Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 116: Brian's surprise!

"You just said that these explosions were caused by you? My ears didn't make a mistake, did you?" Brian looked at Lu Chen in surprise, the dumbfounded expression made Nalan Rongxue who was next to Lu Chen couldn't help laughing.

"Yes! Grandpa Brian, I think you have no problem with your ears. The explosion just now was indeed caused by me!" Of course, Lu Chen knew why Brian was so surprised, but his appearance still allowed Lu Chen to bear with him. Can't help but want to continue teasing Brian.

"But...but you obviously...you obviously can't use any magic or grudge! You must have lied to me, right, Lu Chen, you are a good boy, and it is not fun to lie. It must have been Miss Nalan doing it just now. Come out of the explosion!" Brian said self-righteously.

"No, no, no! Principal Brian, Lu Chen didn't lie to you, the explosion just now was indeed caused by classmate Lu Chen!" Nalan Rongxue waved his hand with a smile and looked at Brian with a joking expression.

"This... how is this possible!" Brian is a good friend of Lu Chen's grandfather. Originally, to treat Lu Chen's body cannot store any magic vindictiveness, Lu Chen's grandfather naturally sought him out, and he personally checked Lu Chen's The body said it was helpless, but now...now what he heard...

"Then can you show me again, how did you make such a big explosion?" Brahn still didn't believe it. He would believe Lu Chen's words only when he saw the facts with his own eyes. After all, for him, Lu Chen's statement was too shocking.

"This... Grandpa Brian, you also know that I just sent out such a big level, and my physical strength is a little bit too much. Maybe it may not be able to recover today, so you should come to me tomorrow!" Lu Chen smiled. Teasing Brian, he found that he liked the surprised look of the old man.

"No need! I have a bottle of stamina potion here, if you take it, your stamina will return to normal!" Brian shook his head, took out a bottle of green potion from the ring, and handed it to Lu Chen. It seems that this old guy will not be at ease if he doesn't make things clear today. Even the precious things like physical potions were taken out.

The stamina potion is refined by the alchemists of this world. In addition to this, there are magic potions to replenish magic power, vindictive potions to replenish vindictive energy, and mental potions to replenish mental power. But all because of the material, the stock is very small. And these things are extremely precious things for magicians and swordsmen, even in the hands of these holy masters, there may not be many.

Lu Chen couldn't help being a little bit stunned, this old fellow Braen was really a stubborn old man. However, Lu Chen still accepted the stamina potion. In fact, Lu Chen had heard of this potion a long time ago, but because it was so precious, he had never seen it. Now that he has a chance, he will naturally accept it and study it carefully.

Of course, for Lu Chen, it was relatively easy to get this kind of extremely precious medicine. But he didn't value these medicines too much, so he didn't let people spend a lot of money to get them, otherwise Lu Chen would already have this kind of abundant medicines in his hands.

"Okay! Grandpa Brian, you are optimistic!" Lu Chen retracted the physical potion from his ring in Braun's surprised eyes, and then shouted: "Purple Jade Devil Vine, come out!" Then, he After the space in front of him shook for a while, the purple jade devil vine that had just returned appeared in front of everyone again.

"Attack!" Lu Chen yelled, pointing to another open space. The vines of the Purple Jade Demon Vine shot out again like just now, and at the same time, something different from the previous one is that the vines of the Purple Jade Demon Vine were covered with some light green mist, which was not there before.


When the dust dissipated, a devastated ground appeared in front of the three of them. The damage this time caused was more severe than just before. Not only was Brian who saw the Purple Jade Demon Vine appear for the first time, but Lu Chen and Nalan Rongxue were both dumbfounded.

"Hahaha!" Not much, the back mountain remembered the sky-shaking laughter, and flew a large swath of birds in the woods.

"Grandpa Brian, can you not be so scary when you laugh! And before you laugh next time, can you remind me! Don't you know, it's scary, scary to death?" Lu Chen pulled out his ears dissatisfiedly. My ears were deafened by you, looking at Brian.

"Haha! Attention next time, attention next time!" Brian murmured, "Isn’t I happy? You kid, I did a lot of heart for you when I was a kid, and now I don’t have to worry about anything! This purple Jade Demon Vine seems to be a beast of the fifth-level peak! Seeing that you didn't say a spell just now, it's hardly possible that you are now a holy-level summoner! If your grandfather knows this news, you must be happy!"

"Um!" Lu Chen was stunned for a while, holy-level summoner? He was not very clear. He had only tried two types of summoned beasts just now, and Brian had already appeared. He hadn't tried for summoned beasts above level 5. And he was an alternative who chanted a spell but couldn't summon a beast, so it was not clear whether he was a holy summoner.

A saint-level summoner needs to be able to instantly summon level five beasts, but also be able to recite spells to summon level eight beasts. If there is one thing that cannot be satisfied, it cannot be called a holy summoner. Therefore, Lu Chen must summon an eighth-level monster before he can be regarded as a holy-level summoner. But if he can summon an eighth-level monster instantly, then he...

Fortunately, Brian didn't bother with this issue, otherwise Lu Chen would be really hard to explain. Because he was anxious to tell Lu Chen about this matter, seeing Lu Chen not speaking, he thought Lu Chen had acquiesced. So he burst into laughter again.

"Lu Xiaozi, I will tell your grandpa the news now, and your grandpa won't have to worry about your body anymore! You continue to practice summoning beasts here! Haha!" After speaking, Brian, With a "swish", he disappeared in front of the two.

"Um! I'm not so happy! I hope Grandpa won't tell Grandpa Brian about my identity as a swordsman, otherwise I might have a heart attack, and my sins will be great!" Watching Brian quickly Lu Chen was afraid to pat his forehead and said shamelessly.

"Haha! Lu Chen, you are really a bad thing!" Nalan Rongxue angered Lu Chen, and then said: "Let's continue practicing next! I don't know, now you can summon a few levels of monsters instantly! "

Message to the reader:

Seeking gold bricks! Collection is not great! A weak question, is there any reward?

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