Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1400: dissatisfied!

"Lu Chen, I want to say something about that!" After seeing Zi Xin'er's picture, the girls didn't have the mind to tease Zi Xin'er anymore, so Yan Xin's voice remembered.

"What's the matter? Just say what you want to say! I won't stop you!" Lu Chen smiled and glanced at Yan Xin, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, but the light soon disappeared, making Yan Xin fundamental There was no gleam in Lu Chen's eyes.

"Well, I also know Sister Hua Xinrui. She had a high relationship with us before. Maybe I heard Sister Yue'er mentioned my cultivation base just now, so she checked my cultivation base with her spiritual sense, but I didn't pay attention at the time, the holy power on my body automatically rebounded, causing her spiritual consciousness to suffer a little injury, I hope you can help her treat her!"

Yan Xin looked at Lu Chen's gaze with a hint of Xi Yi. Lu Chen felt a little helpless.

"That Xin'er, you heard just now, that Hua Xinrui does not need me to treat her. If I rashly walked over and said to help her treat, she probably wouldn't give me a good look! "Lu Chen shrugged helplessly and said to Yan Xin.

Yan Xin opened his mouth. Although Lu Chen was telling the truth, before Yan Xin thought of Hua Xinrui, Yan Xin was really good to himself and couldn't help being a little disappointed.

The people present are all aware that the damage to spiritual consciousness is very serious for the cultivator. If the spiritual consciousness cannot be repaired quickly, then not only will one's own cultivation level not improve, but rather decrease. If it starts to decline and still fails to repair the spiritual consciousness, then this cultivator will only become an ordinary person in the end, because he has already missed the best healing period!

Looking at Yan Xin's disappointed face, Lu Chen felt uncomfortable, and stared at Hua Xinrui very uncomfortably, and then said, "Xin'er, otherwise, you just have to persuade her not to trouble me, and I don't need her. Apologize, and I will treat her injury, what do you think?"

"Ah! Thank you, Lu Chen, I will definitely persuade Sister Hua Xinrui!" Yan Xin's face suddenly overflowed with a smile.

"What is our relationship, do you need to thank you? But I still said that, as long as she doesn't trouble me, she can do it!" Lu Chen has already learned something from the conversation between Hua Xinrui and Yanyue, and also guessed it. In order to destroy herself and Yanyue, Hua Xinrui would definitely find her own trouble.

Lu Chen was talking about it, and Hua Xinrui was talking about it, but in the end, Hua Xinrui failed to convince Yanyue, so she gave Lu Chen a vicious look, but it happened to be seen by Lu Chen. Lu Chen didn't say anything, just smiled lightly at Hua Xinrui.

"Yueyue, you should be fine now! Come to my house and walk for a while?" Hua Xinrui knew that she could not dissuade Yanyue at the moment, so she said.

"Well, it depends on Lu Chen. If Lu Chen agrees, I will go. If Lu Chen disagrees, I can't help it!" Yanyue glanced at Lu Chen and said.

"Lu Chen, Lu Chen, Yueyue, why do you always think of that guy now! Isn't he as your man, doesn't have this measure?" Hua Xinrui's face looked even more ugly!

"not like this……"

"Forget it..." Hua Xinrui waved her hand before Yanyue finished speaking, and interrupted Yanyue's conversation directly, saying: "Forget it, let's go over and say hello together! If it's time to save, even I pulled you over, and you have no thoughts, thinking about that bastard!"

"Haha!" Yanyue smiled without saying anything, but obviously, she is still quite happy now.

"Lu Chen, Yueyue invited us to live in her house for a while, don't know if it will work?" Yanyue asked Hua Xinrui as she walked around Lu Chen's side, asking suspiciously.

"This..." Lu Chen glanced at Hua Xinrui, and then said: "Yue'er, you also know that we have something to deal with. It's not necessarily the case in Baihua City. It will stay for too long, and...some things, Maybe it will be more troublesome. If you live in Hua Xinrui's house, will it bother them too much?"

"I said you big man, I didn't say bother, what did you say to bother. Besides, I invited Yueyue, not you, just say it! You allow it, Yueyue will come to my house for a while "Hua Xinrui was a little dissatisfied with the tone of Lu Chen's words, so she said in an unceremonious manner.

Although Yanyue knew it was broken after hearing what Hua Xinrui said, she kept holding Hua Xinrui, otherwise Hua Xinrui would speak, but Hua Xinrui still said it.

Surprisingly, Lu Chen was not angry about this, and said with a smile: "Miss Hua, I know that you and Yanyue have a very good relationship. If this is the case, I naturally agree that Yue'er will stay at your house for a period of time. Yue'er, we You live in this hotel, if you have something, you can come to us at any time!"

Lu Chen happened to discover that there was a hotel not far from him, so he pointed to that hotel and said to Yanyue.

"You... don't you go?" Yanyue said with some surprise.

"Yueyue, what are they going to do! I didn't invite them again!" Hua Xinrui was obviously very happy when she heard Lu Chen's words, and she couldn't say a word, so she pulled Yanyue and prepared to leave.

But what surprised him was that after Yan Yue heard Lu Chen's words, he did not leave. Instead, he walked to Lu Chen's side. This made Hua Xinrui look back a little surprised, and said with an unpleasant expression: "Yue Yue, what's the matter with you, didn't you say yes, go live at my house?"

"I'm sorry, Huahua, if you only invite me, then I will not go to your house!" Yanyue shook his head and said.

"You..." When Hua Xinrui heard Yanyue's words, she frowned in irritation, pursed her mouth, stomped her feet, and said, "It's all right! Yueyue, don't be like this. !" After speaking, Hua Xinrui raised her head and glared at Lu Chen, then walked to Lu Chen's side, showing a stiff smile, and said to Lu Chen:

"Lu Chen, right! I invite you to stay with me for a period of time. I hope you can agree!"

Hua Xinrui was able to do this, but it was beyond Lu Chen's expectation. He felt Yanyue who was holding her hand. After hearing what Hua Xinrui said, she held her hand, obviously tightened, and glanced at it. Yanyue, Lu Chen found the trace of longing in Yanyue's eyes.

Lu Chen also understood that Yanyue and Hua Xinrui, no matter what happened in the future, had always been friends before. Now, Yanyue is about to leave the Primordial God space with herself. I don’t know if there is a chance to meet Hua Xinrui again. This may be the last chance, so Yanyue hopes to be able to meet Hua Xinrui. Have a good chat.

Yanyue has given herself a lot of face just now. If Lu Chen couldn't satisfy the last request of Yanyue to leave the Origin God space, it should not be enough. So Lu Chen nodded and said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. , Are you and Yue'er friends after all! Then I will disturb you!"

"Yueyue, I'm happy now!" After Hua Xinrui got Lu Chen's affirmative answer, she didn't even stop at all. Lu Chen grabbed Yanyue again and walked towards the north of the city. A light voice also reached Lu Chen and others' ears: "You follow, I will take you to our house now!"

Yanyue turned her head and glanced at Lu Chen and the others apologetically. Although some of the girls were dissatisfied with Hua Xinrui's posture, since Lu Chen had agreed to her invitation, she had no choice but to follow Hua Xinrui. Behind him, walked towards the place where the Hua family was!

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