Divine Conspiracy: Starting from adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 211: Great Immortal Locust? A temple in the mountains behind the village!

What happened at the Tieshan County government office spread throughout the county in a short period of time.

After all, the yamen of a county can be said to be the core of power in the county. Any disturbance that occurs will attract the attention of countless people in the county.

Not to mention that the day yesterday was too special, and what happened yesterday was also too special.


One day has passed since Fan Wu killed all the yamen in Tieshan County.

During this day, various undercurrents were brewing, and the entire Tieshan County was shocked by this incident - the dog meat magistrate was dead!


Many people's first reaction when they heard the news was that they didn't quite believe it.

After all, this dog-meat magistrate lived a very prosperous life on weekdays. How could he die inexplicably?

Plus... that magistrate has raised so many scoundrels.

With so many bastards protecting him, could something happen?

However, when some people who did not believe in evil came to the Yamen to take a look, they found that the news was not fake or fabricated, but real!

They hadn't even entered the government office yet, but they could see from a distance that the government office in Tieshan County was in a mess.

There were several corpses at the door of the Yamen, scattered on the ground. These corpses were all the corpses of Yamen servants.

The blood dyed the entrance of the yamen red, and the permeating smell of blood challenged everyone's nerves.

One can't help but gulp secretly.

It can be described as a hair-raising moment!

"It's... what a death! Those foreigners actually entered the yamen and killed people!" The people of Tieshan County who gathered outside the yamen waited for a day. Dare to come over and check out the situation.

Because everyone knew yesterday that the Tieshan County magistrate wanted to kill chickens to scare monkeys, and wanted to challenge mountains to suppress tigers. Most people were unwilling to get into trouble with that dog-meat magistrate at that time yesterday.

Of course there will be people who are more courageous, but it is obvious that no one in the group of people gathered outside is very courageous.

So, when they finally got up the courage to come over to see the situation today, they discovered the bodies here.

After being left there for a day, the corpse had a vaguely strange smell.

It doesn’t smell bad either!

But it's not much different from smelly.

"And they killed more than one person! I heard that some brave people went inside to check the situation yesterday." Someone wiped his forehead and saw the non-existent cold sweat: "It seems that those brave people said The words are not false.”

"I remember they also said that the dog meat magistrate also died in the Yamen." One person said weakly: "Should we go inside and take a look?"


Want to go in?

To be honest, they had already used a lot of courage to watch outside the Yamen.

Going into the Yamen to take a look at the situation, it was too challenging for them.

But if you don't go and take a look, how will you know if Magistrate Gorou is really dead?


A commoner with a big beard gritted his teeth and walked directly inside: "There is no movement at all, I don't believe there is anyone alive inside!"

It's just that he took two steps forward and his legs were shaking slightly. It can be seen that his mood is not particularly calm.

With one person taking the lead, the others looked at each other and then bravely walked in.

Then the messy Yamen appeared in front of them, and they were stunned to see it!

"That house collapsed?" The Tieshan County citizen pointed in one direction and said, "If I remember correctly, it should be the court, right?"

"Hiss! Why did the court collapse? Could it be that there was an earth dragon turning over last night? But why didn't I feel anything? It can't be that the earth dragon turning around only happens in Yamen, right?"

"It looks more like it was forcibly demolished. Could it be that those foreigners demolished the Yamen's court yesterday? What did they want to do when they demolished the court?"

"Look there! Then...is that a dog-meat magistrate?"




When everyone looked in the direction the man pointed, they found a very fat body lying on the ground, with a pool of blood under the upper body.

The most shocking thing is that the clothes this fat body is wearing are the official uniforms of the county magistrate.

Several people tiptoed towards the corpse, and then they saw the expression of fear frozen on the corpse's face.

This is the dog-meat magistrate they are familiar with. Even if this face turns into ashes, they will not recognize it!

This guy is actually dead. Those brave people yesterday really didn’t lie to them!

And those foreigners actually did such a big thing yesterday!


Suddenly someone yelled in horror: "Monsters...there are...there are monsters!"


In this mysterious world, speaking such a word immediately startled everyone.

"Monster? Where is the monster? Where is the monster?" Everyone couldn't help but panic.

They just wanted to come in and see if the dog-meat magistrate was dead, but they didn't want to encounter any monsters!

Could it be that the dead dog meat magistrate turned into an evil ghost?

Why is he so haunted?

Have you turned into a ghost and continue to exploit people like them?

"Wait...wait!" At this moment, a sharp-eyed person hurriedly said: "Is the monster you are talking about the strange thing lying there?"

The person who called out the word monster immediately said: "Yes, yes, that's that thing. Isn't that a monster or something?"

When everyone looked over there, they realized that it did indeed look like a monster, but that monster was stained with more blood than the magistrate's body.

It was a monster with huge intentions, its body covered with snow-stained hair, lying motionless on the ground.

Everyone could see a huge wolf head, which seemed to be the head of this monster!

They could also see a huge hole in the monster's chest.

Such a hole seems to be the culprit of killing monsters!

But the question is, why is there a monster in the Yamen?

Who killed this monster?

"Could it be those foreigners? The yamen was in a mess. Could it be the reason why those foreigners were fighting monsters?" Someone put forward such a guess.

"Hiss!" A person next to him felt that such a guess was more reliable. He took a breath of cold air: "It is really possible to say that. After all, those few outsiders can defeat hundreds of dog-meat county magistrates. You bitch, it’s only natural that they can kill a monster, right?”

"Why did this monster... appear in the yamen? Could it be that the dog-meat magistrate colluded with this monster to harm us common people?"

"It turns out that the county magistrate...had a monster backing him up, so he dared to be so arrogant?"

"Is this...is this a monster? I have never seen a ghost, but I actually saw a monster!"


"Those foreigners, can't they be gods descended from the sky? The gods have seen us suffer for so long, and finally they can't stand it anymore?"

"It must be a god! How can someone so powerful be a mortal?"

"Oh my god, then didn't we miss the gods?"

"I heard that they have left Tieshan County."


After realizing that those foreigners were most likely gods who came down from the sky to save them. The people of Tieshan County are filled with hatred and regret.

What they hate is naturally not the gods in their eyes, but themselves!

When the gods came down to save them, they were actually watching a show?

They wanted to slap themselves in the face and curse themselves for not living up to expectations.

If I had tried my best yesterday, maybe I could have been favored by those gods?

Fan Wu and others are not particularly concerned about what these people in Tiexan County think now.

Because they had left Tieshan County early this morning.

Set off towards the next destination.

Now the person holding the cow is still Yun Jiuqing. However, there is one more person holding the coffin, and the person holding the coffin is naturally Liu Feng.

To be honest, Liu Feng was still a little scared while holding the Tianji coffin.

After all, he already knew that the Tianji Coffin was a strange thing.

No matter how harmless the trick is, it is still a trick in the final analysis. He felt that the rope in his hand was a bit cold and biting, but in order to show it in front of Master Fan Wu, he was not a completely useless pendant... He also I can only grit my teeth and hold on to such a rope.

Liu Feng endured the biting coldness of his palms and said to Fan Wu and others: "I asked in Tieshan County yesterday where this place is in the Great Yan Dynasty. And I also happened to ask, we are currently in The northern end of the dynasty.”

"The province we are in now is called Wankuang Province. As the name suggests, such a province...is rich in various minerals. It takes about one and a half months to go south from Wankuang Province to reach the imperial city of the Dayan Dynasty! "

"In addition to the Wankuang Province, we also need to cross two provinces. The first province we need to cross is called Guang'an Province, and the second province we need to cross is called Monster Killing Province."

Liu Feng said with emotion: "I remember that I have a family relative who bought the Liu family business in Guang'an Province."

"I didn't expect such a coincidence that I would need to cross that place."

"Wankuang Province, Guang'an Province, Monster Killing Province." Yun Jiuqing held Lao Qingniu's hand and touched his chin: "Except for Guang'an Province in the middle, the other two sound like random names."

Liu Feng smiled bitterly and said: "This is the name given by the founding emperor of our Dayan Dynasty. Before he became the emperor, he was a poor farmer."

At this point, the meaning is obvious, that is, the founding emperor of the Dayan Dynasty... was a man with little education.

But he just likes to name some places in the dynasty.

Then, it became such a painting style.


This is actually similar to the Great Yan Dynasty in Yun Jiuqing's impression, because in her impression, the Great Yan Dynasty is a place with relatively strong folk customs, which just fits her impression!

A group of people walked along an official road of the Great Yan Dynasty for an unknown amount of time until their legs felt numb.

Of course, it was not Fan Wu whose legs were numb, but Yun Jiuqing and three others. They already felt that their legs were no longer theirs.

The official roads of the Great Yan Dynasty were not easy to walk, and it seemed that it had rained in this area before, making the ground very muddy and difficult to walk on.

Taking a step forward, there was at least a pound of mud on the soles of my shoes.

It's not an ordinary discomfort.

As the sky gradually darkened, it was now dusk. Yun Jiuqing, who had been standing on tiptoe to look into the distance, suddenly said in a startled voice: "Daozhang Fan! There seems to be a house in front! It looks like a village!"

"Village?" Liu Feng from behind shivered: "Could it be another village similar to the one before?"

After returning to the Great Yan Dynasty, the first village he encountered was a very strange village.

The women in the village were all kidnapped by evil spirits.

It left quite a psychological shadow on him at the time.

Now, when he heard the word village, he instinctively felt a little creepy!

Afraid of something like this happening again.

"No matter it's a weird village or not, we have to find a place to rest our feet." Yun Jiuqing said.

"Uh... It seems so!" Liu Feng scratched his head, because he felt that he could hardly walk anymore.

A group of people arrived at such a village as night was approaching. They saw a stone tablet standing at the entrance of the village.

The strange thing is that the stone tablet is covered with deep marks, making it impossible to see clearly what words are engraved on it.

It is impossible to know what kind of village this is.

Of course, it is certain that there must be people in this village. After all, the crops in the farmland on both sides of the village road are intact, and the growth of the crops is also quite gratifying.

Occasionally, you can hear the barking of dogs coming from it.

After walking into the village, Yun Jiuqing led Lao Qingniu to a house. He gently knocked on the door of the house, and then called out: "Excuse me, is there anyone there?"


The wooden door was opened from the inside, and what caught Yun Jiuqing's eyes was a woman who looked to be at least forty or fifty years old.

The woman was also stunned when she saw Yun Jiuqing.

"Who are you?" she asked confused.

Yun Jiuqing said hurriedly: "We passed by this place from Tieshan County. Could you please tell me if there is any place here that can provide shelter from the wind and rain? We just want to rest in this village for one night. , we left as soon as daylight came.”

The woman hesitated: "If... you were alone, you could come to my house to rest, but there are several of you."

She thought for a while and said: "There is a temple in the back hill of our village, which is dedicated to the Locust Immortal. If you don't mind, you can stay in that temple for one night."

"Huang Taixian?" Yun Jiuqing was stunned: "What kind of god is this? Weasel?"

The woman explained: "They are locusts of locusts."

Yun Jiuqing: "Ah???"

Locust Immortal?

To be honest, Yun Jiuqing had heard that some people would worship demons who became spirits as gods. But those monsters are either foxes or weasels, or bears, wolves, rabbits, snakes...

What the hell are locusts?

"It's like this. There was a large-scale locust plague in our area more than ten years ago. At that time, there was no harvest, and there were countless disasters. The people who died did not die one by one. But one village after another died.”

When she said this, the woman sighed, with a trace of sadness written on her face: "My Erlang died of hunger during that locust plague."

She shook her head, changed the topic, and continued to get straight to the point: "We tried all kinds of methods at that time, but there was no way to deal with this locust plague."

"Finally, an immortal master came here. He said there was a way to solve our suffering. That is to build a Locust Immortal Temple in the back hill of every village."

"Everyone in the village needs to sincerely worship the Immortal in the Locust Immortal Temple. At that time, everyone thought this was ridiculous."

"But at this time, it seems that we can only trust that one immortal master, so we did as he said and built a Locust Immortal Temple in the back mountain."

"We were so hungry at that time that we knelt down and worshiped for a long time in the Locust Temple. We even knelt down and fell asleep in the Wong Tai Temple."

"When we woke up, we found more than a dozen bags of food in the temple!"

"And the raging locust plague has gradually disappeared."

The woman's voice paused for a moment, and she continued with respect in her tone: "We realized that the Locust Immortal was really very powerful, and we managed to survive for a while relying on those dozen bags of food, and then our days returned to normal. It’s normal.”

"After that, we have to go to the Locust Immortal Temple every five days to worship and pray that the Locust Immortal can bless us with good weather."

What the woman said made Yun Jiuqing a little confused.

She could probably tell that this Locust Immortal was very powerful.

It can quell the locust plague in a large area.

Let people's lives return to their normal lives.

Then, the people loved her very much.

It sounded like a very good thing, but Yun Jiuqing didn't know why he felt weird. After all, the other party was solving the locust plague, and the other party was called the Great Locust Immortal.

Yun Jiuqing had reason to doubt that the so-called locust plague was caused by the so-called Great Immortal Ha Locust?

Although her mind is usually not very bright, after experiencing too many things, she couldn't help but speculate on conspiracy theories in this area.

Of course, Yun Jiuqing also knew that he was just guessing.

She shook her head, throwing away the random thoughts in her mind.

Then, he said gratefully to the woman: "Thank you sister for telling me where to stay!"

The woman waved her hand: "It takes a little effort."

"Oh, by the way!" She seemed to have thought of something and quickly reminded Yun Jiuqing: "If you are not from this village and enter the Locust Immortal Temple, you need to offer three sticks of incense to the Locust Immortal. This is etiquette."

"Did the immortal master say that back then?" Yun Jiuqing asked curiously.

The woman nodded.

Then Yun Jiuqing asked where the back mountain of this village was?

The woman answered patiently.


Fan Wu and others... came all the way to the back hill of this village, and they also learned from the woman that this village was called "Double Chair Village".

Because the back hill of the Double Chair Village looks like two big chairs, it was given such an unpretentious name.

There is indeed a building in the back mountain. The building looks like a relatively simple temple.

After all, it is a temple built by a group of villagers and ordinary people.

It's not even luxurious.

Moreover, this temple was built when the villagers were in the most difficult time. It was a great effort to build it like this.

"Is this the Locust Immortal Temple?" Xing Fengzi was the first to walk in. He was quite curious about this Locust Immortal.

Then, he asked Liu Feng next to him: "Liu Shi, you are from the Great Yan Dynasty. Have you ever heard of the Great Immortal Locust?"

Liu Feng shook his head and replied: "I have never heard of it. Maybe no one in the Imperial City believes in this Locust Immortal."

Fan Wu and Yun Jiuqing from behind also walked into the temple one after another.

As soon as he entered, Fan Wu focused his attention on the center of the temple.

There is an idol there.

The statue doesn't look particularly big, only two meters high. There is a long eucalyptus table in front of the statue, and some tributes are placed on the table.

There are many tributes among them, which look very fresh. It is estimated that they were placed here recently.

At the same time, Fan Wu also saw a relatively large incense burner.

The incense burner was filled with burnt incense heads, and the incense was not as strong as usual.

People in a village come here to worship every five days. Maybe there are some people who are more frivolous and come here every day to worship. It’s strange that the incense is not strong!

In addition, the village that was hit by the disaster was definitely not a two-chair village.

When the incense of each village is added up, it is even more amazing.

However, what made Fan Wu feel a little strange.

This statue of a god does not have any divinity? Because he didn't see any attribute information from this statue.

Explain that this is just an ordinary clay sculpture.

Nothing too special.

"There are a lot of incense here!" Yun Jiuqing took out three sticks of incense from a place next to the statue. She directly used magic power to ignite the three sticks of incense. Holding the three sticks of incense, she said with a smile. : "I was still thinking about whether I should go to the village to borrow a few sticks of incense, but now it seems... I don't need it."


Yun Jiuqing bowed gently to the statue three times, and then inserted the three sticks of incense into the incense burner. This was considered to have completed the etiquette mentioned by the woman.

However...at this moment, Yun Jiuqing suddenly froze.

"What's this?"

Yun Jiuqing's eyes widened and he said in shock: "There seems to be something strange appearing in my Dantian!"

The reason why Yun Jiuqing's complexion changed drastically and she showed a look of shock was because she clearly sensed something was wrong with herself.

Just now.

When she inserted the three sticks of incense into the incense burner, she would feel that the flow of mana in the meridians in her body had slowed down.

And he could vaguely feel that there seemed to be something extra in his Dantian.

"Master Yun, please don't panic." Xing Fengzi asked with a solemn expression: "Is there something strange... in your body?"

Yun Jiuqing took a deep breath and tried hard to calm down, then sat cross-legged directly on the ground and closed her eyes.

She began to look inside her Dantian and the meridians all over her body.

After waiting for about ten breaths.

She finally opened her eyes.

"A bug!" Yun Jiuqing's expression was not particularly good-looking: "It looks like a locust!"

After saying such a sentence, she explained in more detail: "It is not an ordinary locust, but a strange locust made of magical power. It is very small, as small as an ant."

"If it weren't for my Yun family's special Shinto Hundred Killing Technique, I might not have been able to detect such a tiny and weird locust!"

It's no wonder that Yun Jiuqing looked so good when she encountered such a thing out of nowhere!

Yun Jiuqing knew that he was naive.

She didn't know if the woman had deceived her, or if the woman had also been deceived. She only knew that there was something wrong with this temple, and the so-called Locust Immortal was even more weird.

The other party is not a good thing!

The sky had already darkened at this time, and the dim night made the temple become extremely eerie and terrifying.

There were only three sticks of incense that Yun Jiuqing had just lit.

It's emitting a dull light.

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