Divine Child System

Chapter 2971: Ye Wenyi's concerns

Ye Wang nodded again and again!

It's good to be bright and dark!

Even better, he is the one standing at the front desk!

Compared to being a behind-the-scenes boss, what Ye Wang prefers is to become the protagonist of the endless scenery on the stage!

For him, the more provocative things, the more the better!

He has already begun to look forward to tomorrow, when he comes out with special effects, the shocking effect it will cause!

"Okay, this baby is back, you slowly think about how to come out!"

Ye Meng said, waved, and left the ancestral hall slowly!

Upon seeing this, Ye Wang regained himself back to the tablet!

Back then, I also knew what it was made of!

It can even nourish the soul!

If not, I'm afraid Ye Wang may not be able to wake up his soul!

Just when Ye Wang frantically designed his own way of playing, Ye Meng had already returned to the room that Patriarch Ye Chengyang arranged for him!

In the room, Ye Wenyi and his wife, and Ye Shi Shishen are all here!

"Huh, are you still there?"

Seeing his parents and younger sister, Ye Meng was slightly surprised!

The room for the three of them is next door, so why did they run into his room to chat?

"What? We can't come to your room?"

Su Quan glared at Ye Meng dissatisfiedly after hearing this!

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng stuck out his tongue!

He didn't dare to be fierce to his mother!

"Ahem, Mengbao, you just came back, there are some things, it's time to talk to you!"

It was Ye Wenyi who was talking, with a trace of solemnity on his face!

Obviously, he has the mind!

"what happened?"

Ye Meng was slightly startled!

What can make my father look like this?

"Ye Meng, although Ye Chengyang has arranged everything during the day!"

"But, do you think things can really be good tomorrow?"

Ye Wenyi pondered and said slowly!

In fact, he wanted to say this after he came to the Tianji Star Ye's house!

However, Ye Chengyang brought them to worship their ancestors and arranged a residence or something!

Let him say it for a while, and he is not too embarrassed to say it!

"Dad, why do you think so?"

Ye Meng curled his lips and asked with the voice of milk!

"Hey, Heavenly Mystery Star Master's house, it's not happy now, although Ye Chengyang vowed to promise nothing will happen!"

"But I think he seems too optimistic!"

"Those strong guys, because of a mere rumor, will they stop and let the Ye family go?"

Ye Wenyi sighed, the more he talked about it, the heavier his heart became!

Hearing this, Ye Meng laughed!

"Dad is really a dad, and he can see the essence at a glance!"

"Yes, those strong will never stop here!"

"As long as they don't find the fairy in Jiuyou Star, they will definitely come to the door and threaten!"

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Wenyi stood up suddenly!

"How is that good?"

Although he is bound to the system, his life has been too comfortable since the journey!

Therefore, neither he nor Su Quan tried to improve as much as possible, which led to the fact that they are now powerless in what they want to do!

"It's okay, this baby has already made arrangements!"

"Moreover, someone you never imagined will come to solve all problems for us!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth and said, his expression was extremely triumphant!

Seeing Ye Meng's look, Ye Wenyi was angry and funny!

"You bastard, do you still come with me?"

However, after all that said, Ye Wenyi didn't continue to ask enthusiastically!

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