Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 130: Boring challenge!

"Okay! Let's not talk about him! It's too early, let's go to dinner! Do you want to go out to eat! Or go back to the villa with me to eat?" Lu Chen shrugged, ignoring Dai Li's affairs and laughed Said.

"Let's go out to eat! Finally, I was able to have a meal with you alone." Bai Bing's expression was full of joy, and he stopped taking Dai Li's affairs into his heart. After thinking for a while, he said: "Let's go to my aunt's shop and eat chicken wings! I have eaten it for the first time, and now I love the taste!"

"Haha! Okay! Then let's eat chicken wings." Lu Chen affectionately shaved the little girl's nose and said, "But you have to be careful! That kind of food contains a lot of calories, so be careful to eat too much. ! Will gain weight. I don't like chubby girls!"

"This young lady will not gain weight! Besides, even if this young lady is gaining weight, if you dare not want me! I'm right in front of you, let me show you!" Bai Bingxin wrinkled her nose and said proudly. But as he talked, it seemed that Lu Chen really didn't want himself, and mist began to appear in his eyes!

Lu Chen wouldn't be joking just now. Lu Chen knew the bodies of people in this world very well. As long as people with a bit of cultivation, the high calories in those foods will not only bring them no harm, but will give them some help. People in this world are so magical.

Seeing the mist in Bai Bing's eyes, Lu Chen felt helpless, and quickly comforted: "Bing'er, I was joking with you! Our Bing'er is naturally beautiful, and he won't eat fat no matter how he eats. ! Even if I get fat, I won't want our Binger."

"You will eat fat! I will never get fat!" Lu Chen's comfort caused Bai Bing to smile. But I still emphasized that I will never gain weight. It seems that no matter what kind of girl, there will be a very fearful feeling about gaining weight.

Walking to the gate of the school, Bai Bingxin was still thinking about gaining weight. After gritting his teeth, he said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, why don't we go to McDonald's, let's go to Kaiserlin's restaurant and drink that kind of monkey bar! I heard it tastes pretty good!"

"Um!" Lu Chen couldn't help but smile, and said, "Xiao Nizi, I'm not too old, but I want to drink! Actually, don't worry! Those McDonald's things are of no use to you! Only those things Ordinary people who don't have any cultivation base will gain weight if they eat too much!"

"Really?" Bai Bingxin's eyes lit up, and to be honest, Bai Bingxin couldn't let go of the foods she liked very much in McDonald's. But I thought, Lu Chen has gained weight after eating too much stuff, and Lu Chen doesn't like fat girls, so I don't want to be myself, what should I do!

"Of course it is true! Would I still lie to our Binger!" Lu Chen touched Bai Bingxin's soft hair dissatisfied.

"Yeah! Then let's eat chicken wings! I want French fries, soda..." Bai Bingxin cheered, and a lot of products now launched by McDonald's broke out. That happy touch made Lu Chen couldn't help but smile. "What a kid!"

Brought Bai Bingxin to the restaurant, helped Bai Bingxin order a large amount of food, and found a place by the window, and the two of them ate with sweet faces. The sweet behavior of the two makes the diners on the side look very envious. Especially those couples who came to eat in pairs, I hope they can be like Lu Chen.

"Bing Xin? Why are you here!" Just when the two of them were eating very happily, a soft voice suddenly came from beside them.

Lu Chen looked up and saw a man with a gloomy face, who looked like a sinister and cunning man, standing by his side.

"Annier Kate, how many times have I told you. My name is Bai Bingxin, not Bing Xin! You are not qualified to call me Bing Xin!" Seeing the man, Bai Bingxin subconsciously frowned. The man's words made Bai Bingxin feel extremely irritable.

"Bing'er, what's the matter? Who is this person! Don't you know that we are eating? It is a very annoying thing to disturb others eating!" Lu Chen guessed that Anil? Kate may be an admirer of Bai Bingxin. Is his love rival. So it's natural to stand up!

"Just a nasty person! I'll be full when I see him! Let's go home!" Bai Bing gave Anil Kate an annoyed look, then naturally took Lu Chen's hand and "home" The two words are very heavy and heavy. The meaning of course is to let Anil Kate, be able to retreat.

"Okay! I'm full too! Let's go home!" Lu Chen gently patted Bai Bingxin's cheek, kissed Bai Bingxin's red lips, completely ignored, and Anni beside him El Kate's cheeks were already somber and almost black.

Being kissed by Lu Chen in such a crowded place made Bai Bingxin a little shy. But there was more joy in his heart, seeing Lu Chen's eyes full of affection. But everyone around with surprised gazes, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Lu Chen's lips.

With Bai Bingxin's action, Anil Kate's heart burned like fire, wishing to shatter the men and women in front of him. But I thought that this was in the China Empire, not my own Deloitte Empire, and the identity of the prince of the Deloitte Empire might cause a war between the two countries.

Anil Kate took a deep breath, then pointed to Lu Chen, who was slowly thinking about walking outside the restaurant, and said: "This gentleman, although I don't know who you are! But since you took my favorite girl , Then I will challenge you. Nothing else, just for what I have done before!"

Anil Kate's words caused Lu Chen to pause. Anil Kate did not give any excuses for the winner to get Bai Bingxin and the loser to leave Bai Bingxin to launch this challenge. Let Lu Chen look at this Anil Kate, but to be honest, Lu Chen is still not interested.

"Sorry, I'm not interested. You are asking for those contributions! It has nothing to do with me! Why should I accept your challenge! And it's still such a boring challenge!" After that, Lu Chen took Bai Bingxin. Continue to walk outside the door.

"Don't you dare to accept my challenge? You are so weak, can Bing Xin get happiness?" Anil Kate said.

"Idiot!" Lu Chen said coldly, "I am not cowardly, what does it have to do with Bing'er's happiness! Don't use any kind of aggressive method against me, it will have no effect! I will never accept an idiot. Challenge! Bye!" He said, and left the restaurant!

Message to the reader:

Thank you for your reward! Seeking gold bricks, collection!

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