Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 119: See the owner!

"Forget it, since Grandpa Brian is here anyway, he must know that I am here. When the time comes, he will naturally bring grandpa and grandma, and they will come over!" Lu Chen thought for a while and decided not to meet them, and waited for them to come. Up. Lu Chen didn't believe it. They came here this time not because of their own reasons.

"Young Master, it seems that the old Patriarch is here!" It was here that Lu Ye, who had been discussing with the two women, suddenly stopped his actions and said to Lu Chen.

"Yes! Yes, they are here!" Lu Chen nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, you guys continue to chat. If you are hungry, eat your meal first, and then continue to chat! Leave them alone, maybe for a while , They will come by themselves, you continue!"

The old patron is getting old, how can Lu Ye continue to chat! Although Lu Yuntian is obviously less important to Lu Ye than Lu Chen, but Lu Yuntian is Lu Chen's grandfather, and he is also the servant of the Lu family. Naturally, he needs to be more respectful to the old patron.

Nalan Rongxue and Zhou Wenwen, although they did not understand what Lu Chen were talking about, they clearly heard the old Patriarch in Lu Ye's mouth, and there was only one person who could be called the Patriarch by Lu Ye. , That is Lu Yuntian, Lu Chen's grandfather, and his two granddaughter-in-law women, began to panic.

Although Zhou Wenwen has not been identified by Lu Chen at present, she has been with Lu Chen for so long, she already has Lu Chen's shadow in her heart, even if Lu Chen does not want her, she is definitely not willing to leave Lu Chen By your side. So Zhou Wenwen's identity is also destined.

"Haha! Is it necessary for the three of you! Isn't it that my grandpa and grandma are here? Why do you have to be so flustered! They are two kind old people, and they are not human-eating monsters. Let's say Xueer and Wen Wen is nervous, Ye Er, why are you so flustered!" Lu Chen said silently.

"Me!" Lu Ye opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, so he could only lower his head blushing and stay silent.

"Okay! Don't be like this, let's eat first! People are iron rice or steel, so you are hungry if you don't eat. Let's finish lunch first, and wait for them to come over! If they come in a while , You don't even have the mind to eat!" Lu Chen could only say helplessly.

So the third daughter, at Lu Chen's strong request, sat on the dining table and started eating lunch. But the three women obviously didn't have the desire to eat, especially Nalan Rongxue, who said it was eating, and in the end they all spilled the rice on the ground, still knowing nothing, in the empty bowl, clawing!

"Hey!" Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, just wondering what his grandparents were afraid of. They didn't go to see their parents. When they saw their parents-in-law, their daughter-in-law would be nervous. How did they see it? These people are so nervous, if they see their parents, they shouldn't be so nervous to pass out.

"Don't eat anymore! What are you doing! You are, if you don’t meet someone, you’re so nervous. If you don’t know how to fight in future battles, you won’t be able to fight anymore! I won’t eat anymore, and eating a meal will not make you feel safe. !" Lu Chen was a little annoyed by the third daughter's touch. He put the bowls and chopsticks in his hands on the table, walked to the sofa, and lay down.

Lu Chen's anger finally awakened the bewildered three women. Thinking of Lu Chen's words, he also felt that his actions were a bit off the shelf. Isn't it just meeting two people, what's the flustered? Thinking of this in my heart, the three women slowly settled down.

Then the next thing is naturally to comfort the annoyed Lu Chen. Compared to Lu Chen's grandparents, Lu Chen is still the most important. If Lu Chen didn't like them, even if Lu Chen's grandparents liked them again, they would only have to cry to death.

"Master, we were wrong! We..." The third daughter of Lu Ye walked neatly to the sofa where Lu Chen was lying, and looked at Lu Chen with a look of knowledge of his mistake.

"I know it's wrong! I really don't know you..." Lu Chen sat up from the sofa, pulled the three women one by one to his side, let them sit down, and Zhou Wenwen sat in her arms and began to fight with the three women. These things.

After talking about the matter, Lu Chen pulled the three women back to the table again, filled the bowl of the three women with rice, and started today's lunch. Because Lu Chen told them a lot of things, the three daughters have completely restored to their original state, and when they were eating, they were naturally very lively.

"Bangbang Bang!" There was a knock on the door of the villa.

Lu Chen and the third daughter looked at each other, got up directly from the dining table, and then walked towards the door together. They were so solemn, naturally, because it was Lu Chen's grandparents and Brian, the principal of Mowu Academy, who knocked outside.

"Grandpa, grandma, Grandpa Brian, you are here! Come in!" Lu Chen smiled and shouted at the three people outside the door. The three daughters around Lu Chen naturally yelled quite sweetly.

"Hehe! Xiaochenzi, you feel comfortable in this college! This should be the teachers' dormitory! You live in this teachers' dormitory every day?" Lu Yuntian smiled and patted Lu Chen on the shoulder and walked in. villa.

"Isn't Lu Ye now a teacher at the academy? That's why I have a chance to think about this blessing! When I asked Grandpa Brian for a set before, he refused to live or die!" Lu Chen wrinkled his nose, very childish. Said.

"You little bastard, obviously I want to give it to you, you want to experience the taste of a dormitory! Now why is it on my old man's head!" Brian said with a beard and staring.

"Oh! Eat! It just so happened, how many of us eat at noon, do you have a lot of food?" Lu Yuntian didn't say much at this time, but the three women greeted him, he also just smiled affectionately. Laugh, this makes Nalan Rongxue and Zhou Wenwen, who don't know Lu Yuntian's character, feel a little bit of trouble.

"Of course you have, you know that Grandpa, you will definitely come over, so I made a lot of it at noon today! But after waiting for you so long, and you are hungry and can't stand it, I told them to eat first!" Lu Chen smiled and pulled his own. Grandpa and grandma walked towards the dining table. As for Brian, Lu Ye greeted him naturally.

"Yes! This should be made by Lu Ye! It tastes like an entertainment city restaurant!" After the three of them took their seats, Lu Chen also sat down here after letting the three women gang and three elders serve the meal.

Lu Yuntian added a chopsticks and potato shreds, put it in his mouth, and said with joy.

Brother Tearheart, tell me QQ directly! I wrote about the method of adding groups in the book review, but I didn't let it pass! depressed!

Message to the reader:

Seeking gold bricks, collection!

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