Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1443: The enchantment is broken!

"It's all right here!" Lu Chen looked around, nodded to the beautiful master, motioned for the beautiful master and Bingshan to take two steps back, and then Lu Chen immediately flew into the air, glaring at the floor in front of him. Enchantment.

Because Xiao Ling said that it takes Lu Chen's full strength to break this barrier, Lu Chen summoned the Sword of Hongmeng from his body. Speaking of which, it was the first time Lu Chen had summoned the Sword of Hongmeng and attacked!

"Master, if you add the sword of Hongmeng, you only need to use 50% of your strength, that's enough!" Just when Lu Chen raised the sword of Hongmeng, he was about to make a full blow. Ling's voice suddenly remembered, and the aura in Lu Chen's body almost went off.

"I said, Xiao Ling, can you stop appearing suddenly and scare me to death!" Lu Chen turned his hand holding Feijian, and said depressed.

"Haha! Master, I haven't done anything!" Xiaoling responded with a grin.

Lu Chen looked helplessly, his face was replaced with coldness again, holding the hand of the sword, he began to continuously convey the air of the grand sword, and into the sword of the grand sword, he felt that it had been delivered almost. After the sword of Hongmeng, Lu Chen suddenly pointed the sword of Hongmeng in his hand at the barrier and flew out.


The sword of Hongmeng hit the enchantment, making a clear sound, and then the sound of "click, click, click", which kept ringing, and the sky-like barrier in front of me was empty, suddenly resembling a broken lens, bit by bit. From the point where the sword of Hongmeng touched the barrier, it began to shatter towards the surroundings.


When the entire sky was shrouded by this shattered lens-like barrier, there was an alarm, and the barrier shattered directly.

I saw the enchantment fragments all over the sky, like glass ballast, and suddenly exploded into a beautiful firework-like gorgeous sound. After the enchantment was broken, the sun shone in, and the countless glass slag-like fragments, under the light of the eyes, Emits colorful and gorgeous colors.

"What a beauty!"

The beautiful master and Bingshan master sister couldn't help but raised their heads to look at the scenery in the sky, exclaiming in their mouths.

The five-colored shards of glass, the fragments of the barrier, when it was about to fall on the top of Lu Chen and the others, suddenly turned into a light, and gradually disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the corner of Lu Chen's mouth couldn't help but smile, a very happy smile.

At present, the result seems to be the same as Xiaoling’s guess. This barrier merely cuts off the teleportation array. It is not because after breaking the barrier, Lu Chen and others appeared in other places. What I am looking forward to now is the barrier. After being broken, the teleportation formation was able to teleport Lu Chen and the others to Zi Xin'er and other women.

"Alright! The teleportation array should be available now!" Lu Chen smiled lightly, and then said to the beautiful master.

"Ah! Is it all right?" The beautiful master suddenly took a moment to look around, then looked at the strange radiant sun on the mountain above his head, and muttered: "Is this the sun? Really? It's the same as they said, so warm and comfortable!"

Listening to the beautiful master’s words, Lu Chen stunned for a moment, with a smile on his face again, and said, "Yes, this is the sun. After you leave this place, you will always feel the warmth of the sun. Besides, the sun, You can find many other beautiful things!"

The beautiful master suddenly blushed, and gave Lu Chen a shy look, without saying anything, holding the hand of Master Bingshan, turning her head and walking towards the Baihua Palace.

Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, looking at the pretty Beiying of the beautiful master, the playful smile suddenly covered his entire face.

When passing the large square in front of the Baihua Palace, everyone in the entire Baihua Palace had already arrived here. Lu Chen discovered at this time that the entire Hundred Flower Palace was not only the twenty people he saw at the beginning, but as many as hundreds.

Moreover, all of these hundreds of people are women, and everyone's appearance is quite gorgeous. Lu Chen looked at the incomparable beauty team of more than 100 people, and could not help but imagined in his mind: Could it be that the purpose of this Hundred Flowers Palace is not to collect female monsters for cultivation, but to give some powerful monsters? Beast or human, choose concubine?

"Uh! It's a bit evil!" Lu Chen shook his head quickly, leaving the thought behind, once again glanced at the hundreds of beauties in front of him, then walked directly towards the Baihua Palace without hesitation, and prepared. The teleportation array is once again opened, and more than a hundred beautiful women will be teleported away together.

"Hey, who is that man? How come we have a man in Hundred Flower Palace?" Before seeing Lu Chen’s disciple of Hundred Flower Palace, seeing Lu Chen suddenly appeared, I couldn’t help feeling unusually puzzled, and quickly asked the people around me. .

"I don't know! I just left the customs, and I was called by Yue Yao!" The person next to him was also very puzzled.

"I know, I know!" Now, seeing the woman Lu Chen appeared just now, she was excited, and said with a gossip look: "It is said! This man was brought in from the outside world specially by our master. . Um! So, this man is our master’s lover!"

"Ah! Really? Really? By the way, how about our master? Why didn't you see? Who is the woman next to the master sister just now? Why have I never met?" Another woman asked a question half-trusted. .

"Hey! Tell you guys! Actually..." The woman who was talking suddenly paused and saw that she was talking. She had already attracted the attention of everyone around her, and she had enough appetite. Then she continued, "That beautiful woman, In fact, it is our master. Don’t you think our master is very beautiful!"

"What? That's the master?" People who didn't know the situation were suddenly surprised, why didn't they believe it, the voice that had always been masculine and feminine, the master who had hidden himself was so beautiful, they always thought, The reason why my master didn't dare to see them was actually because his looks were too awkward, so I am embarrassed to see people in their true colors!

The talking woman pouted her lips in dissatisfaction and said, "Why am I lie to you! Do you think it is interesting to lie to you?"

"But, that's too incredible! How could she be our master!" someone said in shock.

"That's not unbelievable. I ask you, has anyone seen our master now? Also, who of you has seen, our master sister, being pulled by a stranger, can't resist? Normally, there is only Like the master, if it were us, the master sister would have been mad!" the woman said with a pouting mouth.

"Yeah! It seems to be so! Is that person really a master?" Some people began to believe

"Of course it is! By the way, this is not the hottest news. Do you know what the hottest news is?" The woman who spoke suddenly looked mysteriously at her sisters again, preparing to do it again. Appetite action.

"My Eighth Sister, if you have something to say, just say it! Don’t tarnish our appetite anymore, it’s so uncomfortable!" Although this is the case, the woman who speaks has an extraordinary sense of satisfaction, but for the disciples of the Hundred Flower Palace girls around , It's like eating a fly, I can't vomit it when I want to vomit, it's too uncomfortable!

"Good, good! I said, let me just say, you are too overbearing! Senior sister, I finally got such a hot news!" Senior sister Eight puffed her mouth in dissatisfaction, and said with regret.

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