"Oh! Really! Then I will let you see if this guy is pretending to be crazy and stupid!" Lu Chen let out a sneer and turned to look at Yin Hui lying on the ground!

In fact, Yin Hui, when Lu Chen said that he had been pretending to be crazy, his face had changed a little, and when Yanyue and others looked at him, he had already shown signs of escaping, but he was caught again. After Lu Chen noticed it, he was so scared that his face became extremely pale, and he did not dare to show the slightest sign of escape.

Seeing this picture of Yin Hui, Yanyue and Hua Xinrui are already a little sure that Lu Chen's statement is correct, and Yin Hui is indeed pretending to be crazy.

This made Hua Xinrui somewhat unacceptable. Although Yanyue couldn't accept anything, she was a little strange.

Speaking of it, Yin Hui here belongs to the great hero of Baihua City, but since his mind is okay, why did he pretend that something is going on and deceive the people of Baihua City? More importantly, he is not doing it for himself. Is it discredited? Could it be that he has any concealment?

In fact, Yanyue didn’t want Lu Chen to attack Yin Hui because Yin Hui was the champion of the entire Baihua City, and he was not worried about Lu Chen and the entire Baihua City being an enemy. After all, she knew exactly how powerful Lu Chen was. Even if the entire Hundred Flowers City was dispatched together, there would be no way to harm Lu Chen the slightest.

The reason why Yanyue didn’t want Lu Chen to attack Yin Hui was actually because before Yin Hui went crazy, Yanyue had been Yin Hui’s apprentice for a period of time. Although the time was very short, less than a week, and Yin Hui didn't think that Yanyue was his apprentice.

But that week's time for Iwazuki's help was not trivial. If it hadn't been for Yin Hui's help that week, Yanyue would have never seen Lu Chen at all. Maybe Yanyue would have said goodbye to the world during that week!

At that time, Yanyue was still the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Period, and the experience with Yan Jiayuan was not much over. Yanyue suddenly felt that she was about to break through. She was in Baihua City at that time, so Yanyue had no choice but to stay at Yan Jiayuan’s home and was ready to force a breakthrough. , After all, at that time, Yanyue didn't even know how to break through to the next level.

I was very helpless at first, making Yanyue endure a long time of pain, but not only did not break through, but a trace of inner demons appeared, making Yanyue even more painful.

At this time, Yin Hui appeared at Yan’s house and came to Yan’s house to be a guest. He encountered Iwaguki, who had failed to make a breakthrough, but appeared in the heart demon. So he helped Yanyue, eliminated Iwayue’s heart demon, and made Yanyue , Broke through the Golden Immortal period and reached the cultivation base of Xuanxian.

And while helping Yanyue break through his cultivation base, Yin Hui also gave Yanyue a lot of useful training knowledge, which benefited Yanyue a lot, so in Yanyue's heart, Yin Hui was like his teacher.

However, Yin Hui did not agree. He firmly disagreed with Yanyue calling him a master. He must be called by his name directly, otherwise he would be taken back. Everything he taught Yanyue, which made Yanyue very helpless, so he had to call Yin Hui directly. , Even after Yin Hui went mad, everyone else became Yin Hui a madman, she still called his name!

Of course, Lu Chen didn't know all of this. The only person who knew about this was Yanyue's eldest sister, Yan Jiayuan!

So at this time, Yanyue was very puzzled, why Yin Hui has been pretending to be crazy for so long!

"The one on the ground, do you want me to help you? Or do you tell it yourself?" Lu Chen walked to Yin Hui's side and asked with a smile.

Seeing Lu Chen's gaze, Yin Hui was obviously very helpless, lowered his head, sighed helplessly, and said, "I'm curious, how did you find out? I've been pretending to be crazy. You know, even Baihua The one with the strongest medical skills in the city did not find that I was pretending to be crazy!"

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, "I don't know what you think of the person with superb medical skills, maybe he really didn't find out, maybe... he has found out, but because of you, So I am willing to help you hide the fact that you are not crazy!"

With what Yin Hui said, everyone in the room understood that this Yin Hui was pretending to be crazy!

The reason why Lu Chen didn't continue to act on Yin Hui was because after he exposed Yin Hui, the obscene and filthy gaze in Yin Hui's eyes had completely disappeared, and the whole eyes appeared extremely clear and transparent, without any darkness. Complexion exists.

It is said that eyes are a window of the soul, Lu Chen believes that even a monster beast can see his heart through his eyes.

So seeing Yin Hui's eyes seemed to have never been polluted, so Lu Chen chose to believe him!

"Why are you doing this?" Hua Xinrui obviously couldn't accept it. In her heart, a character who is like a great hero has been deceiving her... No, it should be said that she is deceiving everyone in the entire Baihua City. Maybe, Not only everyone in Baihua City...

"Haha! This is my heart, there is nothing to deceive or deceive!" Yin Hui laughed at himself and said.

"I don't believe it, how could you be such a person! You..." Hua Xinrui shouted at Yin Hui with a look of grief and anger on her face.

"I am indeed such a person!" Yin Hui clearly had some difficulties, and shouted angrily at Hua Xinrui, making Hua Xinrui afraid to say a word, then Yin Hui looked up at Lu Chen. Said: "This gentleman, although I don't know who you are! But I hope you can take a step, let's have a good chat!"

"Of course there is no problem, just go ahead! Where!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

"On Baihua Mountain! There is a very quiet hillside on Baihua Mountain. The scenery on the hillside is also good. There is also a small pavilion for people to rest. Let's go there!" Yin Hui looked up at Baihua Mountain, then turned around. He smiled at Lu Chen, said the location, and solicited Lu Chen's opinion!

"Yes!" Lu Chen nodded, turned around, and said to Zi Xin'er and the other women behind him: "Mr. Yin Hui and I have something to talk about. You and Hua Xinrui will continue to stroll around the Baihua Mountain. Come on! If something happens, you know how to contact me!"

"I...I want to go too!" Hua Xinrui shouted at Lu Chen as soon as Lu Chen's words fell.

"What are you going to do! Yin Hui and I have something to talk about, nothing about you, if you don't want to take Yanyue and the others to continue walking around Baihua Mountain, I won't force you, you can go back to your Hua family now. Anyway, Yanyue should also be very familiar with Baihua Mountain!"

The words of Hua Xinrui made Lu Chen's expression extremely cold. Lu Chen knew that the reason Yin Hui had to take a step to speak was probably not to guard against Zi Xin'er and the others, but to guard against Hua Xinrui and who made Hua Xinrui is an aboriginal of Baihua City!

This was the first time Hua Xinrui saw Lu Chen's icy eyes, and she couldn't help but step back in fright. He always thought that Lu Chen was a plain and kind person. After all, every time Lu Chen lifted the bar, Lu Chen had never been angry. This was also the reason why she decided to reveal Lu Chen's true face.

Lu Chen Lu Chen knew that he had always been forbearing, and that only made Hua Xinrui worse, it is estimated that Lu Chen would regret it!

Maybe that's the case. Lu Chen used an icy tone when Hua Xinrui and him lifted the bar for the first time, facing Hua Xinrui with a serious face. It is estimated that Hua Xinrui would not dare to be as bold as he is now. There is no such thing as the so-called dismantling of Lu Chen's true colors!

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