Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 128: Encounter in the library!

The next day was still the day of class, but now in the hands of Nalan Rongxue, Lu Chen, who could not learn anything, was no longer willing to go to the classroom. It was a waste of time. So after thinking about it, I finally decided to go to the school library, hoping to find some good things there.

When Lu Chen walked into the library, he was completely dumbfounded. In his previous life, he had seen many libraries, although some of them were just a glance outside, but he could know how huge he was. At that time, Lu Chen was already emotional, this library is really big!

However, it was not until today that Lu Chen really understood what it meant to be a little witcher. From the outside, the library of the Mowu Academy, although not very large, did not know until he walked inside that it turned out that the library was built inside the mountain by opening up a large mountain! He said how to look outside, why are you so close to the mountain!

At the same time, Lu Chen felt sad for his two and a half years of experience. For more than two full years, I was in the college, and I didn't even know that there was such a huge library. If at that time, I could visit the library, now Lu Chen would have a deeper understanding of the world.

On the first floor of the library, there are all kinds of primary materials. Just like magic, there is only magic theory and an introduction to magic. To see more advanced, Lu Chen had to go to a higher floor. However, Lu Chen is not interested in these for the time being.

What he wants to see is some geographical conditions, historical stories, and various legends about this world. It can be said that these things are the epitome of a world. Only when Lu Chen knows these things can he truly understand the world. Unfortunately, the first layer. Without these things.

Walking up the second floor, Lu Chen found that there was a rather weak barrier at the entrance of the stairs. When you enter, the barrier will light up! Although Lu Chen didn't know what it was for, he could understand it after thinking about it. It should be to prevent those who can't cultivate but want advanced knowledge of the school, lest they get into trouble!

The area of ​​the second floor is wider than that of the first floor, but the distance between each bookcase is much larger. So in fact, there are fewer books on the second floor than on the first floor. However, this should be the place where the students of the entire Mowu Academy stayed. After all, the starting point of Mowu Academy is relatively high!

Similarly, although there are some related introductions that Lu Chen needs on the second floor, they are basically all that Lu Chen already knows. He didn't want to waste time in these useless places. So, he walked directly to the third floor. Want to come, there should be what he needs.

The area of ​​the third floor is relatively small. But Lu Chen discovered that although the area he could see was half smaller than that of the second floor, the rooms around the third floor were much larger than those on the second floor. It was just not clear what exactly was there for.

After shaking his head, Lu Chen didn't think much. When I walked to the bookshelf about geography, I found a lot of things that Lu Chen was looking forward to. Hehe smiled, and took out a secret book of mainland geography, Lu Chen walked to the side of the place where he read the book, and read it quietly.

"Huh! Lu Chen, why are you here?" Just when Lu Chen could look at it, a familiar woman's voice suddenly came from his ear. Lu Chen frowned slightly. When he hated reading, no one interrupted him. However, he raised his head with a smile on his face and looked at the lady who disturbed him.

"Oh! So it was you! Bing'er, why did you come here?" Lu Chen looked up and turned out to be Bai Bingxin.

"I should have asked this! As far as I know, you rarely appear in the library. What kind of idle work is this today?" Bai Bing asked suspiciously.

"It's because I have nothing to do and I can't learn anything in class, so I went to the library to see if there is anything I can understand! How about you?" Lu Chen shook his head and took the book in his hand. After showing it to Bai Bingxin, he said with a smile.

"Yo! What a big tone! There is nothing you can learn in class! Who do you think you are! Really arrogant!" Just as Lu Chen finished speaking, a girl with red hair beside Bai Bingxin wrinkled. He frowned and said disdainfully. After the tone was heard, it was very disgusting.

"Dai Li, don't talk nonsense!" Bai Bing's heart was startled by the words of his companion, and he quickly dissuaded him.

"Am I talking nonsense? Who is this kid! I have never heard of it before. He thought he was who he was, and he couldn't learn the knowledge he needed in the classroom. Did he think he was more capable than the teacher? Is it!" Dai Li's girl continued to shout.

Lu Chen frowned, "I really don't know where the dog came from. Don't you know that the library should be a quiet place? Hey! People nowadays! There is really no education at all! Forget it, we are human, so don't Comparing with an animal who doesn't understand anything!"

After that, Lu Chen shook his head, changed a position, and continued to read the book in his hand, even Bai Bingxin ignored it!

Lu Chen's actions shocked both Bai Bingxin and her daughters. Bai Bingxin was surprised that Lu Chen would be so embarrassing to his companion. Dai Li was surprised that someone dared to talk to herself like this. Don't you know that you are the daughter of the Emperor Deloitte?

"You...you have no education!" The word lack of education stimulated Dai Li a little. Born in an imperial family, although there seems to be countless glory and wealth to be imagined, but she has lost family and friendship...Dai Li has been in constant learning since she was a child, and she rarely had the opportunity to contact her parents. Education... what is education...

Dai Li suddenly yelled, causing the real readers on the third floor of the library to turn their gazes here. These people's eyes are full of disgust, but what they still cannot lack is that little bit of curiosity. They are very curious about what it is that makes a woman roar in the library.

"Say you are not educated, you are really educated, I have already reminded you that you have no self-knowledge. Binger, don't you know what you should do now? Okay! If you don’t know, I’ll just remind you, please take this **** that keeps roaring quickly away from the library, otherwise it will cause public outrage and trouble!” Lu Chen looked at Bai with a very kind feeling. Bing Xin two women.

"You..." Dai Li turned her head to look, and she realized that there were disgusting gazes everywhere around her. She couldn't help but panic, but she didn't want to let Lu Chen go, so she said, "You...what is your name? Name, do you know who I am! Do you dare to do this to me!"

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