"Chiyue, take me to your resting place!" Lu Chen looked at the sky, and it was almost 11 or 12 now, it was quite late. Although she didn't need to rest, the two daughters of Rowling Got to rest! Besides, just now I promised to help them improve their cultivation. How could I forget it!

"It's on the big tree over there!" Chiyue nodded, pointed to a huge tree not far away, and said, and then led Lu Chen and the three people, rushing towards that side.

I saw a tree with a diameter of fifteen or six meters that Lu Chen did not recognize appeared in front of Lu Chen's eyes. Lu Chen was shocked. In the distance just now, Lu Chen didn't feel that the tree was so big, so he didn't feel anything, but when the giant tree with a diameter of 15 or 6 meters appeared in front of Lu Chen, Lu Chen was completely stunned.

"It's **** big!" Lu Chen couldn't help but explode. On the earth, the diameter can be three meters, even if it is rare! But now this one is five times as big. If Lu Chen didn't explode, he wouldn't be Lu Chen.

"It's really big enough!" Rowling ordered a little too, but she was not as surprised as Lu Chen. There are many trees as big as this tree in the Warcraft Forest and the Elf Forest, but they are bigger than this. It's a lot. Rowling had seen a lot, since she wouldn't be the same as Lu Chen.

After the surprise, Lu Chen returned to normal. Although this tree was indeed big enough, it was a lot of **** compared with the rare blood-eating black lotus. Lu Chen was not surprised when he saw the blood-devouring black lotus, naturally he would not be surprised when he saw this kind of tree!

"Master, my resting place is on the top!" Chiyue finished speaking, a little bit below her feet, and she stopped directly on the branches that were tens of meters high. Then waited for Lu Chen under the tree.

"Although the diameter of this tree is very large, but the height is not very high, only a few tens of meters, according to the proportion of the trees on the earth, this is a super fat tree species." Holding Rowling's two daughters, directly Lu Chen, who flew to Chi Yue's side, muttered with emotion.

"Is this your resting place? It's great!" At the top of this big tree, there is a wooden house, but it looks like it should be opened directly from the inside of the uncle at this moment. This house has nothing more than a "bed" covered with animal fur.

Chi Yue Xiao blushed, and said dissatisfied: "Master knows to laugh at me! When I was a monkey, I wouldn't decorate my house like a human at all. I only know how to sleep comfortably, so I can sleep! I usually eat, so I just go out and look for it and eat. So there are no two stools in the room!"

"Um! The stool, if it is with the stool, it would be a strange thing! Which monkey do you see in the nest, there is a stool!" Lu Chen couldn't help but think of several monkeys sitting on the stool and eating together Funny scene.

"By the way, Master! You should need these things!" After making Lu Chen and the others sleep on the "bed", Chi Yue suddenly thought of something, walked to the side, squatted down, and fiddled with something.

"En! What is it?" Lu Chen walked over in confusion, took a look, "Good guy! There are so many magic crystals, how can you collect magic crystals, is it possible that you are like those dragons, like them? Something shiny?" Lu Chen felt a little puzzled.

"What!" Chiyue gave Lu Chen a charming white look, and said: "We, the red-tailed monkey clan, have always had the habit of collecting magic crystals. In addition to these magic crystals, we will also collect human weapons. I felt that those weapons were too murderous and uncomfortable to put in the house, so I found a cave and put it in it! Master, do you want it! Anyway, it's useless if I keep it!"

The magic crystals collected by the red-tailed monkey family for dozens of generations are naturally not comparable to the magic crystals Lu Chen brought from Li’s house. Not to mention those high-level ones, but those low-level ones. More than those billions of purple gold coins! Lu Chen knew it, the huge trunk of the tree of feelings was all empty, and there were magic crystals inside.

But now, money has no meaning to Lu Chen. Therefore, he did not show a particularly excited expression, directly waved his hand and took all the magic crystals into his ring. Although Lu Chen is not interested in these magic crystals, he is even more unaccustomed to letting a large amount of wealth in his hand slip from his fingers!

Satisfied and patted his ring, Lu Chen smiled and said to the three women in front of him: "Alright! What's next? It's time for me to help you improve your cultivation! Chiyue, if you want to , You can also participate, but I think you’d better not have a recent event. It’s not a good thing to improve your cultivation level too fast!"

"Okay! Master! When my cultivation base is consolidated, let the young master help me improve it!" Chiyue agreed with Lu Chen without thinking about it.

"Lu Chen, what exactly is the improvement method you are talking about!" Rowling asked expectantly.

"Hey! Shuangxiu!" Lu Chen smiled, seeing the three women who didn't understand, so he explained: "Shuangxiu! In fact, whoever understands it is what a man and a woman love to do!"

"Ah! I hate, Lu Chen, you are playing with us! I'm Linlin's mother. How can you do this!" Rowling said annoyed.

Message to the reader:

Seeking gold bricks! Collection! Isn't it awesome!

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