Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 134: Train Catherine!

"Ye'er, when the time comes, you will also go. And the little girl Catherine, take advantage of the time now, get ready! Let's go this way, it will definitely take a long time, and I don't know the inside of the **** abyss. Do you have any supplies like food, so you must prepare enough..." Lu Chen ordered.

"I know! Master! Don't worry! I'll start preparing those things right away!" Lu Ye nodded, and then she understood why Lu Chen would take Zhou Wenwen to those dangerous places.

"Okay, it's not early, you go to class! I'll talk to Kathrine about this, so she can prepare in advance!" Lu Chen patted several people on the shoulders, then stood up and smiled. Walked outside the door.

"Blood Abyss? A very interesting place!" Lu Chen stood at the door, looking at the **** Abyss, with a wicked smile on his mouth.

Came to Caesarine's class with Lu Ye, because Caesarine did not choose to summon magic to practice like Lu Chen, so she is still in Lu Chen's previous class, which is the fire magic class taught by Lu Ye.

The appearance of Lu Chen surprised everyone in the class. Before Lu Chen suddenly did not come to the class to go to school, it made them a little strange, but later heard that Lu Chen had participated in the Summoning Magic class, and their doubts were cleared. Now that Lu Chen appeared, he was naturally very surprised.

"Linlin, come out! I have something to do with you!" Lu Chen stood at the door and said to Catherine.

Lu Ye, who followed Lu Chen, also smiled and said, "Catherine, you go out! I allow you today, but you can skip the afternoon class!"

"Thank you teacher!" Caesarine, who didn't understand what Lu Chen suddenly came to look for, nodded to Lu Ye with joy, and walked out of the classroom.

"Lu Chen, what do you want to do with me! It's time for class now, can't you come to me again after school?" Catherine said shyly.

"Your sister Ye'er, haven't you already given you a holiday!" Lu Chen smiled and said, "I am going to participate in the campus qualifying competition!"

"Ah! If you participate, will you give us a chance! Hey! Another position is taken by someone!" Catherine shook her head dissatisfied.

"I don't know if you don't know, what will happen to the top five students in the campus qualifying competition?" Lu Chen ignored Kathrine's words, but asked with a smile on his face.

Catherine looked at Lu Chen in a puzzled way, "You know! Isn't it because you can get the weapons prepared by the school? Are you participating in this competition for those weapons? No, for you, even a branch is better than those A magic weapon, much more powerful!"

"Of course not this. In today's campus qualifying, the top five students will be led by the school teacher into the **** abyss!" After speaking, Lu Chen looked at Caesarine fixedly, wanting to see how she reacted.

"Oh! You will enter the Scarlet Abyss! Is this your purpose?" What Lu Chen didn't expect was that Caesarine heard the place of Scarlet Abyss, she didn't show a sense of fear, but rather calm. It was as if Lu Chen was not talking about Scarlet Abyss, but a playground.

"Yes, it's Scarlet Abyss, I'm going to go in and take a look!" Lu Chen nodded.

"Then I will go with you too!" Catherine said plainly, but she was so firm that she didn't have the courage to refute her.

Only then did Lu Chen understand why Catherine didn't have a certain sense of Scarlet Abyss. It turned out that when she heard about this place, she already understood Lu Chen's thoughts, and at the same time she had made up her mind to follow Lu Chen. Perhaps in her opinion, as long as there is Lu Chen, all dangers are not dangerous anymore!

"I came here to tell you this! Let you prepare in advance, we will definitely go to that place then. You actually don't need to do anything else, just put yourself in the campus qualifying and try to improve your ranking .At that time, I will find a way to let you go with me!" Lu Chen said.

"Really?" Catherine said happily.

"Of course it's true! I thought you really didn't feel anything! It turned out that there was something! I just saw you mentioned Scarlet Abyss so plainly, I thought you didn't even know this place!" Lu Chen smiled. Patted Catherine's hair and said.

"How is it possible, how could I not know about the famous place of Scarlet Abyss! However, I know that only with your existence, I will definitely not be in danger!" Catherine was lying on Lu Chen with a happy face. In his arms, he completely forgot that he was still at the door of the classroom.

The students in the classroom were very surprised when they saw the look of Kaiserin's little woman, lying on Lu Chen's words. In their minds, Lu Chen and Kesselin are completely people from two domains. It is impossible for them to have any contact, but now...

"Go to a place with me. Although your current cultivation level is still quite high, your combat experience is still quite inadequate. So I am worried that because of your reasons, you will be easily killed by your opponent during the game. , I don't have to take you to the Scarlet Abyss!" Lu Chen said, holding Catherine's hand.

Catherine also knew her lack of fighting experience, but the problem was that her previous cultivation level was indeed quite high, but it was entirely because of her talent and the result of her hard work, but she was kind-hearted, except for pranks, never Will use his own cultivation to play tricks on others.

Also because of her frequent pranks, people in the entire academy are very afraid of him, and few people are willing to fight her. Even in some combat courses, she used her most powerful spell directly to make her opponent surrender directly. In this way, her ‘bad name’ became more famous, and no one wanted to fight her.

"That's it!" Lu Chen took Catherine to Houshan again, and the two went directly into Lu Chen's Hongmeng Pearl.

Originally, Lu Chen planned to let Xiaoling adjust the time difference of Hongmeng Zhu to the maximum, but he learned that for some reason, Lu Chen could only adjust Hongmeng Zhu to a ratio of one to ten. But only in this way, Lu Chen was already satisfied. Without saying anything, he summoned a fifth-level flame tiger and started training Kathrine.

Lu Chen's goal was to quickly improve Caesarine's combat experience through the time difference of Hongmengzhu. Although the time difference now is too much compared to before, Lu Chen is already satisfied. After all, it only took him a little time before, and he created a large number of super **** level masters. Now he can't make speculation like that, it's normal!

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