Divine Child System

Chapter 2962: Qualification Dan

After pondering for a while, Ye Wang clicked on the panels of other people again!

At this time, his mentality was finally balanced!

Because, with the exception of Ye Meng's bug, and Ye Wenyi, who can also be called a pervert, the aptitudes of others have finally returned to normal!

Among them, Ye Wentao's martial arts qualification has reached perfect one-star, and Ye Chengyang's auxiliary qualification has reached excellent three-star!

The others, the panel data, are even worse than Ye Wang!

"Ma Ya, this year's descendants, it's a bit difficult to cultivate!"

Looking at a series of terrible data, Ye Wang's heart began to despair!

The offspring's aptitude is so poor, how can he cultivate?

"Wait, forget about the mall!"

In the next moment, Ye Wang seemed to realize something!

He opened the mall and searched frantically!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to find what he wanted!

Qualification Dan, the price of 9999999 incense power!

"so expensive!"

Seeing the price of the qualification pill, Ye Wang was stunned!

Fortunately, the incense power that Ye Meng contributed just now is extremely huge!

In one go, Ye Wang gained more than 9.99 million incense power!

Coupled with the contributions of others, he now has 10 million incense power!

The price of Qualification Dan is 990,999!

In other words, he can buy ten at a time!

"Try to redeem one first!"

Ye Wang groaned and pressed the redemption button!

In the next moment, the power of incense in his storehouse was reduced by 99,999,999 instantly!

At the same time, a pill of vermilion, with nine bright gold patterns on the surface and a faint fragrance, appeared in his hands!

"Good Dan, it's a pity I can't use it!"

Staring at Qualification Dan, Ye Wang sighed!

"Ding! Qualification Dan is detected, does the host choose to use it?"

Suddenly, the electronic sound came up!

Ye Wang heard this, without hesitation!


"Please choose who you want to use!"

"Ye Meng!"

"Ding! The target cannot use the qualification pill, please change the host!"

The electronic sound fell, and Ye Wang was taken aback!

He did not expect that Ye Meng could no longer use the Qualification Pill!

However, when I think of Ye Meng's character panel, a series of MAX!

It seems that he can't use his qualifications, and there is nothing wrong with it!

We are already MAX, how can we improve?

"Then... Ye Wen... Ye Wentao!"

"Ding! Successfully used, start to improve Ye Wenyi's qualifications randomly!"

"I wiped it, so bad? It was random?"

Ye Wang was speechless after hearing this!

He spent nearly a million incense and got a random item?

If so, what the aptitude pill improved was Ye Wentao's junk talent, wouldn't it be a big loss?

"Ding! The talent has been improved successfully, and Ye Wentao's martial arts talent has reached the perfect nine-star!"

After a while, the electronic sound plays!

Hearing this sound, Ye Wang suddenly sighed in relief!

so far so good!

No wrong talent!

When Ye Wang was secretly rejoicing, Ye Wentao, who was worshipping the ancestors, raised his head blankly!

"What's wrong, brother?"

Upon seeing this, Ye Chengyang on the side gave Ye Wentao a suspicious look!

Hearing this, Ye Wentao hesitated and said!

"How do I feel that my understanding of martial arts seems to have deepened!"

"The obscure places in the previous exercises are suddenly cheerful!"

"It's weird, could my ancestors protect me?"

Ye Wentao said, laughing himself!

No matter what the reason, this is a good thing after all!

As for the last sentence, he was joking!

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