Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1413: Clone Fusion!

Lu Chen was a little astonished. Looking at Yan Jiayuan, who was flushed with a satisfied spring face, Lu Chen vaguely understood that, perhaps, for these big girls in Yuanshen Space, those things are really far away. , Otherwise, why are all of them so old...

It's not just Yan Jiayuan, Yan Yue, Cheng Ying, even Yan Xin and others are no exception. Lu Chen needs to change now, his thoughts tainted by the already dirty 21st century Internet.

"Lu Chen, okay... are you okay?" Yan Jiayuan was very shy looking at Lu Chen staring at her, but she was quite comfortable with Lu Chen's big hands when she stroked and touched her body. Yan Jiayuan couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

It seems that although Lu Chen's hand did not touch him at this time, as long as he could talk to Lu Chen, that comfortable feeling, he could use his heart. Maybe, that feeling of happiness to the extreme peak can be achieved unknowingly in the conversation between the two.

Of course, this is only the slightest thought in Yan Jiayuan's heart. If you change to any woman who has been with Lu Chen, I am afraid that you will be tempted to laugh.

"Well, just... wait a while!" Lu Chen shook his head lightly, as if to explain his daunting apology to Yan Jiayuan, and as if he was shaking his head, to abandon the trace of evil thoughts in his mind. Drop, the task now is just to help Yan Jiayuan to get the avatar of Hongmeng Pearl out of her body.

"Thank you..." Yan Jiayuan looked at Lu Chen's gaze, and couldn't help but blushed again. Seeing the cute pink pillow beside her, Yan Jiayuan hugged her in her arms directly, blocking her fever and looking flushed. The cheeks are like an ostrich.

"Master, continue to massage her, and at the same time let out a hint of Hongmeng's breath, and transport it to the place where the Hongmengzhu clone is!" Looking at Yan Jiayuan's appearance, just when Lu Chen was a little at a loss and didn't know what to do, he The little spirit in the Hongmeng Pearl that entered Yan Jiayuan's body said to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen hurriedly responded, touching Yan Jiayuan's lower abdomen with both hands again, and while massaging in accordance with the massage method instructed by Xiaoling just now, while slowly conveying Hongmeng Qi into Yan Jiayuan's body, and controlling this small part of Hongmeng The Qi slowly moved to the place where the clone of Hongmengzhu was.

Although Lu Chen's cosmic air was very scarce, it seemed a bit too big for Yan Jiayuan, a relatively weak woman, and her body's rejection made Yan Jiayuan frowned in pain. The body naturally began to twist uneasy.

However, because of Lu Chen's simultaneous massage, the throbbing made Yan Jiayuan a little bit painful, but the throbbing in her heart eased part of the pain. Lu Chen now understands why Xiao Ling wanted to use this method to help Yan Jiayuan massage.

The fusion of Hongmeng Zhu and Hongmeng Zhu's avatar was not as difficult as Lu Chen imagined.

The existence of the Hongmeng Zhu clone was originally to find the Hongmeng Zhu. The reason why he would continue to hide in the body of the creature was because before he could find the Hongmeng Zhu, he still had to continue to complete his mission and absorb the chaotic spiritual power. , Transformed into pure spiritual power to help the master of Hongmengzhu.

Now that the appearance of Hongmengzhu makes the clone of Hongmengzhu, some can't believe it, but more are happy.

Just after Hongmengzhu entered Yan Jiayuan's body, Hongmengzhu's clone already felt the existence of Hongmengzhu, so he couldn't help but want to jump at the location of Hongmengzhu.

Xiao Ling had guessed that the Hongmengzhu clone would do this, and after entering Yan Jiayuan's body, he immediately organized the Hongmengzhu clone.

After all, this was in the body of an "ordinary person", Xiao Ling clearly believed that Lu Chen did not want Hong Mengzhu clone to destroy Yan Jiayuan's body in a mess.

Although it was stopped by the little spirit, the clone of Hongmengzhu was obviously still very excited. At the original position, it was constantly trembling, and the air-conditioning continued to pass from the clone of Hongmengzhu. Around the avatar of Hongmengzhu, Yan Jiayuan's cells are constantly mutating because of the air conditioning.

Hong Mengzhu's identity is indeed very powerful. In time, Lu Chen, who was close to Yan Jiayuan, could feel a strong cold air just outside Yan Jiayuan's body.

Lu Chen, who was still a little confused at the beginning, looked at Yan Jiayuan, whose face suddenly became pale and her mouth was a little purple with cold. Lu Chen instantly remembered that these air-conditioning might be emitted from the clone of Hongmengzhu. This made Lu Chen's complexion obviously a little unsightly!

"Xiao Ling, can you stop your clone, Jiayuan is about to freeze to death by that air conditioner!" Lu Chen said coldly.

"Ah! Yeah, Master, I'm already approaching the clone now, and I'm about to merge soon. After the fusion begins, these air-conditioning opportunities will disappear!" Xiao Ling stuck his tongue out in the Hongmeng Pearl, and said in his heart: "Fortunately, Master does not have Put the spiritual sense into Yan Jiayuan's body, or let him see the cells that are rapidly mutating because of the cold air, I am afraid that he will be even more angry!"

"Then you hurry up!"

"Yeah! Right now!" Xiao Ling didn't dare to hesitate at all, and quickly approached the avatar of Hongmengzhu. Without waiting for the avatar of Hongmengzhu to send out a happy message, he immediately transformed into a giant beast of reason, with a big mouth of blood. , And swallowed Hongmengzhu into his stomach in one mouthful!

The Hongmeng Pearl that swallowed his clone, immediately under the control of Xiao Ling, rushed out of Yan Jiayuan's body and returned to Lu Chen's body with a "swish".

"Master, I want to merge with the clone now. Before I call you, don't find me, or I will be in danger! By the way, you can quickly treat Yan Jiayuan's body!" Xiao Ling's voice was a little difficult. After saying this, before Lu Chen could answer, he disappeared, and her figure, Hong Mengzhu, also disappeared in Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen carefully checked his body with some surprise, but he couldn't find Hong Mengzhu at all. You know, Lu Chen is the master of Hongmeng Zhu, and there is a trace of his own soul on Hongmeng Zhu, but Lu Chen can't feel it at all now.

You know, not to mention that the Hongmeng Zhu belongs to him. There is a trace of spiritual consciousness on it. It is said that the Hongmeng Zhu disappeared in Lu Chen's body. Lu Chen had control over his body, but it was quite powerful, but he couldn't feel it at all.

But Lu Chen couldn't take care of this now. Thinking of Xiao Ling reminding himself that he should treat Yan Jiayuan's body as soon as possible, he quickly released his spiritual consciousness. When Lu Chen found out about Yan Jiayuan's body, Lu Chen couldn't help but roared: "Xiao Ling, you silly stuff, let you control your avatar, but in the end you are like his sister, I will wipe it!"

Lu Chen's words reached Yan Jiayuan's ears, making Yan Jiayuan somewhat inexplicable. She opened her mouth and wanted to ask Lu Chen, but seeing Lu Chen's furious gaze, Yan Jiayuan finally held back!

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