Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 114: Boss-level summoned beast!

"Hey! Okay! It seems that it's the only way now!" Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, leading the little green snake's tail directly and putting it into his pocket. Of course, Lu Chen still didn't feel any sense of security for the snake, so he inevitably set some restrictions in his pocket.

Nalan Rongxue walked out of the room, stood on the podium, clapped her hands, and said, "Okay! To this classmate, our classmate Lu Chen, has learned how to summon magic, so in order to test his ability to summon magic. Degree, so I need to take him to the back of the college to carry out some experiments. You guys are in the classroom and communicate with the beast gods!"

As he said, he took Lu Chen out of the classroom, but quickly returned, and wittyly said to the students in the classroom who were already cheering, "Hehe! Don't think I'm leaving, you don't know what's in this classroom Things, so I don’t want to remove some people from this class when I come back!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the most powerful students who were making noisy just now with a smile, and the look like a beast made the students shudder.

"Hehe! Xue'er, she has the demeanor of a strict teacher! Not bad, not bad!" Lu Chen said to Nalan Rongxue with a smile.

"I hate it!" Nalan Rongxue gave Lu Chen a charming white, and said: "I am a teacher by profession now, so I have to look like a teacher! If some students complain to the principal and the principal deducts my salary, then I have no money to live!"

"I am here with your husband, I'm afraid there is no way to live!" Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded. He can almost be regarded as the richest man in the world now, and his wife is even afraid of not having money to spend. Although Lu Chen knew that Nalan Rongxue was only joking, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Lu Chen's words made Nalan Rongxue a little bit joking, "Husband, did someone kidding you! How are you doing this! Come on, smile, don't frown! The way you are now, it's so ugly!" Na Lan Rongxue made an exaggerated face and made Lu Chen amused.

"Haha! Okay, let's not say it!" Lu Chen waved his hand calmly, and put his arms around Nalan Rongxue's waist. Amidst Nalan Rongxue's exclamation, the download disappeared in place, and he waited until he was satisfied. After Lan Rongxue opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in an empty mountain.

"Um! This is the back mountain of the academy?" Nalan Rongxue looked at Lu Chen dumbfounded. Although she already knew that Lu Chen was not easy, she couldn't help it when she discovered that Lu Chen could still use space magic. Surprised! After all, for them, the magic of the space system is too mysterious.

"Yes!" Nalan Rongxue's shock made Lu Chen a little triumphant, but when Nalan Rongxue's powder fist hit him, Lu Chen had to show a helpless look.

"Huh! Isn't it a space-based magic? What's so great, don't show a triumphant look in front of me!" Nalan Rongxue gave a small face, a little "outraged", but she The expectation in the eyes still clearly told Lu Chen that she was acting!

"Do you want to learn more about space magic!" Lu Chen said with a turn of his eyes.

"I...I don't want it! People don't have space magic, so they can beat everyone! Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, we are now here to practice summoning magic, not for you to teach me some space Magic. If you have time, I'll talk about it later!" Nalan Rongxue said nonchalantly.

Lu Chen didn't expect that Nalan Rongxue, a little girl, would still be such a strong person. It seems that the reason why she just said that she was afraid of being deducted from her salary was not joking with Lu Chen, but true. She is not like some women, to be supported by men for a lifetime.

Lu Chen still likes Nalan Rongxue's character. Although Lu Chen doesn't hate women in vases, even if they are vases, they are pretty good for keeping them at home. But if he could think of a woman like Nalan Rongxue, Lu Chen would be even more delighted.

"Good, good! I'll start practicing now!" Lu Chen didn't say much, and slowly calmed down and began to summon magical connections.

"Come out of the purple jade magic vine!" Lu Chen's closed eyes suddenly opened, and the name of a beast came out of Lu Chen's mouth.

Soon, the air shook for a while, and a monster similar to a piranha appeared in front of Lu Chen. Countless vines, two long big flower mouths, and traces of mucus, dripped from the flower mouth to the ground, and a burst of green smoke came out with a "hiss". It seems that the slime of this purple jade magic vine is a highly corrosive liquid.

"Attack!" Through mental power, he conveyed the consciousness of attack to the purple jade magic vine. The purple jade magic vine was originally drooping and slammed in the direction Lu Chen pointed out. After a flurry of flying sand and rocks, the huge numbers that had originally stood in that area had fallen to the ground, and the ground looked even more thousand. Sore and broken.

"Wow!" Nalan Rongxue cried out in surprise. This Purple Jade Devil Vine can only be regarded as a level six monster, she can also summon it, but the effect is obviously not as powerful as Lu Chen, and it is estimated that the general power cannot be achieved. Is the strength of the same kind of summoned beast related to the strength of the summoner?

But soon, Nalan Rongxue broke this conjecture of her own, and she hadn't met other summoners before. Especially when I was learning to summon with my own teacher, I used the same kind of monster to fight with my teacher many times. Although I often failed, it was due to my lack of fighting experience, and it had nothing to do with the strength of the monster. what! Could it be that the monster Lu Chen summoned was not the Purple Jade Devil Vine.

Nalan Rongxue, who couldn't understand, could only summon a purple jade magic vine immediately, wanting to see the relationship between the two. When Nalan Rongxue's Purple Jade Devil Vine was summoned, anyone who was not blind could find the difference between the two.

One of them was Nalan Rongxue's summoned beast, which was obviously smaller than Lu Chen, and the mucus in his mouth was even less corrosive. In front of Lu Chen's summoned beast, he flinched, as if he had met his own king? Could it be that the Purple Jade Devil Vine summoned by Lu Chen was the BOSS-level monster inside?

This is also the reason why Nalan Rongxue rarely summons monsters like the Purple Jade Devil Vine. Otherwise, she would have discovered the difference between the two.

Some speechlessly took back his purple jade devil vine. Nalan Rongxue didn’t want it. Lu Chen’s purple jade devil vine hadn’t attacked yet, and that fellow himself was pressed down by the momentum of Lu Chen’s summoned beast. !

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Gold bricks! Collection! It was uploaded just after five o'clock yesterday! The review is not completed until eleven o'clock! Sorry!

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