Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1373: I also came to destroy you!

After hearing Alice's words, Lu Chen didn't answer anything on the spot. He just smiled and said, "Take me over and have a look!"

This was what Alice was waiting for, and she naturally didn't hesitate to take Lu Chen to the battlefield of the two races without hesitation.

On the road in the past, Lu Chen thought that he had walked along the blood river for a long time, except for Alice alone, no one else was found. Thinking of Alice before, he just drank a cup of blood in the blood river to restore himself. Come here, so now in such a fierce battle, shouldn't more blood races come to drink blood to replenish blood energy?

So Lu Chen asked: "Alice, why do I only see you here, come to this place to replenish blood, what about other blood clan members?"

Alice didn’t doubt the purpose of Lu Chen’s question, and said directly: "My lord, this blood energy was created by Master Cain through secret techniques. In this cave, only members of the blood clan can enter. Other ordinary blood clan can only enter Outside, taking blood water is enough to replenish blood energy.

As for why I am the only one, it is because the current internal members of our blood clan, dead and wounded, only a small number of people can enter it again. But now, the battle is fierce, so we need to take turns to replenish blood energy, just now it's my turn.

As for those internal members who were injured, heal their injuries deeper. Where there is more blood energy, it is very effective for healing. I just consume the blood energy, so I just need to drink a glass of blood water here to replenish the blood energy I consume! "

Alice’s words made Lu Chen hesitate. If Cain used secret techniques to create this river of blood, it would not be what he had guessed. Because the blood clan killed too many people, it condensed into this river of blood. . But Lu Chen always felt that something was wrong.

"You said, this river of blood was created by the guy Cain through secret techniques?" Lu Chen didn't have any respect for Cain at all, and he directly replaced that guy.

Hearing what Lu Chen called her ancestor, Alice was very embarrassed. She didn't know how to answer Lu Chen's words, but Alice was very happy to be able to let Lu Chen call her ancestor. Lu Chen is definitely much better than his ancestors!

"Yes, my lord!" Alice replied helplessly.

"Oh! Do you know how it was done?" Lu Chen asked.

Alice shook her head, "How can I know the secret skills that only Master Cain knows! However, when you meet Master Cain in the future, Sir, you can ask him in person. You and Master Cain Master Cain can definitely tell you about the relationship!"

Lu Chen nodded without refuting anything, and then asked again: "Could it be that after such a long time, the blood in this river of blood will not dry up and solidify?"

"Of course it will, but we will inject some fresh blood into it after a while. In this way, Master Cain's secret skills will prevent this river of blood from drying up and coagulating, and it can also ensure the freshness of blood in the river of blood. "Alice didn't realize anything, so she replied directly.

Lu Chen was finally sure, where he felt something was wrong, and his eyes started to fire: "Which creatures would you choose to inject fresh blood?"

Alice felt something wrong when she heard Lu Chen’s question, but when she thought of the so-called relationship between Lu Chen and Cain, she didn’t go into the details, and said directly, “Sometimes she chooses some monster blood, sometimes she chooses , Those other tribesmen who are unwilling to submit to the blood clan..."

"That means there is a lot of blood from innocent people in this river of blood?" Lu Chen's tone seemed very calm at this time, but obviously, it was definitely the calm before the storm.

"Yes...Yes!" Alice finally came back to her senses, feeling something was wrong, raised her head and glanced at Lu Chen, and found that Lu Chen's expression was extremely flat, and she suddenly couldn't figure out what Lu Chen was. What do you mean.

"Very good! Take me to the battlefield to see!" Lu Chen said directly.

Lu Chen's words made Alice directly forget the doubt in her heart, speed up again, and walk towards the battlefield of the two races.

Soon, under the leadership of Alice, Lu Chen left this huge cave. As expected, in the blood river outside the cave, a large swath of disabled members of the blood family, like beggars, lay directly on the edge of the blood river, drinking blood. . There is no kinship, so-called gentleman, so-called noble.

What Alice didn't notice when he walked in front was that every time he and Lu Chen passed a distance, as long as there were blood clan members, they would faint inexplicably after Lu Chen passed by. If someone could see them at this time , Will definitely find that they did not faint, but lost their lives.

The core of their bodies exploded directly and inexplicably. Without the existence of the core, these blood races naturally have no life to continue to live. Therefore, before Alice knew it, Lu Chen had already killed a large part of the blood clan members, although these blood clan members were all ordinary members.

After another few minutes, Lu Chen and Alice came to a clearing. At this time, the clearing was full of corpses, blood, traces of explosions, and even more. It can be seen that the situation here is indeed very tragic at this time. . Moreover, judging from the corpses on the ground, the blood race is more severe than that race.

Standing aside, Lu Chen observed the race that was fighting with the blood clan, and found that when they were fighting, a white tiger-like monster beast would appear on the back of their bodies involuntarily, although he did not know what this race was. But Lu Chen could also guess that this race should have something to do with the Baihu clan.

"Alice, you're finally back... Hey, who is he?" The appearance of Alice made the blood family breathe a sigh of relief, a pair of black and tattered male blood family members who were covered in embarrassment behind them, slow Slowly quit the battlefield, walked over, and asked suspiciously.

"Oh! He is the one I told you before, the adult who knew Lord Cain!" Alice quickly introduced the male blood.

"Really?" This male blood group obviously didn't believe Alice's words, because he could not feel that Lu Chen's cultivation level, perhaps in his own noble consciousness, had forgotten one thing, that is Xiu For people who are much higher than him, he can't see the cultivation level of others.

"I said Alice, why did you become so stupid? People say that if you know Lord Cain, he really knows Lord Cain! Who knows if he is peeping at some treasure of our blood family! Forget it, let's not say, Hurry up and play! I'm going to add it!"

After that, the male blood clan member gave Lu Chen a disdainful look, and he was about to leave!

But Lu Chen was able to let him leave like this, shaking his body lightly, he stopped in front of the blood clan members, and said, "I'm sorry, I am! The most disdainful thing is being looked down upon by others. So... hehe!" Lu Chen suddenly stretched out his hand and punched the male blood clan at the core.

With a sound of "touch...", the male blood clan members, without any screening, directly tilted their heads and died completely.

"You...sir, how can you do this?" Alice suddenly shouted in horror.

Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you, I also came to destroy your blood!"

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