Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1293: Lovely old man!

And one more thing, Lu Chen had reached an extremely high level through the absorption of Hongmeng Jue, whether it was medicinal materials, formations, or alchemy equipment. Lu Chen wasn't sure. After he passed the test, he would definitely learn something after worshiping the old man in front of him as his teacher.

Of course, this is not Lu Chen's arrogance, but self-confidence. At this time, as a master, some things you have. The pride in Lu Chen's heart made Lu Chen reluctant to worship one, and he was inferior to his own as a teacher. In fact, this is true whether it is Lu Chen or any cultivator.

"Master, I think it's better for you to worship him as a teacher!" When Lu Chen was very entangled, Xiao Ling's voice suddenly appeared.

"Huh? What do you mean? Why do you think I should worship him as a teacher?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"This old man feels very special to me. Master, you just speculated that this old man's cultivation is at the divine emperor stage, right! But I'm sure that his cultivation is definitely not just a little bit! More importantly, ..." Xiao Ling suddenly said a piece of news that surprised Lu Chen.

"More importantly, I feel that the silk primordial spirit you see is just a primordial primordial spirit of the old man's clone, not a primordial spirit of the deity!" Xiao Ling's words surprised Lu Chen. No matter what else, it is just At this point, Lu Chen was already at a loss.

Lu Chen knew very well how powerful the deity would be for a person who could reach the cultivation base of God Emperor stage. At least, it was definitely not what Lu Chen could resist now. But Lu Chen was a little puzzled again. How did Xiao Ling realize that the old man in front of him had a trace of the soul, which was only the soul of a clone?

"Xiao Ling, how do you know that the old man in front of you is not the deity, but a trace of the soul of a clone? Why, I didn't find it at all?" Lu Chen was curious about this and asked directly.

"Feel!" Xiao Ling spit out two people gently, making Lu Chen a little overwhelmed for a while.

"Feeling? Tell me based on your feelings that this old man is a trace of the soul left behind by a clone?" Lu Chen didn't know what to say about Xiaoling. Don’t Xiao Ling know that many times, it feels wrong?

"Don't you believe me, Master?" Xiao Ling didn't give any explanation for this, just said such a sentence!

But such a sentence made Lu Chen silent again.

Who is Xiaoling! She is the most powerful sacred instrument spirit among the unique sacred artifacts in the universe. Compared with Lu Chen, her insights did not know how much stronger. And she never felt wrong. At least until now, Lu Chen hadn't noticed that she had made a mistake.

Lu Chen couldn't help but also doubted, "Are you really just a trace of the soul left behind by a clone?"

Lu Chen muttered unconsciously, but Lu Chen had forgotten that he still had a trace of spiritual knowledge left in the jade slip. This sentence was passed on to the old man in the jade slip through that little bit of spiritual knowledge, causing the old man's face to show an unusually surprised look.

"You... how did you know?" The old man's voice sounded, causing Lu Chen to wake up from the confusion, but he was stunned again.

Lu Chen is very clear about what the old man said. It can be said that the old man has definitely affirmed Lu Chen's guess that he is indeed a trace of soul left behind by a clone. Lu Chen had already guessed in his mind how powerful the old man’s cultivation base was!

"I want to know how powerful your deity is, and where is it now!" Lu Chen said softly.

The old man frowned, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, "You answer me first, how did you know that I am just a primordial spirit left behind by a clone?"

"Feel!" Lu Chen answered the old man with these two words as well. I don't know if Lu Chen feels it or not. Such an answer can be regarded as revenge for Xiao Ling's answer to himself in the same way just now. The kind of aggrieved aggrievedness caused by Lu Chen's current feeling is very good.

"Feeling?" The old man murmured, his eyes radiated with a sharp light, his face was filled with extremely happy expression, and said: "The strength of my deity does not seem to have anything to do with you! But I can tell you, mine. The deity is now in the holy world..."

Lu Chen curled his lips lightly, a little dissatisfied with the old man's answer, and said, "What's wrong with the holy world? Not everyone in the holy world is a big cow. There are also low-end people in the holy world. Maybe, Your deity is one in the Holy Realm... Forget it, don’t say it, lest you lose face!"

The old man naturally understood Lu Chen's words. This made the old man quite angry, and the two white beards at the corners of his mouth, one by one, looked very funny. Even if Lu Chen saw it, he couldn't help but "pounce" directly and laughed. Fortunately, Lu Chen didn't eat anything in his mouth, otherwise he would spray the old man's face!

"Hmph!" The old man snorted coldly. Although there was not much threatening power, Lu Chen still felt that his soul trembled.

Lu Chen could not help but secretly slandered in his heart: "This old guy, isn't it just a joke? Is it necessary? But it seems that this old man's deity should have a lot of power in the Holy Realm! So obviously, the old man. The cultivation base of this deity should also be very powerful!"

Lu Chen knew very well that for an existence like the Holy Realm, the rules of the weak and the strong should be more practical. If it is not for the superb cultivation level, or in some respects, reaching the point of being extremely powerful, otherwise in the holy realm, there will be no way to gain powerful power.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said, "Old guy, I guessed it! I was so angry, but you are like this!"

"Who is so angry? Huh, my deity is in the holy realm...huh! You stinky boy, I don't know your plan yet, I won't tell you!" The expression on the old man's face suddenly changed, revealing a trace The smirk made Lu Chen a little disappointed.

"If you don't tell, don't tell. Anyway, I don't particularly want to know!" Lu Chen curled his lips. There was no nonsense about this. Lu Chen really didn't want to know what the old man's deity was in the Holy Realm. Because he already knew that the old man's power in the holy realm was not small, so he was fine!

And after all these understandings and what Xiao Ling said before, Lu Chen has made his own decision, and now is the time for him to make that decision!

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