Divine Child System

Chapter 2996: You and me are not familiar

At that time, everyone in the Ye family was panicked, and no one knew whether the family could survive this crisis!

Originally, this should be the whole family, working together to overcome difficulties together!

However, the branch Ye Lianyi, Ye Shengbao, Ye Zhongwen and others took the opportunity to leave the broken ship of the Ye Family that was about to sink!

If only this is the case!

However, when they left the Ye family, they also swept away the industry they had been in charge of!

As a result, the Ye Family was just getting worse and almost collapsed!

After these people left the Ye family, they formed their own families!

Ye Lianyi changed Ye's surname to Geng and formed the Geng family!

Ye Shengbao changed its name to Shi Shengbao and also founded the Shi family!

But Ye Zhongwen created the Kou family by himself and became the ancestor of the Kou family!

Not only that, after they left the Ye family, they also invited major families to come and observe the ceremony!

He also announced to the public that he had nothing to do with the Ye Family!

Their actions made Ye Family a laughingstock, and his reputation plummeted!

Later, these three guys returned to heaven. After their children and grandchildren inherited the family, they became even more vigorous, helping other families, suppressing the Ye family, and profiting from it!

It can be said that these three families are more hateful to the Ye Family than their enemies!

"Brother Geng, you said, why did this happen?"

Shi Wei, the head of the Shi family, still seems to be dreaming!

The ancestors actually became holy?

"Hey, who would have thought, now it's up to the Ye Family to accept us again!"

Geng refused to let him hear the words, and sighed!

Kou Tianfang, who had not spoken all the time, sighed slightly!

The news that the first ancestor of the Ye family had revealed the saint had already spread throughout the entire Tianji Star!

Everyone knows that this time, the rise of the Ye Family, I am afraid that no one can stop it!

Therefore, these three guys rushed over as soon as they heard the news!

They want to return to the Ye family!

After all, how to say, they are also Ye family children!

After changing their surnames, perhaps the ancestors will no longer protect them!

But if you return to the Ye family, then the ancestors will naturally take care of them!

I have to say that the wishful thinking of these three guys is really good!

"I don't know what Ye Chengyang thinks!"

"No matter what he thinks, the three of us put down a little bit!"

"Yes, now we have to ask for help, and we can only do that!"

The three discussed a few words in a low voice, and footsteps heard in their ears!

Immediately, they stopped talking, their expressions became serious!

The footsteps were getting closer, and then, a figure appeared in front of them!

It was Ye Chengyang, the head of the Ye family!

"Brother Chengyang..."

Geng refused to let him see it, and quickly stood up, with a flattering look on his face!

"Wait, Patriarch Geng, you and I are unfamiliar, you should take it back as you are called Brother Chengyang!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Chengyang immediately interrupted the other party!

Geng's unwilling look was instantly stagnant, looking embarrassing!

A trace of anger was vaguely wiped out in his eyes!

However, now that the situation is better than others, even if he is upset, he can only endure it!

After all, the current Ye family is not the same as before!

With the ancestors, who dares to bully?

"Patriarch Ye, I'm also a child of the Ye family anyway, why are you so indifferent?"

Kou Tianfang on the side frowned!

Although, they have just made preparations to lower their posture!

However, these three guys have been arrogant and arrogant in front of the Ye family's children in the past, how can they be changed in a moment?

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