Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1353: Shadow Sky's Revenge (2)

From the corner of his eyes, watching Yingtian's voice, he slowly walked through the square, knowing that it would gradually disappear at the end of the square.

"It seems that something fun will happen! Lu Chen didn't know why he went...what should I do?" Yan Xin took the leftover barbecue bones in his hand and threw it into the fire.

Qingqing on the side touched her mouth, wiped off some oil stains on the corners of her mouth, and came over curiously: "Sister Yanxin! What is fun? Can you bring Qingqing to play with?"

Speaking of Qingqing’s age, it’s absolutely frightening. I don’t know how many times it has been beaten by Lu Chen, but it didn’t take long for Qingqing to transform, and her way of thinking is similar to that of a 13-year-old child. She has lived in an underground cave since she was a child It is also pure as if it were a piece of white paper!

"Remember that big guy with a bald head just now?" A faint smile appeared at the corner of Yan Xin's mouth. Xiao Qingqing is so cute. Every time Yan Xin sees him, she can't help her maternal love overflow.

"Remember!" Qingqing opened her big cute eyes, "Big Brother Lu Chen, and sister Little Black Witch, the one beaten by sister Yan Xin!"

"Yeah! He will come to harass us later! At that time, continue to beat him!" Yan Xin casually inserted a piece of barbecue, I don't know why, the current Yan Xin always treats these original barbecues. Interested!

"How did Sister Yanxin know that he will come again?" Xiao Qingqing bit her finger in doubt.

"Guess it!" Yan Xin smiled: "I see a lot of this kind of people! I don't see my own strength clearly, blindly arrogant! In the end, he just killed himself... Lu Chen is not here, if you are here, look. If this guy dares to come and find trouble! He must be broken into pieces... Oh no! If Lu Chen is here! That stupid big guy probably wouldn't dare to come!"

Yan Xin said a lot, but Xiao Qingqing didn't understand it very much. However, he understood one thing, that nasty big silly man was about to be beaten by sister Yan Xin again!


Yingtian still didn't know that Yanxin had seen through his purpose, and he didn't know that Yanxin's strength was much stronger than Lu Chen...Of course, in a male clan like the Shadow Clan, no one would think that a woman would be stronger than a man. ! And this kind of fixed thinking will make Yingtian miserable next!

He took the giant tiger and walked to a shadowy corner of the Shadow Clan. Yingtian sneered at the corner of his mouth. He originally planned to write a better plan later to kill Lu Chen and occupy those women. But now, it seems to be No need anymore!

"That stupid hat!" Yingtian touched his forehead, it was smooth and slippery, the original wound had completely disappeared, even as if it was originally a rice, this is the terrifying effect of the Qingling Pill.

Although all the wounds healed and there was no Henderson at all, Yingtian still remembered the pain of being beaten and the pain of a beer bottle!

"Hehe..." Yingtian smirked: "I didn't have the strength to fight back! But you fool! You actually let me take the medicine! And, at this time, I went out and left all my women. I’m in the Shadows! Since God’s will! Then I’m not welcome!"

With that, Yingtian touched the giant tiger's forehead, and the sinister color on his face became more intense.

"Do you think that is my strength! How can I say it is the shadow clan, the strongest person among the younger generation! How can it be that you can defeat it so easily! Waiting for my revenge!"

Speaking of it, the reason why the Shadow Sky threw it outside to experience more than the Shadow Clan, in the final analysis, is because the cultivation way does not match the Shadow Clan! The shadow clan, majoring in stealth, assassination, and walking in the darkness, but Yingtian has completely walked out of the darkness, and the cultivation method of combat is extremely violent.

In the previous battle with Lu Chen, Yingtian did not use all his strength, nor did he have time to try it out. He first started to treat Lu Chen with a complete contempt. When he was attacked by Lu Chen, he had already done it. Li's wind was angry and completely lost his reason.

Shadow Sky’s most powerful fighting method must be integrated with the mount.

And now, the giant tiger in front of Yingtian is the mount he is most proud of.

Three years ago, the strength of Yingtian in the Shadow Clan was not terrific. It can only be said to be a medium level, cultivated and well-regulated, the Shadow Clan's stealth and assassination way.

But just one day three years ago, Yingtian was dispatched to the nest of a monster beast thousands of meters away from the Shadow Clan tribe, and the order was to kill the monster beast inside.

In the original survey, the strength of this monster beast was not very good! As a result, the Presbyterian Church didn't just leave this monster beast somewhere, leaving it as one of the training grounds for the younger clan.

Yingtian was assigned to this training venue! However, the old nest of this monster beast is not that simple. It turns out that the monster beast in the investigation, the monster beast of strength and status, is just a minor monster beast! During the survey, it happened that the older monster was out looking for food.

However, Yingtian had very bad luck. After receiving the mission of experience, he sneaked into the nest of the monster beast and quietly killed the underage monster beast. At this moment, the adult monster beast ,came back!

Although the previous demon beast was not an adult, its strength was not low. Yingtian had already consumed most of its strength in the battle, and was already unable to fight the adult demon beast, so it was easy to chant it. The first adult monster beast, captured!

The adult monster beast hated Yingtian for killing his child. Instead of killing him directly, he imprisoned him in his lair, tortured him every day and avenged him!

Yingtian is not as good as dead every day, and his body is full of wounds bitten by that monster beast. He has not eaten anything for dozens of days, and he has lost all the strength to resist.

While he was waiting to die, he found a small piece of incomplete jade slip among the dead branches in the monster's old nest.

The jade slip is very small and the color is dark. If Yingtian was tortured by the monster beast, his face was just pressed on this jade slip, he would not have noticed it.

Because the jade slip has been damaged, most of the things recorded in it are also incomplete, but there is still a one-step exercise, and the record is relatively complete!

This incomplete technique is a technique that can conquer monsters and use it for oneself!

Under the excitement of Yingtian, he remembered it, and, after a few days, exhausted his remaining strength to conquer the monster beast!

That monster is the giant tiger in front of him!

The original hardship turned into an opportunity. Later, Yingtian also used that technique to conquer a lot of monsters, but none of them had the power of a giant tiger;

In that step of the exercise, the emphasis is on the unity of humans and beasts. Your own power is exactly the same as the power of monsters and beasts. This is no longer equal to one family, but the strength has increased several times! But with the use of monsters to kill the enemy, Yingtian can no longer hide in the darkness. This is probably also fate!

Because of the incomplete technique, Yingtian's strength greatly increased, and he immediately became the number one master of the shadow clan, but Cheng Lao was very dissatisfied with his cultivation method and ordered him to go out to practice...

Therefore, Shadow Sky drifted outside the group almost every day, drifting in the Shadow Forest, fighting various monsters, although it was dangerous, but its strength rose quickly. But the character, in the midst of the killing day after day, became extremely irritable and extremely cruel!

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