Divine Child System

Chapter 3023: king

Ye Meng already knows why the bear child system did this!

Because the other party obviously didn't want to be Ye Meng's belly!

In order to protect itself, or for other reasons, it defected!

At that time, Ye Meng didn't care much about the system, so the Xiongzi system has a good opportunity!

Of course, Ye Meng has discovered this now, and it is only a matter of time before it can be resolved!


The distant celestial burial star.

A small figure, sitting on a huge tombstone!

Before him, there are densely packed dead bones!

These dead bones only have skeletons left in their bodies, and the deep eye sockets on the skulls exude a fanatical look!

"See my king!"

All the skeletons screamed!

Skeletons were supposed to be dead, but the tiny figure in front of them brought them back to life!

For these dead bones, this small figure in front of them is their well-deserved king!

"Flat body!"

The little figure sitting on the tombstone gently raised his hand, and the childish voice of milk and milk came from his mouth!

"Thank my king!"

The skeletons made a difficult motion of kowtow, and then stood up slowly and stiffly!

"Qiu Wanren, how is the task completed?"

The childish voice of milk and milk continues to spread!

"Back to my king, the blood pool has been prepared, and Yang Wuxing's tens of billions of creatures have all been escorted over!"

The skeleton called Qiu Wanren bent over and made a harsh sound!


The little figure sitting on the tombstone seemed very satisfied!

He nodded lightly, and immediately raised his wrist!


An aquamarine light immersed in Qiu Wanren's skeleton!


Suddenly, Qiu Wanren's skeleton burst into a burst of noise!

In the next moment, Qiu Wanren, who was originally just a skeleton, gradually condensed his body at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The skeletons all around had a look of envy in their eyes!

However, they also knew that Qiu Wanren was rewarded by the king because of his efficiency!

This group of skeletons secretly vowed in their hearts that they must take good care of the king and strive to restore the flesh as soon as possible!

"Thank you, my king, Qiu Wanren swears his allegiance to my king!"

Qiu Wancheng was trembling all over with excitement, crawling to the ground!

For many years, since his fall, his soul dissipated, and he thought he could only fall into reincarnation forever, and there would be no chance of rebirth!

But who thinks, the appearance of Wang will make him come alive again!

The terrible king used the supreme magic power to live from the reincarnation road, snatching a trace of their soul resentment!

Then, all of them who fell, died in vain, died of old... and so on, the ancient powerhouses were all resurrected!

Now, Qiu Wanren, he has become the first to restore his physical existence among many corpses!

How can he not appreciate the king in front of him?

"You are rewarded for your merits!"

Wang shook his little hand gently, and the childish voice of milk and milk came out!

Although Wang seems to be very young, it is easy to be despised, but Qiu Wanren did not dare to have such an idea!

He clearly knew how terrifying the king was!

One of the masters of the reincarnation road, in front of the king, is like a chicken, easily crushed!

Such a terrible method, even if Qiu Wanren and others are ancient powers, they have never heard of it!

You know, the masters of the reincarnation road can be compared to the legendary true immortals!

But this kind of power is worse than the ants in front of the king!

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