"Lu Chen, when will my children come out!" It is true that after the empty wine bottle on the ground doubled again, the two still showed no signs of being drunk, but looking at the dishes on the table, The two of them seemed to have been drinking for so long, and did not move their chopsticks.

"Didn't you say it! About half a year later!" Lu Chen shook his head, shook his head, and said in a free and easy manner.

"Then can you talk to me, my children, how great is it to take the land!" Yan Gang rubbed his hands, and when he thought of Yanxin and Yantong, when he looked at them, there was a feeling of seeing them. Being in a deep water, I couldn't touch the feeling of them, which made Yan Gang very surprised.

However, Yan Gang didn't wait for Lu Chen to answer, and smiled, saying in a treacherous manner: "Can you achieve the cultivation level of Yanxin and others! If we can achieve the cultivation level of Yanxin, then our Yan family, isn't it true? Will be invincible in the entire Origin God space?"

Looking at the YY expression on Yan Gang’s face, Lu Chen thought in his heart with disdain: "If it weren’t for Yan Xin and they were my women, you think I would help them improve to the sage level of cultivation at once, and at the same time help Have they survived the holy robbery? Lu Chen, I am not so generous!"

But these are naturally beyond the reach of Iwagang, and he still dreams about it alone.

"Hey! Uncle, stop thinking about it! Although your Yan family may become an invincible existence in the Primordial God Space with my help, don't forget, it will only take more than half a year to achieve this. At this level. And, don’t you think that just referring to the invincibility in the Origin God space is a bit too petty?"

"What do you mean?" Yan Gang has not left the Origin God space. Although he has some understanding of the outside world, after all, because he has never known or been there, he has an idea in his heart that he is invincible in the Origin God space. , You can be invincible in the outside world.

This is a duty of thought for anyone. After all, everyone has an inexplicable affection for their family members, so they always feel that their hometown is the most beautiful. Just here, as long as it reigns into a source **** space and rules the entire universe, there is no problem!

If it’s someone else, Lu Chen wouldn’t care what happened to him, but Yan Gang is his elder brother after all, and in the future, most of the masters of the Yan family will grow up under his own training. Lu Chen doesn’t want it. , When I met the Yan family once, but because of extreme arrogance, it became a pile of undead.

"I said, brother, can you stop fantasizing! To be honest! The world of your Origin God space is really too low-level. If you think that if you rule the entire Origin God space, you can rule the entire universe. , Then your fate is very tragic!" Lu Chen had to remind.

Lu Chen's words made Yangang sober, but he didn't care about Lu Chen's words, but said with a smile: "Hehe! Of course, Lu Chen, I did not say that I would rule the entire universe, as long as I could give the entire holy world to Once ruled, I'm already satisfied..."

"Wa, you still want to rule the entire holy world... I'll give you a bit, who do you think you are! You want to rule the whole holy world, don’t you know that ruling the entire world is almost equivalent to ruling the entire universe? Lu Chen said helplessly when he heard Yan Gang's words.

Yan Gang gave Lu Chen a white look and said with a grin, "I said brother-in-law, you can't wait for me to finish my sentence, OK?"

"Okay, say it!" Lu Chen listened helplessly to Yan Gang's words, secretly planning in his heart, before he left, was it because of reminding those Yan family disciples who had improved their cultivation, some too absurd orders, the most Don't do it, or it will end badly!

"Of course I know that our Yan family cannot rule the entire world. What I was about to say is that if I can rule the entire holy world, I will be satisfied...Of course, I also know that this is impossible, so I can The rule of the gods is already very good for me, or for our entire Yan family!" Yan Gang raised the bottle in his hand, touched the bottle in Lu Chen's hand, and said.

"That's not okay!" Lu Chen looked at Yan Gang a little contemptuously. Lu Chen has been to many worlds, let alone Dragon Soul Continent! Originally, when Lu Chen first understood the entire continent, everyone said that the most powerful players in this world were only Sword Saint level masters. As a result, a large number of Sword God level masters appeared.

If it is said that the most powerful person in the gods is the gods, then Lu Chen can't guarantee that there will be someone more powerful than the gods. For example, for this BUG, ​​I didn't go to the Holy Realm either, but the sage stage masters around me are not so many!

"Then what! Brother, if I persuade you, it's better not to have this idea. I said before that you who can be promoted by me are already their own extremes after they come out. There is no such thing. Several masters of the godly stage, if you want to rule the entire holy realm, there is no master of the sage stage, I advise you not to have this idea!" Lu Chen said.

"What, is there a saint in the God Realm?" Yan Gang asked in surprise.

"I can't guarantee this, because I have never been to the God Realm. But I have been to some worlds that are not lower than the Holy Realm. In that world, there are at least many existences equivalent to saints. Think about it yourself, There are saints in such a world, let alone the entire God Realm?" Lu Chen said with a smile.

"But our Origin God space should also be a world equivalent to the God Realm! Why..." Yan Gang asked with some confusion.

"No... the level of your Origin God space, speaking of it, is lower than that of the God Realm. First of all, although your Origin God space has a supernatural presence, but very few. And the spar you use is not a **** crystal but an immortal. Jing, at this point, you are much lower than the God Realm!" Lu Chen said.

"Isn't the spar different? We still have masters!" Yan Gang muttered and said slowly.

"No... not so. Forget it, I won't tell you more. Anyway, you Yan Family, if you want to occupy a chassis in the God Realm, there is no problem. But if you want to rule the entire world, I I would never agree. Moreover, those of your Yan family disciples would never agree. I don't want my students to be treated as cannon fodder and died!"

When Lu Chen said this sentence, it was quite solemn, so that Yan Gang had originally raised a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart, and suddenly disappeared. I don’t know why, but he agreed to Lu Chen’s instructions in his heart. Any idea to inform the whole world.

It is precisely because of this that the Yan Family has no intention of ruling the God Realm in the future. Only in a corner of the God Realm, after occupying the next position, slowly developed the strength of the entire Yan Family. And over time, the Yan Family gradually replaced one of the top ten forces in the original God Realm.

And in their position, no one dared to resist. Even if someone resisted, they were ruthlessly killed. Naturally, the hands are in the rock family. Because the Yan Family has no desire for hegemony, it is recognized by many people in the God Realm!

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