"Lin Tao, what's the matter with you before?" Lu Chen couldn't wait to ask when they finally separated. Lin Tao's state just now was obviously similar to the berserker's madness. But madness is obviously a unique talent of the Berserker clan, how can humans...

Lin Tao looked at Lu Chen a little puzzled, "I was just now, what happened to me just now? Ranran came to me in the morning, and I went to this woods with her, and then I saw Ranran lying in a pool of blood. What happened before me? What's wrong? Can you tell me? By the way, when did you come here?"

"What?" Lu Chen exclaimed, and Lin Tao completely forgot everything that happened before. This shouldn't be! Why is this so! This is so much the same as the madness of the Berserkers.

Lu Chen pulled Lin Tao aside and asked softly, "Lin Tao, is there anyone in your family who is related to the Berserkers? Or, has anyone ever appeared in the Berserkers? Madness situation, you obviously had some Madness just now!"

"Crazy? You said I was crazy?" Lin Tao's eyes flashed with joy, and then closed his eyes and ignored Lu Chen. Lin Tao was a little too secretive, and Lu Chen didn't understand what was going on with him. Why is it still so happy to hear that I am going crazy?

"Sure enough!" Lin Tao opened his eyes and said happily.

"What is so true?"

"Let’s go over and talk! You can also listen to it!" Lin Tao smiled mysteriously, and pulled Lu Chen to walk to the two of them, and said: "I once saw in a book, when a person is in a very sad situation. When you are in a state of despair, or anger, there is a one in ten thousand chance of developing your potential. A six-star sign appears under your lower abdomen, which is a sign of unlocking your potential.

This potential is divided into three levels. The first level will double its own strength, but the consciousness is indeed chaotic! So whether it is an enemy or a friend, they will attack, knowing that this potential is beginning to disappear. At this level, the development time for this potential is ten minutes.

The second level, the development of potential, is that one's own strength has been increased five times, and the consciousness has begun to clear. But if you kill too much, your consciousness will still fall into chaos. Eventually it will become a thorough murderer. The time is one hour.

The third level is the highest level of potential! The strength of development is related to your own strength, there may be more or less! Maybe even the first floor, the development strength is not as good. But he has no time limit, and his consciousness will always be in a sober state, so the development of this potential is the safest. I am now a layer of potential development! "

Lin Tao is quite pleased, the development of this potential is very rare. The terrifying situations that Lu Chen saw on the earth, such as the ability of an old lady to lift a car weighing several tons, were all potentials being stimulated. It is a pity that their bodies are too weak to bear the side effects after their potential is developed, and they can only die in the end.

"By the way, it is said that there is another kind of potential development, and that is the development of bloodlines. It's a pity that no one has succeeded in this kind of bloodline development, so although there are records, it is basically not taken seriously. Just come as one, come and listen." Lin Tao said with a smile.

"That's really congratulations! But your potential level one is really unsafe! I don't know when you can open the second level, so that the danger is relatively less! The improvement of your potential can be Can't it be controlled? Or is it all passive?" Lu Chen asked worriedly.

"En!" Lin Tao frowned, and said, "The first level is passive. Only when the second level is reached will it become active. So when the second level potential is not opened, all around me are quite dangerous. Place! So I am going to go out and practice alone!"

"Go out to practice alone? Lin Tao, are you kidding! How high your current cultivation base is. Even if you unlock your potential, you can be considered an intermediate sword master at best! You want to go out to practice alone, you can Where to go for the experience! Don't be kidding! Stay in school and wait until your potential reaches the second floor before you go out! Now in your situation, it is safer to have someone by your side!" Lu Chen frowned.

"If I didn't control it..." Lin Tao also knew that it was very dangerous to go out to practice alone, but he was worried that staying in the academy would be dangerous to friends around him.

"You must stay in the academy, at least until I leave the academy, you can't go anywhere! Besides, when you only entered the potential level just now, didn't you have to kill some of us? , I feel quite sober!" Lu Chen directly set Lin Tao's future schedule domineeringly.

After speaking, Lu Chen suddenly saw the smile at the corner of Yang Xuanran's mouth in the corner of Lu Chen's eyes. No matter how she looked, Lu Chen felt that this smile was a little strange.

"Lin Tao, I want to delete all Yang Xuanran's memories about Long Aoyun!" Lu Chen took Lin Tao to the side again and said softly.

"Delete the memory?" Lin Tao looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "You can delete the memory, would that cause any danger to Yang Xuanran!" Although Lin Tao forgot what happened just now, Yang Xuanran came to him and he still knew Because of what happened!

"No, absolutely not! By the way, congratulations, you are becoming a father! Yang Xuanran is pregnant with your child!" Lu Chen laughed and joked.

But what Lu Chen didn't expect was that just after he finished this, Lin Tao suddenly felt something wrong, and the wise aura on his body began to dissipate, and a violent aura appeared...

Is it true that Yang Xuanran's child is not Lin Tao's?

Lu Chen wondered for a while, but seeing that Lin Tao was about to become a murderous demon again, Lu Chen slashed Lin Tao's neck vigorously, and Lin Tao fainted directly after shaking his body.

"What's wrong with him?" Custer asked puzzledly.

"I just mentioned the child, Lin Tao became like this!" Lu Chen sighed, walked to Yang Xuanran's side, put his hand on her forehead, and said, "Forget it!"

Although Lu Chen didn't get Lin Tao's permission, Lu Chen knew Lin Tao's attitude just now that he didn't want Yang Xuanran to contact Long Aoyun again, so Lu Chen made the decision directly for them!

Delete some memories of Long Aoyun in Yang Xuanran's mind...

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