Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1385: The thunder robbery of the three women!

"Okay, then! I agree!" Lu Chen nodded finally, and agreed to the request of the holy robbery, let him land a few thunder calamities casually, even if he passed, then directly drop the light of the holy world, let Yantong Three women undergoing physical changes.

"Well, let's start! I'm going to get through now!" Lu Chen nodded, and was about to leave the interior of the Holy Realm.

"Wait a minute! Boy, I have brought down a few thunder tribulations, you'd better let the three girls go through it by yourself. Although the power of thunder tribulation is not great, it is very good for their bodies. I think Although they have the cultivation base of a saint, their physical strength is still too weak!" Sheng Jie said suddenly when Lu Chen was about to leave.

"But...sacred light, isn't it able to modify their bodies as well?" Lu Chen said with some doubts.

"It's not the same. One is the body before the modification, and the other is the body after the modification. The few thunder tribulations now can help them modify the body first, increase the strength of the body, and then the light of the holy world is in itself In terms of strength, constantly being transformed!

If the body is already strong, then after the transformation, it will naturally become even stronger. If the body itself is too weak, then maybe after being modified by the Light of the Holy Realm, the modified body has a higher strength than my Thunder Tribulation. Now you understand what I mean! "Sheng Jie said directly.

"By the way, if you decide to do this, then you tell them, don't resist the thunder robbery. My thunder robbery is very weak and it is dangerous. After letting them guide the thunder robbery into the body, the thunder robbery can take the initiative. Help them transform their bodies without bothering them!" Sheng Jie continued.

"Old man, you won't have any conspiracy!" Lu Chen said with a threat in his eyes, touching his chin.

Before chatting with Sheng Jie, Sheng Jie appeared in front of Lu Chen with the appearance of a grumpy old man! But after Lu Chen finished speaking, he was ready to receive the old man's scolding, but surprisingly, the old man seemed to be unresponsive. After a few seconds, he said faintly:

"My Holy Tribulation is not the same as you humans, so dirty. Since I said that I will help them, I will definitely help them, and I will not make small movements. If you think like this, then I can also face the open space, Or it's up to you to overcome this holy calamity!"

I don't know why, the old man's faint tone made Lu Chen choose to believe the old man's words, so he thanked the old man of the saint robbery, and then left the inside of the saint robbery!

After Lu Chen left, the faint voice of the old man Shengjie sounded: "Boy, you are the last person who hopes to reach that level. I hope I don't let the old man down! Huh..."

"Lu Chen, are you okay!" Seeing the road car appeared in front of her, the three women couldn't help but hurriedly asked.

Lu Chen was a little moved, smiled slightly, and said, "It's okay! How could I have anything to do! I just talked to the Holy Tribulation, I think it is better for you to come to this Holy Tribulation! I can help you For a while, but I can’t help you all!"

Lu Chen's words made the three women a little surprised, "Talking to Sheng Jie?" The three women looked at Lu Chen with a strange look.

Lu Chen touched his nose. He didn't know where the three women thought, so he smiled and said, "That's the truth. You can do this by yourself. I can't help you. I just promised the old man. I hope you don’t let me down!"

Although Lu Chen's words made the three women feel unusually surprised, but in the end they believed Lu Chen, nodded and said, "Well! Don't worry, Lu Chen, we will definitely not let you down. Although this holy robbery is very difficult Horror, but like us, we are leaving!"

The self-confidence of the three women made Lu Chen very happy. Lu Chen smiled, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "That...I have already negotiated with the old man. Don't think that the saint robbery is terrifying, but it is not actually a threat. Power. You don’t need to be afraid at all...Of course, this is because this is not the true holy robbery!"

When Lu Chen said this, he paused for a while, and continued: "For a while, the old man of the holy robbery, I will make sense, and drop a few thunder robberies. Don't resist the thunder robbery, absorb the thunder robbery into your body, and let the thunder robbery run automatically. , The purpose of these few thunder tribulations is to help you reshape your body, the body is almost remodeled, that's it!"

"Huh?" Lu Chen's words surprised the women again, but after thinking about it, Lu Chen did it for his own good, so he didn't say anything!

"Okay, old man, you can drop the thunder!" After Lu Chen ordered, he stepped aside and shouted at the holy robbery.

The holy robbery didn't talk nonsense, aside from anything else, three grayish-purple thunder robberies landed and shot at the top of the three women.

Although Shengjie said it nicely before, Lu Chen was actually very worried in his heart. Although he let it go, he actually watched the three women carefully. As long as there is something wrong with one, Lu Chen will save the three without saying anything. Girl, then break Thunder Tribulation!

However, in fact, the old man Shengjie didn't lie, and the Thunder Tribulation he lowered was indeed to help the three females refine their bodies. After the thunder tribulation was completed, the strength of the three women's body was greatly improved, and the body and their own cultivation levels finally had a good fusion.

However, a female thunder robbery is obviously not as simple as the old man holy robber wants.

Whenever the Thunder Tribulation in the three women's body is almost consumed, the old man Saint Tribulation will always land another road without hesitation. In just a few minutes, the old man had already dropped twenty-seven thunder tribulations. On average, each woman had already endured nine thunder tribulations.

At this time, the physical strength of the three women has doubled from the beginning.

Seeing that Lei Jie was so effective in improving the physical strength of the three women, Lu Chen showed a satisfied smile on his face. The increase in physical strength also indicates that the integration of the three women with their own cultivation base will increase. If the three women had the cultivation base of a saint before, then now, the three women can use almost half of their own cultivation base. .

Although Lei Jie had changed his body quickly, Lu Chen was a little dissatisfied, because Lu Chen knew that the third woman's body still had the potential to continue to improve. So after the nine thunder tribulations were over, Lu Chen was worried that the holy robbery would be forgotten, so he prepared to remind the sacred robbery. When the continuation, the tenth thunder tribulation of each woman came down quickly.

This made Lu Chen very happy, smiled at Sheng Jie, and looked at the three women intently again, keeping an eye out for possible accidents. After all, Lei Jie's intensity was increasing. Although the physical strength of the three women was also increasing, Lu Chen was still worried about accidents.

At this time, Lu Chen no longer doubted the holy robbery. Even if the holy robbery suddenly landed on a big thunder robbery, Lu Chen had reason to believe that the holy robbery was for the sake of the three women. Therefore, Lu Chen is not going to blame the holy robbery now, just keep paying attention to the three women, worrying that they will not be able to stand it.

When the holy robbery dropped ninety-nine and eighty-one thunder tribulations, that is, when each woman suffered twenty-seven thunder tribulations, the holy robbery finally stopped the landing of thunder robbery, and at this time, the three women’s body The improvement is more than a hundred times more than before.

Now the three women, let alone being able to fully utilize their own cultivation bases, just let them raise their cultivation bases to a level, they can all be manipulated without any difficulty! It can be said that this time Lei Jie's body refining is too good for them!

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