Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 102: Named Chiyue!

"That, little monkey, can you wear a piece of clothing!" Lu Chen, who had finally seen enough, only turned his head reluctantly when he spotted the blushing face of the red-tailed monkey head and asked.

"I! I don't have any clothes!" The red-tailed monkey head collar was shy, and he secretly said in his heart: "Master! Didn't you ask you knowingly? If I had clothes, would I still appear in front of you naked? Although I used to Never wear clothes, but..."

"Uh! That's right!" Lu Chen scratched his head embarrassedly, took out a set of white magician robe from the ring, threw it to the collar of the red-tailed monkey, and said, "I didn't expect that, this dress, You should dress first! When I get back to the city, I will buy you some suitable clothes!"

"Thank you, master!" The red-tailed monkey head shyly put on a white robe. There were large openings on both sides of this magician's robe. After the red-tailed monkey head collar was put on, the white flowers revealed from the two large openings made Lu Chen more impulsive.

"Hehe, no thanks! Have you called my master already! Hey! Wait, when did I become your master?" Lu Chen asked puzzledly? (Damn, I finally reacted. It's been a long time since people left and called you your master. You only reacted, so slow!)

"Um! The master has helped me so much, allowing me to evolve to the holy level so quickly. Our red-tailed monkeys have always set the ultimate goal of being able to transform. I did not expect that I had achieved this goal at such a young age. The master won't want me!" The red-tailed monkey head said sadly.

"Um! How could it be! If that's the case, then be fine! But don't call me master, call me master! I don't like the title master! By the way, how old are you now!" Lu Chen was a little confused. Although the head of the red-tailed monkey does seem to be only eighteen or nineteen years old, after all she was formed from a beast.

"Don't the master know that the age of a girl can't be asked casually?" The red-tailed monkey head muttered softly, or replied: "I am sixty years old, but it is equivalent to twenty years old as a human being. We Akao The life span of the monkeys is three to four times that of humans!"

"Good guy! He's still young at sixty years old! But this little Nizi, he probably hasn't been in the human world! How can you know the age of a girl and you can't just ask about it?" Although the red-tailed monkey head led the words at the beginning, The voice was very small, but Lu Chen still clearly stopped in his ears and couldn't help but smiled playfully.

"En! You will call Chiyue from now on! Take this ring, it's a space ring, and there are those stalactite drops inside! It's getting late now, we should go back now, I guess this At that time, Rowling and the others were already quite worried!"

Lu Chen thought for a while, Chi Yue will definitely go to the human world with her from now on. She has always been called Little Monkey, which is too ugly. So I chose a decent name. Then he gave the collected stalactite drops and a space ring to Chiyue.

Of course, in the ring, there can be no only stalactite drops. In the human world, in addition to strength, money is essential. Lu Chen worried that Chi Yue would not be by her side one day in the future, so she had to give her sufficient backup resources. Otherwise it will be troublesome except for the accident.

"En!" Chiyue said nothing, nodded obediently, and after acknowledging the ring, she stayed on her finger, and then followed Lu Chen, returning quickly.

"Ah! Lu Chen, you are finally back!" As soon as Lu Chen appeared next to the carriage, the mother and daughter Rowling in the carriage felt his presence. The two hurried out of the carriage, and one gave Lu Chen a hug. With a kiss, I noticed Chi Yue beside Lu Chen.

"Huh! Lu Chen, who is this elder sister?" Catherine glanced at Chi Yue suspiciously. She didn't quite understand. Lu Chen just got into a dark cave for a few hours. Where did you find yourself a sister?

"Hehe! Her name is Chiyue, who do you guess she is?" Lu Chen asked with a mysterious smile.

"How don't we know! Have you seen her!" Catherine gave Lu Chen a blank look, walked to Chiyue's side, took Chiyue's little hand, and said, "Sister Chiyue, you are so beautiful! How did her figure come out? It's so beautiful! I was a little moved when I saw it!"

Rowling is worthy of being a businessman, and observing the details is to carefully observe, "She should be the red-tailed monkey leader who followed you in just now! Could she have evolved to a holy level?"

"What! Sister Chiyue is the leader of the red-tailed monkey? And the cultivation base of the holy level?" Catherine jumped away from Chiyue in surprise. It seems that the driver who died tragically just now had an impact on the little girl. , Still quite heavy.

"Hehe! Don't worry! Your sister Chiyue is very good!" Lu Chen smiled and shaved Kathrin's little nose, and then said to Rowling: "Sister Lin, you are really smart! Yes, she is exactly that. Only the head of the red-tailed monkey, we just found some spiritual fluids that are suitable for Chiyue's evolution in the cave just now. It is precisely because it took a while for her to evolve, so it was so long!"

"What kind of spiritual liquid is so powerful! How could Chi Yue evolve directly from the ninth level to the holy level?" After Rowling, the red-tailed monkey leader is already at the ninth level, so he will directly evolve to the holy level.

Lu Chen shook his head, "Not at level nine, but at level eight! Chiyue has directly evolved from level eight to holy level! Those spirit fluids are stalactite jade drops, I wonder if you have heard of it!"

"Stalactite jade drops?" Although I haven't heard of it, I heard that this kind of thing actually prompted Chi Yue to evolve directly from the eighth level to the holy level, and the two women were extremely surprised. Especially for Catherine, who was eager for strength, looked at Lu Chen with eyes full of hope, hoping that Lu Chen could give her a little too.

Lu Chen naturally saw Catherine's expectation, but still pretended not to see it. Because the energy of the stalactite drops is very explosive, even the red-tailed monkey, known for its physical attacks, almost never survived it just now, not to mention the very weak magician like Catherine.

Lu Chen ignored Catherine, but Chiyue, who didn't understand Lu Chen's meaning, naturally wouldn't. He smiled and took out some stalactite drops from the ring and prepared to hand them to Catherine.

"Hey! Chiyue, put it away! Don't give it to her!" Originally, she was very happy, but when Lu Chen said that she had caught him, she was shocked by Lu Chen's words. Tears began to appear in her charming eyes. ...

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Gold bricks! Collection!

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