Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1306: Spring of Ice and Fire!

Lu Chen took a close look at this strange water pool. This water pool looked like a very regular Tai Chi shape. On both sides of the pool were two springs of red and milky white. The most bizarre thing is that although these two springs are in the same pool, they are very distinct, do not violate each other, and keep honestly on their own side.

The hot and cold breath in the cave is exactly what this two-color spring water emits. The red and milky spring water is like the Pisces in Tai Chi, slowly rotating, and the breath in the air follows this. The rotation of spring water keeps changing.

Although he had seen a lot of things that violated common sense, it was the first time that Lu Chen had seen such a weird spring. Xiao Ling looked at Lu Chen's stunned look, and said triumphantly: "How about it, so surprised! This spring water is a baby, oh no, it should be said that this is a cornucopia!"

"The cornucopia? Why do you say that?" Lu Chen asked curiously after waking up.

"This spring is called the Ice and Fire Liangyi Spring! This is the essence of heaven and earth, and the conditions for its formation are extremely harsh, but once it is formed, it will produce great benefits. It's a pity that the ice and fire Liangyi was born in such a cave. , What a violent thing!"

"The reason why this ice and fire Liangyi Spring is called a cornucopia is that this cornucopia can greatly accelerate the growth of various medicines, and it can drive out the impurities that condense during the growth of the medicine. It usually grows next to the ice and fire Liangyi Spring The medicines that come out will have strong medicinal power. Why are there so many precious medicinal materials in the medicine valley? It is because of the ice and fire Liangyi Spring!"

"So awesome and compelling?" Listening to Xiao Ling's many explanations, Lu Chen looked very excited.

"Yeah... this is not the most powerful one!" Xiao Ling swayed around and flew over the Ice and Fire Liangyi Spring, and said: "This Ice and Fire Liangyi Spring can not only accelerate the growth of medicinal materials, but also improve the quality of medicinal materials And it has a very good effect on body refining... that is to say, if the master often takes a bath in the future, his strength will also increase!

"Is there still this effect?" Lu Chen couldn't help thinking about it. Later, he took a few women to bath in the mandarin duck bath in the Ice and Fire Liangyi Spring. Thinking of those beautiful scenes, Lu Chen felt a little impatient.

"In this case, let's move this stuff quickly, and we will take you here every day in the bath... Hahaha!" Lu Chen smiled wretchedly.

"What do you think! Badass!" Xiao Ling blushed and complained, but there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes. It seems that he was just talking about it. In fact, in her heart, she still looks forward to such a scene. of.

"Ice and Fire Liangyi Springs can be moved later, let's transplant the medicinal materials inside first! Only there seems to be some auxiliary medicine needed by the Venerable God Poxu Pill!" Seems to hide his blush, Xiao Ling hurry up Diverting Lu Chen's attention, he dug out a whole medicinal plant with a wave of his hand.

"Look! This is the Nine Color Emperor Vine!"

What Xiao Ling holds in his hand is a strange plant. The plant is only tens of centimeters long, but it has nine knots. Each knot is a different color. It looks colorful and beautiful. .

Putting away the nine-color emperor vine, Xiao Ling began to wander around the ice and fire Liangyi Spring again, concentrating on searching for various medicinal materials, while Lu Chen was happy and relaxed, leaning on the rock wall to admire Xiao Ling’s figure .

"There is actually a variant of Ganoderma lucidum here! Nine-turn ice silkworm!" Ling'er exclaimed, and Lu Chen hurried over.

"Ganoderma? Isn't that a kind of fungus? Why is it related to the snow silkworm?" Lu Chen's identification of medicinal materials is actually at a half-hearted level. Many rare medicinal materials must be consulted by Xiao Ling, and Ganoderma lucidum is something like that. Lu Chen knew that Ganoderma was an extremely precious medicinal material when he was on the earth. Of course, in other worlds, Ganoderma lucidum is very common, and it is basically useless except for tea.

"Nine-turn Snow Silkworm, this is a variant of Ganoderma lucidum!" Seeing Lu Chen's confusion, Xiao Ling picked up a thumb-sized white object from the grass on the ground.

This so-called Nine-turned Snow Silkworm is off-white, with tiny golden rings on it. The entire Nine-turn Snow Silkworm is finger-shaped, with eight pairs of tiny feet all over it.

"This is the Nine-turn Snow Silkworm? It's nothing unusual. Silkworms are not like silkworms, and medicine is not like medicine..."

Listening to Lu Chen’s murmur, Xiao Ling was a little bit dumbfounded, and said, “Don’t look at the nine-turn snow silkworms that don’t grow well, but it is indeed a very precious thing. If it weren’t for the ice and fire Liangyi Springs here, it’s nothing. It is impossible to have such a top quality! Each revolution of this nine-turn snow silkworm takes one hundred thousand years. This snow silkworm has nine gold patterns on its body, which means that the nine-turn snow silkworm has grown for 900,000 years! "

"Okay, okay..." Lu Chen took the Nine-Rank Snow Silkworm into the Hongmeng Pearl, and said, "Compared to this 900,000-year-old Nine-Rank Snow Silkworm, I am still very concerned about this mandarin duck who can wash the mandarin duck bath. Be interested in hot pot!"

"What kind of mandarin duck hot pot! Obviously it is the ice and fire Liangyi Spring!" Xiao Ling looked charmingly at this pervert who only thought about running a mandarin duck bath, but he was inexplicably looking forward to it.


Soon after, the various herbs around the Ice and Fire Liangyi Springs had been collected, Xiao Ling took out the elixir from the Hongmeng Pearl that recorded the divine Void Breaking Grass, and said: "This divine Void Breaking Pill needs The medicinal materials are not bad, and I just dug out the Jiu-color Emperor Vine. I also picked a lot of Blazing Flames and Liuyan Fruits, and the Huoyan Molten can be replaced by the Fire Springs of the Ice and Fire Liangyi Springs. ......This god-sovereign Void Breaking Pill, we can refine it now, I think, if it is refined next to the fire spring, this pill that is completely inclined to fire attributes should be able to perform better!"

Lu Chen nodded, glanced at the pill, and with a wave of his hand, a large amount of medicinal materials flew out of the Hongmeng Pearl, filling the ground in front of him.

"First of all, we need to refine the fire-eye lava... This will be replaced by the fire spring!" Lu Chen casually ingested more than 300 kilograms of the crimson fire spring from the Binghuo Liangyi spring and began to purify it with the technique of divine refining.

The quality of the fire spring is much higher than that of the fire eye lava, and its temperature is also unmatched by ordinary magma, at least hundreds of thousands of degrees high temperature. After purification, the water-like fire spring suddenly turned into a viscous paste. The temperature of the material soared, and even the surrounding air was distorted.

Using the concentrated fire spring as the base, Lu Chen refined and refined dozens of fire-attribute medicinal materials, and they merged into the concentrated fire spring. Suddenly, a flaming red paste floating in the air became It became even hotter, and the surrounding air was almost burnt into nothingness, but no matter how high the temperature of the paste was, the divine power that enveloped it remained unmoved, and was not affected at all!

"Blazing flower petals... Liu Yan fruit... Thousand-year-old red-tail grass..." Dozens of medicinal materials were easily integrated under the control of Lu Chen's vast mental power, without any difficulty.

"The next step is to stimulate the medicinal properties and adjust his medicinal power to the level of adapting to the god-sovereign grass..." Lu Chen said while using mental power to control the sticky ointment, causing them to slowly change Medicinal properties.

"It's almost there!" After about three or four minutes, the entire mass of flaming ointment slowly shrank, and the extremely hot breath in it also slowly converged. The current mass of ointment almost no longer felt When it comes to its fiery atmosphere, it becomes calmer.

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