Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 126: With a female companion!

The mirror-like moon hung in the sky, writing silver brilliance onto the earth. Lu Chen walked to the clearing of the back mountain alone, lying quietly, looking at the dazzling starry sky, with indescribable meaning. He doesn't know why. In the last few days, he always likes to be alone. He always runs to this place late at night and sits quietly for a while.

"Hey! I kind of miss the people and things of the earth! When I was on the earth, I always complained about here and there. Now that I think about it, it's really unaccustomed to leave! My Cang Cang, my Lan Lan, oh God! Ah!" Lu Chen suddenly complained while lying down.

If there was an earthling beside him at this time, he would definitely despise him severely. Ya ya! I said I was thinking about things on earth, but what do you **** thinking about, Cang Cang? Lan Lan? Why don’t you tell me what other Fengfeng, Chuanchuan, Meimei, Yueyue and so on!

"I'm a little hungry! Get up and get some barbecue to eat!" Those wonderful and attractive figures continued to appear in his mind. In order to prevent him from being suffocated, Lu Chen had to find an excuse to make himself think. No longer fantasize about those figures.

He found a lot of dry wood around, and sent a fireball to light it. Lu Chen took out the barbecue tools and the raw meat he had prepared from his ring, and began to slowly barbecue. On the earth, Lu Chen likes barbecue very much, but because of economic problems, he can't eat it often.

But in this world, Lu Chen couldn't wait to get a set of barbecue tools as soon as he was able to make things. Bring out some barbecues from time to time. It's a pity that Lu Chen had never been to the seaside of this world and had never seen squid, so he had never eaten his favorite sizzling squid.

A dozen meat skewers were quickly grilled by Lu Chen, and they were placed on a plate aside. Lu Chen took out a few more chicken wings and put them on the barbecue tool, letting him slowly grill them. And he took out a bottle of white wine from the ring, and began to slowly enjoy the skewers...

"It's so fragrant!" Lu Chen picked up a bunch, put it in front of his nose, and took a deep breath. The strong barbecue smell poured into his nostrils. This strong smell made Lu Chen's pores all over his body. It expanded quickly, and an endless sense of comfort spread all over the body.

"Okay! Brother Chen, you are such a badass, you steal the barbecue here, and you don't even call us over!" At this moment, a girl's voice suddenly came from Lu Chen's ear. Lu Chen didn't need to look at it, he knew it must be Zhou Wenwen.

Sure enough, Lu Chen turned his head to see that three women, Zhou Wenwen, Lu Ye, and Nalan Rongxue, were standing beautifully behind him, looking at the chicken wings on the barbecue grill with bright eyes. After following Lu Chen for so long, they naturally know that Lu Chen's cooking skills are quite good!

"Hehe! Here, why did you arrive so late? I thought you were coming back soon!" Lu Chen smiled and asked the three girls to sit next to him, and first divide the grilled meat skewers into three. Female, then took out a bottle of fruit wine for no one, he began to concentrate on barbecue.

For other things, Lu Chen could let Lu Ye do it, but Lu Chen wanted to do it himself. Because Lu Chen not only enjoyed the barbecue process very much, but when the food he barbecued was praised by others, he would be even more happy. The sense of accomplishment made Lu Chen very comfortable.

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