Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1330: Plan to go bankrupt!

One thousand three hundred and thirty chapters

Looking at Lu Chen who was akimbo and laughing, Yingqing felt a little painful.

Yingqing didn't know the extent of the horror of the rotten ants, and even this kind of extremely small and terrifying small insects had a shadow in his heart!

Fifty years ago, Yingqing was still young, so he didn't need to think about how to get food to feed his family, how to fight against the monsters outside the territory, just a stable, carefree practice.

But the days fail to fulfill the wishes, and the days will not be easy forever.

That day, the strongest shadow killer of the younger generation in the clan returned to the village in a panic and rags. He was panicked and even saw the people in the clan not speak.

At that time, the people in the clan only thought that he was just attacked by a powerful beast, and was frightened, and didn't ask anything, but just settled him down, why should he go.

Time soon arrived at night, and when everyone raised a bonfire and counted the prey they had harvested in the day, terror came.

Countless rotten ants, like a black wave, merged with the dark night, and they were paved towards the territory of the village. Wherever the rotten ants passed, there was no grass.

The people of the tribe have lived in this forest for generations, and they are also commonplace for ants. Although the number is really scary this time, there is not much panic. Everyone has lit a fire and gathered in the circle of fire.

Insects like ants are most afraid of flames. This is almost the law.

However, rot ants violate this law.

Although the fire a few meters wide caused them to pause for a while, but this pause, less than a second, countless rotten ants passed through the bonfire and poured into the ring of fire.

The power of rotten ants far exceeds that of ordinary insects.

Ordinary insects will be burned to ashes even if they encounter a small amount of flame, but this ant, passing through the flames several meters wide, is not damaged at all, spreading teeth and dancing claws, and rushed towards the people.

The tribesmen are not without the power to fight back, but their abilities may be good to deal with large monsters, but they are of no use to the rotten ants who win by numbers.

Escape! That is the only option!

Therefore, the tribesmen paid the price of dozens of lives and the bones gnawed by the rotten ants, and finally escaped. The name of the shadow clan is not for nothing. In the end, most of the tribe are Survived.

However, the Shadow Clan also paid the price of more than a hundred lives, and the well-built residence could only be reluctantly abandoned. The people moved northward as a group, and the huge loss made the Shadow Clan not breathe for a long time.

At that time Yingqing was one of the fugitives. He saw with his own eyes that after the tribe fell to the ground, the ant tide rushed over and was eaten up instantly, with no bones left! After the people learned that the rotten ants came out of the dense forest, they also listed it as a forbidden land. No one has been inside for decades!

At this time, Lu Chen actually announced that he would enslave these terrifying things!

Gosh! What a terrifying person is this?

Yingqing was helpless, with a terrifying ant on one side, and Lu Chen who didn't know how strong he was on the other. It was difficult for Yingqing to choose.

Leave, or follow along?

Lu Chen was fascinated by his eyes and looked at the eyeshadow, but he knew his thoughts clearly, and did not force him to say, "If you want to stay here, stay here... I'll go down. Will be back as soon as possible, if it is too late, you will go back by yourself!"

With that said, Lu Chen didn't make the bird shadow clear, he jumped directly, skipped a distance of tens of meters, and fell directly into the ant nest.


The underground soil of the ant nest was extremely loose, and Lu Chen's jump directly collapsed a passage when he landed on the ground.


Lu Chen was a little depressed and created an energy shield around his body. No way, the air in this ant nest was still dry, but there was a lot of smoke and dust, and there were countless ant excrements...

This is probably the environment that Lu Chen is most reluctant to face, but there is no way. Who makes him suddenly interested and wants to take some small ants and become a kid? (Little ants? Khan... You know these rotten ants, the smallest and smallest ones, have big fingers... I wipe them!)

Probably because of the size of these ants, these passages were dug extremely wide and extremely high (compared to the ants!) Lu Chen walked in it, he couldn't pile up at all! This is probably the biggest ant hole Lu Chen has ever seen, right?

While thinking about all these messy things, Lu Chen walked along the passage to deeper underground.



Lu Chen didn't feel like wasting time in this intricate, labyrinth-like ant hole. Walking all the way down, when you encounter a turn or turn or something, you will directly blast away, almost along a straight line, and go inside.

The colony of rotten ants is really terrifying. Lu Chen estimated that nearly four to five hundred meters deep underground nests have been dug out of this half a kilometer of underground. How many rotten ants can survive in it.

I kept thinking about it, Lu Chen was interested in these rot ants. How can food be solved for so many ants? If they had a full appetite, this dense forest would have been eaten clean!


Lu Chen kicked a big hole on the wall blocking the road in front, and walked in immediately.

Ok... Lu Chen's egg hurts.

As soon as he entered, Lu Chen stepped on a bunch of ant eggs, which were slimy, making Lu Chen's face instantly green.

"Fortunately, I put on the energy shield..." Lu Chen comforted himself, and then a fire ignited from under his feet, burning a piece of ant eggs clean.

After walking out of the tunnel full of ant eggs, Lu Chen finally realized that he was so painful that he was lost...

Only the ghosts knew how big this underground lair was, and the terrain was so intricate. Lu Chen walked so casually, he didn't know where he went!

Lu Chen patted his head with a headache, and Lu Chen said with a bit of annoyance: "Forget it, anyway, my goal is to collect some ant ants. Since I can't find the queen's nest, I can just seduce the spots and take them away! "

As he said, Lu Chen snapped his fingers, and a huge energy burst out from his fingertips, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye suddenly spread from his fingertips.

"Haha! As long as these ants are not fools, you will definitely find yourself as an intruder? Then you can stand alone! Hahaha..."

Lu Chen was a little bit overwhelmed, and actually forgot to release a shock wave of this intensity in this loose-soil underground cave... It's just a crime!


The shock wave spread unscrupulously, and the entire underground nest was so loose that it was eaten by the rotten ants long ago. This shock wave instantly destroyed the structure of the surrounding passageway. Suddenly, it was a hundred meters in radius and was all caught by this shock wave. The real earthquake collapsed!

"Wawi Wiwi Wiwi!!!"

Lu Chen cursed fiercely, watching the collapsed earthwork around him, decisively magnifying the energy shield to protect him, only a few seconds later, Lu Chen was completely buried.

That's right, when the power of the shock wave completely erupted in this underground lair, the entire underground lair collapsed... Not only Lu Chen's plan to take in his younger brother went bankrupt, but even himself was buried in this number. One hundred meters underground...


Hiding in the enlarged version of the energy hood, Lu Chen looked at the soil outside the energy hood silently, wailing in pain. This time, I was buried, my future little brother was also buried alive by myself, hey, impulse is the devil, this time I decisively lost his wife and broke down!

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