Hearing what Xiao Tiantian said, what Hu Xinran said, the eyes of Hu Wanyue flashed with light. She was extremely sure in her heart that if those words really came out of Hu Xinran's mouth, then Hu Xinran is definitely more suitable than Hu Meier to be the next patriarch of the Xianhu clan.

However, for the sake of her tribe, Hu Wanyue did not immediately believe Xiao Tiantian’s words. She decided to check out Hu Xinran during an interview. If it was exactly what Xiao Tiantian said, Hu Xinran is very suitable to be a patriarch. So after Hu Wanyue left, she was relieved that it was not.

"Okay! Let's go and take a look, Hu Xinran. If she is really as good as Xiao Tiantian said, then there is nothing wrong with being the patriarch. After I leave, I can rest assured that the whole Xianhu family !" Hu Wanyue nodded gently, and then said to the two women.

When the two women heard Hu Wanyue's words, their faces showed joy, although they had nothing to do with them. But how to say, after all, it is all about their race. It is a good thing for a good person to become the patriarch of the Xianhu clan, whether it is for the Xianhu clan or for them!

So the three of them decided to look for Hu Xinran now, but at this moment, the three of them were just about to look for Hu Xinran, they found that the position of the window flashed with a silvery white light, the speed of that light flashed very fast Quickly, the three women were scared. For a while, they didn't know what happened.

After all three of them reacted, Hu Wanyue realized that there was another jade slip in her hand. Some Hu Wanyue, who is not too daring to see what this jade slip is, can only look at the jade slip in their hands. They are looking at Hu Meier and others, wanting them to help them imagine a way to solve this extra jade slip in their hands. .

"Mom, take a look, maybe this is Lu Chen's message to you!" Hu Meier's brains are turning very fast. Although she hasn't seen what is going on, she thinks that it can be stored in the jade slip. Something suddenly appeared from outside, so he said expectantly.

"Really?" Hu Wanyue had never experienced anything like this, but after hearing what Hu Meier said, she still had some expectations in her heart, so she threw her spiritual knowledge into the jade slip in her hand, and then began to check it. What is it that someone left for themselves?

After a long time, Hu Wanyue raised her head with a flat face, looking at Hu Meier and Xiao Tiantian, as if there was nothing in this jade slip, which made the two longing girls suddenly seem a little disappointed. Up!

"Mom, what's in it? Who left you this jade slip?" What the two women didn't find was that Hu Wanyue's son's face seemed extremely plain, but her eyes were full of expressions. The color of joy can clearly see that the things in this jade slip are very important to Hu Wanyue.

"Nothing!" Looking at the two women, Hu Wanyue deliberately wanted to tease them, so she said.

"Nothing?" When the two women heard it, their faces were suddenly disappointed. They lowered their heads and thought for a while, then raised their heads at the same time, and said to Hu Wanyu: "Mom (sister), if there is nothing, there is nothing! Let's hurry up now. Go find Hu Xinran. After you give her your seat, let's find Brother Lu Chen!"

The two women's determination made Hu Wanyue feel a little grievance. Naturally, this grievance was caused by Lu Chen, who left quietly. There were three girls who missed him abnormally, but he didn't care about the thoughts of these three girls at all, so he left like this. Could it be that Lu Chen's heart was so cruel!

"Haha!" Feeling the tears flowing from the corner of her eyes, Hu Wanyue wiped it calmly, and then said with a smile: "I was joking with you just now. The jade slip just now is actually...that Yanxin sent us. Yes, you are very upset to hear this news!"

"What? Sister Yanxin came from? Hurry...Mom, tell us what Sister Yanxin said?" When Hu Meier and Xiao Tiantian heard Hu Wanyue's words, they were first taken aback, and then looked at Hu Wanyue with great joy, thinking We must know some news about Lu Chen from Hu Wanyue.

Hu Wanyue smiled lightly and said: "Not long ago, Lu Chen and the others had already arrived at the Shadow Clan. Yan Xin was worried about us, so after getting there, he told us the map from the Xianhu Clan to the Shadow Clan. And Tell us that they will stay in the Shadow Clan for three to five days.

I hope we can feel the Shadow Clan within three to five days, otherwise, they will leave the Shadow Clan after the time has passed. Leave this world and answer in their own world. At that time, even if we want to find them, it will be impossible to find them! "

After Hu Wanyue sent the core to the Shadow Clan, some of the things on the jade slip sent back, directly told the two women.

After the two girls heard this, they were silent for a long time, and then Hu Meier asked: "Mom! Do these words mean Sister Yanxin? Or is it Lu Chen?"

"It should be Lu Chen's meaning!" Hu Wanyue was not sure, because Yan Xin did not mention this matter, but after telling them these things, other things were not mentioned, just let them, hurry up To the settlement of the shadow race.

In fact, Hu Wanyue had a good guess, the jade slip passed from Yan Xin did have the meaning of Lu Chen. Because although Hu Wanyue's previous actions made Lu Chen very upset and unhappy, Hu Wanyue and the others are, after all, their own daughters, and the only wrong person is Hu Wanyue.

It can even be said that Hu Wanyue did nothing wrong, she just chose that subconsciously. At that time, she was standing above the patriarch of the Xianhu clan, not Lu Chen's woman. That's why there was such a practice, which made Lu Chen feel very embarrassed.

But afterwards, Lu Chen had already figured it out. Even if Hu Wanyue did something wrong at the time, he should punish Hu Wanyue alone instead of blaming both Hu Meier and Xiao Tiantian. In doing so, I am a little sorry Hu Meier and Xiao Tiantian.

Moreover, after this incident, Lu Chen believed that Hu Wanyue should have been able to understand what he did wrong. It has been punished. Therefore, he wanted to understand the future Lu Chen, after arriving in the Shadow Clan, he asked Yan Xin to pass a jade slip over and tell Hu Wanyue some things.

What the jade slip said was unclear, but Lu Chen meant it. He wanted Hu Wan to figure out himself and realize the mistake. It does not require guidance from others to understand what you have done wrong. Otherwise, it is not a punishment, and it will not serve as a punishment.

At the same time, Lu Chen also wanted to use this method to see how deeply Hu Wanyu's feelings for him are. That's why it was said that if he stayed in the Shadow Clan for three to five days, if the time passed, Lu Chen would be ready to leave. Even if they arrived at that time, Lu Chen had no relationship with them anymore.

Of course, in the same way, if they can rush to the Shadow Clan within three to five days, Lu Chen will naturally be very happy. Although the Shadow Clan is some distance away from the Xianhu Clan, with Hu Wanyue and their cultivation base, if they fly over, there is not much time, one day or even half a day is enough!

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