Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1419: delicious!

Lu Chen had just prepared all the meals and brought them to the table. When everyone started to eat, they heard a soft noise outside the door, and then Yan Yue and Yan Jiayuan walked in.

"Yueyue, come here, today is Lu Chen's cooking!" Seeing Yanyue's figure, Zi Xiner said with a smile while holding chopsticks.

"What? Lu Chen's cooking?" Yanyue cheered excitedly when she heard it, and took Yan Jiayuan's hand next to her, and said: "Sister, hurry up, you are really good fortune! This is the first time with us. When you meet, you will be able to eat what Lu Chen made. Hurry up, or you will be robbed by others in a while!"

Yan Jiayuan looked at Yanyue and the girls in a puzzled way. For Yanyue and the others, don't they need to eat? Why did Lu Chen make them so excited just by cooking? You know, for their cultivators, eating these things is bad for their health!

However, looking at the appearance of Yanyue and the others, such a situation would never happen at all. It seemed that the meals that Lu Chen cooked were not ordinary food, but treasures of heaven and earth. So helplessly, Yan Jiayuan was pulled by Yanyue sitting on the table, looking at the various dishes on the dinner table with a confused expression!

"This...Lu Chen, are you really making these things with your hands?" Yan Jiayuan asked with a look of surprise looking at the various exquisite dishes on the table.

"Of course! This is our Lu Chen's best place!" Yanyue said with some pride.

"Hey, hey, please, what is my best place. Am I just a cook? You look down on me too much!" Lu Chen dissatisfied with Yanyue's head and patted lightly. To vent their dissatisfaction.

"Hey!" Yanyue smiled at Lu Chen, and pushed Yan Jiayuan next to her with her shoulders, and said: "Let go! Don't look at my sisters, they seem to be gentle, they all look like ladies, wait a minute Don't be too surprised when you eat it!"

At the same time that Yanyue said this, his face changed slightly, as if what he was facing was not a table of food, but an ancient monster that was about to work hard to solve it.

Yan Jiayuan swallowed softly, and looked at the women around with a little bewilderment, and found that the gazes on their faces became the same as those of Yanyue.

"Okay, let's start!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

As Lu Chen's voice just fell, Yan Jiayuan was a little scared to find that all the women sitting next to her suddenly changed. At an extremely fierce speed, the chopsticks in her hand rushed towards the ten on the vegetable table. A few delicacies, that is, his good sister Yanyue, almost forgot the existence of this eldest sister.

For a moment, Yan Jiayuan didn't know what to do, and some looked around at a loss, holding the chopsticks hand, not knowing where to reach...

"Try it too!" Just when Yan Jiayuan was stunned not knowing what to do, a man's voice came from her ear. Yan Jiayuan turned her head to see that it was Lu Chen.

Looking at Lu Chen's gentle and charming eyes, Yan Jiayuan lowered her head a little shyly, and then saw that there were many more things in the dishes in front of her. These extra things are naturally the dishes that Lu Chen helped her grab from those "fierce" women.

"Eat!" Yan Jiayuan looked up at Lu Chen, Lu Chen smiled and said to Yan Jiayuan.

Yan Jiayuan lowered her head shyly again, blushed, and ate quietly.

As a result, Yan Jiayuan couldn't stop eating. She never thought that since there would be such delicious things in this world. She felt that she had lived with dogs for so many years, but she didn't even know that there are still good things to eat in this world.

And Yan Jiayuan also discovered that after eating the things Lu Chen made in his stomach, no harmful things appeared. Instead, they all turned into energy, increasing her own cultivation.

This made Yan Jiayuan even more unexpected, saying that eating these foreign objects is not good for her cultivation, but how did she know that eating these things made by Lu Chen, not only did not have the slightest, the so-called bad, on the contrary, it can improve the cultivation level. , Although not much, it is still a bit more than practicing for an hour.

One bite can speed up your cultivation for an hour. If you keep eating, isn’t it? You don’t need the so-called penance at all to continuously improve your cultivation level?

"Huh! I really don't know who said that you can't eat more foreign objects, or it will be bad for your health. I have eaten so much now, why is there nothing at all, how can I improve my cultivation?" Before thinking about it, my father told me What happened to her caused her to basically never eat these foreign objects.

I thought that I wasted so many years without eating these foreign objects. Yan Jiayuan felt unhappy in her heart. Thinking of myself, if I don’t say I have been eating three times a day for so many years, I am afraid that my current cultivation level is not so little!

Of course Yan Jiayuan didn't expect that only the meals made by Lu Chen would be good for the cultivation base. What other people do is really harmful to the body!

When Lu Chen did these things before, it was really just for the sake of appetite, and eating too much was really bad for the cultivator's health.

But for this Lu Chen Hongmeng Pearl, the herbs in the medicine garden have increased. Lu Chen gradually began to change his own cooking style, instead of seeking the taste of the dishes blindly, and now more emphasis is on the nutrition of the dishes and the impact on the eater's body cultivation.

I originally thought that there was no chance of success. After all, in Lu Chen's impression, some seasonings that can improve the taste of dishes are really not good for the body, but in an accident, Lu Chen did not directly use these seasonings, but extracted the ingredients. The essence of the world came to be fired, but unexpectedly, it succeeded!

Therefore, there is now. After Yan Jiayuan has eaten the delicious dishes made by Lu Chen, not only the taste is very good, but also the improvement of her own cultivation is very good. Otherwise, if it is replaced with the previous one, it is estimated that Yan Jiayuan will not have it. Can find this!

After Yan Jiayuan was thinking about it, she looked up at the dining table in front of her after eating the dishes that Lu Chen had given her. She was a little horrified to discover that there were only empty and clean empty plates on the dining table. It is said that it is leftovers, that is, the leftover juice, there is no left!

"Um...you..." Yan Jiayuan was a little silly, she didn't know what to say!

Lu Chen smiled and said, "How is it? Are you full? It tastes good!"

"They..." Yan Jiayuan nodded, and pointed to Yanyue's daughters stupidly, not knowing what to say!

Lu Chen glanced at him, after he was full, he lay comfortably on the chair, constantly stroking and stroking his little bellies, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about them. Every time they finish eating, they are all here. I am very ethical. I'm used to it, so I don't think there is anything wrong!!"

Yan Jiayuan smiled, "Every time it's like this, hey, these women are really terrifying, and they look so beautiful, but they turned out to be... But speaking of things, what Lu Chen did can really make anyone like this. Kind of!" Yan Jiayuan thought to herself in her heart, couldn't help feeling the residual smell in her mouth again, couldn't help but smash it twice!

At the same time, he stretched out his small tongue and licked it twice on his incomparable and charming little lips.

Yan Jiayuan had forgotten that there were still many people around her, especially a man. Looking at Yan Jiayuan's appearance, Lu Chen felt a little...

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