at the light curtain silently, became nervous!

Seven ancient gods, can this child surnamed Ye resist?



A red-haired, slender member of the Devil Squad, turned into a meteor, directly tore through the space, and bounced towards Ye Meng!

This person is known as the Ganada Electric Eel, and he is extremely good at controlling the lightning attributes!

Zi Zi Zi!

The lightning flashes, and the sky thunders constantly!


With just a flick of his finger, the Ganada Electric Eel has appeared in front of Ye Meng!

His speed has not slowed down!

With an unmatched aura, he rushed towards Ye Meng!

"Playing with electricity?"

"This baby will electrocute you!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng grinned her little teeth!

Suddenly, he stretched out his hands!

Zi Zi Zi!

There was thunder in Ye Meng's little hand!

One hundred thousand volts!

This is Pikachu's skill!

Ye Meng has never used it since she learned it!

After all, one hundred thousand volts is weaker!

But it is more than enough to deal with this Ganada electric eel!


The Ganada electric eel with electric charge all over, collided with Ye Meng's hands!

In an instant, lightning and thunder, the ground shakes the mountains!


A loud noise came out!

Immediately afterwards, the Ganada electric eel, known as the genius of thunder, fell straight down!

His whole body is like coke, bursting with blue smoke!

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