"Yet an investigation of the ruins of the age of divine civilization..."

What the hell was my mother thinking and acting on? The more I listen, the less I understand.

But there's nothing at all to do with the problem.


Alice doesn't seem to know the details and can only show a confused look.

"By the way, how soon will the body be able to move?

Elsa, who was listening so much to me and Alice's conversation, raises the question.

"Right...... We should be able to move normally in a day or two."

Considering that it took more than a week for my physical abilities to return to normal when I used up all my powers in the trade city of Romane, I can say that I made considerable progress.

In the first place, it wasn't a place where magic didn't exist, like where we are now.

He also used the force necessary to combat the poison while restoring the flesh, so naturally speaking, naturally.

"Mr. Kazt. Samara will lead the army from the Elf Garden."

"Is that right away?

"No, it will take a few days, so after Mr. Kazuto's health has recovered..."

"Then there's no problem."

"More than that, Kazuto, there are a few problems..."



Lumelia pinches her mouth as if waiting for the conversation to end with them.

"Do we need three powers to revive the Destroying Dragon of the Deep Sea?

"That's what you said..."

"- But so far, strict. That's what we're getting at is a person named Rafra, Princess of the Kingdom of Lawrence, and all of Aylene, right?

"True or false whether you are getting it or not is not clear, but its likely"

"Well, isn't that strange?

"What do you mean?

"'Cause you have me here? I am the only one in the demon clan that Levantine is expressing, so I believe that Harsh has attacked the country... And yet, don't you think it's strange?

"Is that something you're not going to raid?

"Yes. At least Kazuto's grandfather's power is superior to the Demons and the White Dragons? Yet it is obviously strange not to come to retrieve me as the key to the resurrection of the Great Destroyer Dragon of the Deep Sea..."

"That's... right..."

There is, indeed, a nodding part to Rumelia's statement -

"Isn't that because Elsa helped you, you don't know where Lumelia is?

In my words Rumelia shakes her head left and right to deny it.

"I don't think so. Within the Kaisel Empire, Kazt has done my God-costumed holy sword many times, right?


"- Then I don't think Harsh can sense my presence. If you use strong magic, you can sense it if you use it."


Elsa also gives her consent to Rumelia's statement.

"I found out where the Lord is, because I felt strong power, so I could rendezvous - and I think it's strange that the concubine doesn't know the harshness"

"Hmm... I mean, tough. Is there something you can't let go of?

"Or... did you have what you needed - either of them"

Elsa answers the sigh...

"That shouldn't be possible"

Rumelia stuck a negative opinion on Elsa's idea.

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