Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1326: Treasures of heaven and earth, nothing is wrong with you!

Although the people of the Shadow Clan were awkward and crooked, it made Lu Chen very painful, but Lu Chen didn't want to get mad because of these things. At this time, the gap between Lu Chen and those people was simply a day. One place, the reason why those people look at themselves unhappy is that they have never seen their own strength!

After thinking about it, Lu Chen calmed down, filtering all the sounds in his ears.

"Brother Lu Chen!"

Qingqing suddenly pursed her lips and said aggrievedly: "Why are they scolding you!"

"Um..." Lu Chen was taken aback, and then said with a smile: "Some misunderstandings...just clarify it! Just like when I was in an underground cave, didn't you treat me as a bad person at first!"

After comforting Qingqing, Lu Chen inadvertently glanced at Yingqing who was accompanying him. He didn't speak, but Yingqing was so scared.

"My lord...this is my house...I have prepared the wine and food, please don't dislike it!" Yingqing's voice trembled slightly, and she was quite cautious in her words.

Lu Chen raised his head and took a look. The front room was not small, with only one floor. The whole body was made of wood. The room was covered with dark blue plants, which looked like a creeper.

"Huh..." Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and walked slowly towards the house.

"My lord! The door is here..." Yingqing said eagerly as he watched Lu Chen walk to the left.

"Don't I even see where the door is?" Lu Chen glared at Ying Qing, then scared Ying Qing into a cold sweat.

"Did you deliberately plant the climbing vines attached to the house?" Lu Chen walked to the front of the house, stroked the dark blue plants on the wall, and said.

"Yes!" Yingqing said quickly: "We found that this kind of climbing vines are planted around the house, and all the insects, poisonous snakes and the like will not come close. We plant the walls of every house here. With this kind of thing!"

"Waste, waste..." Lu Chen sighed and said,

"Uh..." Yingqing was taken aback, and then his head was dizzy. Could it be that this crawling vine, which is all over the floor, is also a kind of treasure? After thinking about it, Yingqing said painfully, "Well, my lord, if you can see these climbing vines, just take them away!" While talking, Yingqing was already distressed to death, you know, but Fan Lu What Chen was after was definitely a good thing, but he didn't have the guts to ask him.

"You said this green spirit vine? This thing has no medicine value, why should I take it?" Lu Chen said disdainfully: "You shadow clan, where you live is full of treasures, you can actually treat them as wild flowers. Weeds... I confessed, ignorance kills people!"

Yingqing was taken aback, and then said, "I would like your sir to express..."

"Although this green spirit vine is extremely rare, its medicinal properties are mixed and its use value is similar to that of ordinary elixir, but this does not mean that the green spirit vine is useless! You know why the green spirit vine is planted around the house. , There won’t be any bugs, will the poisonous snake approach?"

With that, Lu Chen turned his head and glanced at Ying Qing, but unfortunately this guy was still confused.

"The rotten wood can't be carved..." Lu Chen shook his head and said, pretending to be 13: "This Green Spirit Vine is extremely rare, but once the Green Spirit Vine is found, it means that the Green Spirit Beetle has been found!"

"Blue Spirit Beetle? What is it?" This time even Yanxin and Qingqing were curious.

"Qingling beetle, to put it plainly, it is a very precious wood-attribute beetle, mixed with Qinglingvine to refining medicine, can stimulate a lot of vitality, it is not an exaggeration to say that he can live and die human flesh and bones... This is also Qinglingvine. The only use for growing chicken ribs herbs!"

"Living and dead human flesh and bones? So strong?" Yingqing felt painful again. Although the entire Shadow Clan is not big, there are thousands of houses. Almost every one has transplanted a large number of green spirit vines and wild green spirits. There are more vines than transplanted, that is to say, countless precious medicinal materials have been missed because of their ignorance.

Seeing Yingqing's tangled appearance, Lu Chen was simply stunned. The depression just brought by the group of shadows' chicks, also disappeared without a trace.

"It's not enough, I love you so much! Who made you the Shadow Clan, so ignorant to promote!" Lu Chen took out a jade bottle from the Hongmengzhu, casually waved it and shot it inside. A space formation was created, and then, the bottle was placed on the ground, and a small piece of wood element crystal was placed at the mouth of the bottle.

The wood element crystal was just placed on the ground, and suddenly I saw the green spirit vine on the outer wall of Yingqing’s house, and it began to tremble, and then one by one, small beetles that looked only as big as fingernails, from above the green spirit vine. After breaking away, they rushed towards the small bottles Lu Chen placed on the ground.

"The green spirit beetle depends on the leaves and sap of the green spirit vine to make a living, and the green spirit beetle will give back a certain amount of wood energy to the green spirit vine. The two depend on each other for life, and they are indispensable. This kind of thing, my favorite thing, is the energy of the wood element, so the wood element crystallization is the best bait!"

Lu Chen watched with joy, as countless green spirit beetles poured into the small bottle that he had carved the spatial formation, and said.

At the same time, Yingqing looked at the wall of her house, countless beetles crawling into Lu Chen's bottle, her face suddenly turned green. But I still feel a little comforted, after all, this green spirit vine is everywhere, and there is no shortage of my own home!

But Yingqing’s little abacus soon shattered. He underestimated the power of the wood element crystals. After a while, the green spirit beetles in all directions also smelled the taste of the wood element crystals, and they gathered in groups. Fortunately, Lu Chen carved a large space formation on the bottle, otherwise the bottle would be full.

"My lord..." Ying Qing's face was already green and couldn't be green, and she called out in shock.

"What? Can't bear it?" Lu Chen looked at Yingqing with a smile.

"No, no..." Seeing Lu Chen's smile, Ying Qing suddenly felt his scalp numb, and said: "I want it, take it away, why would I be reluctant...hahaha..."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. Although this green spirit beetle and green spirit vine are not rare treasures, they are rare enough, and they are still in such a quantity. Say it, do you believe it yourself?"

Lu Chen squatted down, picked up a blue spirit beetle, and said, "Actually, even if I don’t take any of them, I will leave them all to you...what's the use? Let’s not say you don’t know what these things are. What's the use... Even if you know it, do you have the ability to practice them into pill?"

Upon hearing Lu Chen's words, Yingqing couldn't help but smile. Yeah, the Shadow Clan has countless rare medicinal materials, and which kind of medicinal materials are actually mined and refined into pill? It was all ruined.

Toward, Yingqing said helplessly: "What the lord said is that these green spirit vines and green spirit beetles are left at the disposal of the lord..."

It is impossible to say that it is not distressed, but what can be done? Yingqing already regretted that she had offended this Lu Chen, and what the people said just now would definitely make Lu Chen unhappy. If he had a good relationship with this great **** earlier, he would have his own share of these medicinal materials. of!

Lu Chen could see the idea of ​​the shadow at a glance, but he kept squatting on the ground, counting the beetles boringly, you shadow clan, if you don't take me seriously, I will let you cool off and die of you!

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