Divine Child System

Chapter 2933: The terrifying blood sword

"The Blood Transforming Sword is so terrifying!"

The devil himself was also stunned, staring at the blood magic knife in his hand in a daze, unable to recover for a long time!

When just playing against the Grim Reaper team, the opponent relied on their number advantage to suppress the devil in the opening match!

Therefore, the devil had no choice but to use the blood-changing sword!


Then the result completely scared him!

A knife flew out, and the nine death squad were killed instantly!

Even the Grim Reaper, who is not inferior to his strength, was not spared!

After a long pause, a look of ecstasy appeared on the face of the devil!

What else is he worried about with such a powerful blood transforming sword?

He is sure to kill all teams!

Immediately, the devil began to search for the other two teams with joy!

On Tianji Star, the nobles finally got into an uproar after a long time stunned!

"Gosh, is this a fairy? It's so scary!"

"It's stronger than an imperial weapon, a proper fairy weapon!"

"My god, why is there a fairy artifact in a cage like Jiu Youxing?"

"How do I know? But, the devil can kill the team of gods with this fairy weapon, it can't be faked, right?"

"Horrible, terrible!"

All the nobles can't hold back!

There is only one fairy weapon, the entire Jiuyou Star!

Still in the hands of the origin star master!

Even the four major families, with such a profound background, there are no fairy artifacts in the family, only imperial artifacts!

So, everyone is moved!

The manager of the Sheng family's face changed a lot!

Immediately, he recruited one person!

"Go, return to the third son, and say that the Nine You Star Cage Immortal Tool is present!"


Sheng Jiajiu bowed his promise and left quickly!

This scene not only appeared in Shengjia!

The other stewards of the Luo Yu family, the Yan family, and the Tang family all quickly passed the news back to the family!

No way, the immortal weapon is present, it is much more important than the gambling game!

It's just that these stewards can't do the Lord!

Therefore, they have to report to the family!

In addition to the four major families, other first-line families are naturally excited!

It's just that there are four big families, and they don't dare to show that they covet immortals!

However, many Patriarchs have quietly ordered the Slaves to secretly send the powerful family members to sneak into the Nine You Star cage!

At this moment, no one cares about the temple law anymore!

In front of the immortal weapon, a mere temple, how old is it?

Patriarch Ye Family didn't move, but his heart was hot!

Unlike other people, his eyes are on the immortal artifacts. From beginning to end, he only paid attention to Ye Meng!

Especially now, when Ye Meng showed such terrible potential!

Patriarch Ye Family, how could he not be moved!

"I wanted to borrow that person to keep this kid!"

"But now it seems that I might be able to go one step further and directly let the child recognize the ancestor and return to the clan!"

Ye Family Patriarch kept thinking about it!

Ye Meng's surname is Ye, and he is also a native of Jiuyouxing (Tianjixing)!

That proves that the opponent is the proper blood of the Ye Family!

Therefore, the so-called recognition of the ancestors by the Patriarch of the Ye family is not groundless!

After all, the current Ye Family is the original Tianji Star Ye Family!

There is a natural blood relationship between the two!

In the light curtain, the killing continues!

The devil quickly found the evil squad, and slaughtered it clean with the blood magic knife!

Immediately afterwards, another mad squad was not spared, and all died under the devil!

Whether it is evil or crazy!

Originally, their strength was even slightly stronger than the devil!

But under the Blood Transforming Sword, there is no chance to resist!

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