Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1338: The two legendary emperors!


Lu Chen patted his head in an incredible way, and said, "A woman! What kind of emperor is he called! Isn't this cheating?"

"Cheating?" It was another vocabulary that Yingqing couldn't understand.

Although Yingqing didn’t know exactly what Lu Chen meant, he could still hear from his tone that he was a little dissatisfied with the title of Blood Shadow Great, and quickly explained: “This title was later when Blood Shadow Great disappeared. After that, the name of the blood shadow clan was also their respect for her and recognition of her strength!"

Hearing Yingqing's explanation, Lu Chen asked with some doubts: "The Blood Shadow Clan? Is there this race? The name is quite similar to your Shadow Clan. Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Uh..." Yingqing showed a bitter smile on her face, and said, "How could it be okay? It's just that we don't want to mention it... Hey!"

"What's the matter? Let's hear it!" Lu Chen became interested.

"The history is too long, and I don't know too well. I also learned from the various classics in the clan, but it is not detailed enough... Please forgive me!"

"Wipe..." Hearing Yingqing's words, Lu Chen rolled his eyes uncomfortably, and said, "Just say whatever you know, so slow, like a man!"

Of course, Yingqing didn't dare to refute Lu Chen's words, and quickly said: "In fact, when it comes to the relationship between the Blood Shadow Clan and the Shadow Clan, it goes back many years!"

"In the legend, the Emperor Blood Shadow and the Shadow Emperor were originally a pair of sisters. The sister practiced hiding, assassinating, and walking in the dark, but when it appears, it will inevitably take away one or even several lives!"

"The younger sister, Blood Shadow Great, is completely different from the Shadow Great Emperor’s path of cultivation. The Blood Shadow Great Emperor is like a demon god, without any scruples. He takes killing as his practice and grows up in the killing. Wherever he goes, it’s a storm. A terrible woman walking in a pool of blood!"

"Bloodshadow Emperor and Shadowshadow Emperor, according to legend, they had a very good relationship when they were young, but with the passage of time, after the two embarked on the road of spiritual practice, because of their different pursuits, they embarked on their own paths. The relationship between the two has gradually become worse."

"The name of the Shadow Emperor was actually given very early. At that time, the Shadow Emperor hid in the darkness all the time, and only occasionally came out to take some quests, and use these quests to practice. Of course, even It was when she received the mission, no one had ever seen her clearly... just like that, in countless missions, the name of the Shadow Emperor gradually became louder..."

"However, when the shadow emperor was well known by everyone, she disappeared. According to legend, the shadow emperor came to the birthplace of our shadow clan, the dark forest, on the way to practice, and found it very pleasing to the eye. Settling down here, of course, these names were all named afterwards. The original place was just an unknown forest!"

"After finding the place to settle, the Shadow Emperor gradually became deeply inhabited and simple, no longer worrying about outside affairs, and at this time, it was the rise of the Blood Shadow Emperor!"

"The appearance of Blood Shadow Great is very weird. She never asks anything, never works for any forces, and even never accepts a mercenary mission. She has never had a reason to kill. Maybe it is because of people's unpleasantness. Maybe someone blocked the way, and the number of people who died under her hands is countless, but no matter how many people seek revenge from her, it is like moths fighting the fire, and they have never come back!"

"So exaggerated?" Lu Chen couldn't help interrupting Ying Qing's narration, and said, "This Nima is more novel than a novel! Doesn't it mean that this blood shadow emperor is already invincible?"

"Of course not..." Ying Qing shook his head and said: "Let's not talk about how many hidden powerhouses there are, but her sister, the Shadow Emperor, is not an opponent!"

"They both fought?" Lu Chen asked with interest.

"No..." Ying Qing shook his head.

"Then you are so sure?" Lu Chen rolled his eyes.

"Um..." Yingqing scratched his head and said, "I also read it from the classics! In terms of age, I am a few times behind them, and I haven't even seen them. How can I know them? strength!"

"How many times are missing?" Lu Chen grasped the key point: "In other words, the Blood Shadow Great and the Shadow Great are all figures thousands of years ago?"

Yingqing nodded and said, "We, the Shadow Clan, have always regarded the Shadow Emperor as our ancestor and worshipped as our god. When the Shadow Emperor created the Shadow Clan, it was indeed thousands of years ago! If I hadn't If you remember it wrong, the approximate time should be between 4,800 and 5,300 years!"

"Wipe..." Lu Chen was speechless: "Doesn't this mean that she is my Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng... generation?"

"Almost..." Yingqing didn't hear Lu Chen's ridicule, and said with certainty: "And I know now... The Blood Shadow Great is still alive and secretly protecting the Shadow Clan... if my guess is true. ...So many things we did before were wrong!"

"Emperor Blood Shadow is still alive?" Lu Chen slapped Yingqing disdainfully: "Little ant just describe a scene, you believe it? Thousands of years, the vicissitudes of life, these things are accurate! Maybe they appeared in the little ant's nest It’s just the apprentice of Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng of the Blood Shadow Great Emperor!"

"..." Yingqing was speechless for a while, and said: "Even if the Blood Shadow Emperor is no longer in the world, even if that person is just the apprentice of the Blood Shadow Emperor's Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng generation, what he did also shows that she It is toward the Shadow Clan, that is to say, Blood Shadow Great has never really broken off with Shadow Great Emperor!"

"Difficulties? Are they not sisters?" Lu Chen said suspiciously.

"This question is a long story..."

"Then make a long story short!"

"According to legend, the Emperor Blood Shadow and the Shadow Emperor are both powerful figures in that matter. The two sisters have infinite luck and have embarked on a path of spiritual practice that allows each to dominate each other!"

"The more the two sisters are pursuing power, the gap between each other is getting bigger and bigger. The Shadow Emperor thinks that the path of the Blood Shadow Emperor is too cruel, and tries to make her converge. However, the Blood Shadow Emperor sneers, thinking that the Shadow Emperor has always been It was sneaky, worse than her, the conflict between the last two got deeper and deeper, and finally broke..."

"I just didn't expect that after so many years, I can still find that the blood shadow emperor has always cared for the shadow emperor's descendants... the legendary relationship between the two of them is like enemies. After coming, we will improve and improve our relationship with the Blood Shadow clan!"

Lu Chen rolled his eyes, probably understood the ins and outs of this matter, and lost interest in this matter. I looked up at the sky. After so long, the sun had already set, and the night sky was clear and starry.

"Wa...unknowingly, it's so late again, and I said to go back soon! Let's go, Yingqing! Hurry up, find the Qinglingvine, we should go back!"

Lu Chen's words shocked Yingqing, who was immersed in the affairs of the Shadow Emperor and the Blood Shadow Emperor. Then Yingqing repeatedly checked his head and said, "My lord, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"What shameful things have you done again? Inexplicably, why are you sorry?" Lu Chen couldn't help but curl his lips, and asked with some doubts.

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