Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1470: Lu Yinlang's sad experience! (four)

"Yo, you two boys, why are you back at this time?"

Butler Lin’s son was a little panicked when he saw Lu Yinlang appearing at the door, but he quickly calmed down, especially when he saw Lu Yinlang's broken arm, his eyes flashed with inexplicable joy, his face The panic on the site was also replaced by surprise.

"You... why are you here?"

Seeing the days of Steward Lin, Lu Yinlang and the black face made a thud in their hearts and cried out, "Broken". Naturally, because of the panic in his heart, he didn't notice the expression on the face of Steward Lin's son, so he didn't expect that there would be no good things for Lin Steward's son to appear here.

"Why am I here... Why can't I be here? It's the two of you. Now it's working time, not in the forest, looking for the dung you need, but instead ran back, wanting to be lazy! Huh, fortunately I came here Take a look, otherwise it will really make you lazy and succeed!"

Steward Lin's son showed a serious look on his face, as if he was really trying to check whether the two of Lu Yinlang were really lazy!

"You..." The black face looked at the appearance of Steward Lin's son, feeling very upset, pointing to Lu Yinlang's broken arm and said: "Don't you see that the idiot's arm was broken by the monster. He is this Looks like, how to work, naturally I need to come back to rest!"

"Sorry, this is not my responsibility! Who made you careless! I only know that you will be punished for being lazy during working hours!"

With that said, Steward Lin’s son, with his hand behind him, whipped in the void, and a long whip appeared. Without stopping, he drew directly at the broken shoulder of Lu Yinlang. !

"Don't deceive people too much!" The black face looked at the appearance of Steward Lin's son, and was extremely annoyed in his heart. Without even thinking about it, he directly stood in front of Lu Yinlang, only to hear a "pop", the whip, He slammed it on the black face, even though the black face was really black as coal, but the red fruit squeezed horizontally, it still appeared instantly.

Steward Lin’s son did not feel any dissatisfaction because of his whip and did not draw Lu Yinlang's body. He made a "tsk tsk" sound and said with a smile: "I said black face, don't do this. Worry! This punishment is not only for him, and you are the same...come one by one, don't worry!"

As he said, he raised the whip in his hand again, gave in a step, and then drew it fiercely at Lu Yinlang behind the black face.

This time, Black Face was unable to block the whip, and the whip was drew fiercely on Lu Yinlang's wound. A scream came from behind, causing Black Face to be instantly lit with anger.

Although he usually calls Lu Yinlang an idiot, but at that time, he didn't know what Lu Yinlang's own name was. Before, this body had no consciousness of Lu Yinlang. , Is an idiot, calling him an idiot is naturally normal.

So for Heimian, calling Lu Yinlang an idiot is just like calling him by name. Usually, Heimian is really good for Lu Yinlang. In one, Lu Yinlang and Heimian were the last two people in this job. He didn't want to be the last person to speak, just like that!

Of course, there is actually another reason, and that is because... the son of Steward Lin in front of him is really very hateful. The people who did this work before, except for those who were eaten by the monster beast, were also beaten to death by the son of Steward Lin. For the hatred of Steward Lin's son, Black Face hated Steward Lin's son even more than the hatred of killing his father.

So standing at this moment, the anger in the black face's heart was instantly ignited.

It doesn’t matter if he kills Steward Lin’s son, will it bring any powerful harm to him, but the black face still does not hesitate to draw a dagger that he carries with him, um, called a knife. Perhaps it was more appropriate, and then pierced directly at the chest of Steward Lin's son.

Seeing that Black Face actually took up a weapon to attack him, Steward Lin’s son obviously didn’t expect that, in a daze, he saw that the knife was only more than ten centimeters away from him, so that he would be stabbed to his vitals. Butler Lin’s son made a difficult step...


But in the end, the knife still pierced into the body of Steward Lin’s son. It’s a pity that this stabbing did not cause too much damage to Steward Lin’s son. At most, it was in the position next to the heart. A small wound about five centimeters long.

"Black face...you don't want to kill you, you actually did it to me!" Looking at the wound in his heart, Lin Guanjia's son couldn't help but feel a little cold. If it wasn't for himself, he would give in a little bit, if not because , Hei Lian has no cultivation base at all, I am afraid he has become a corpse now.

Thinking of himself, it was very likely that he had just died in the hands of a rubbish. Butler Lin’s son felt a burst of irritation, his face became hideous, holding the hand of the whip, and waving it back, the whip in his hand instantly became A long sword shining with terrifying silver metallic luster!

And Lu Yinlang, who stood behind Heimian, looked at Heimian in disbelief.

Although he didn't want to die, he never thought of attacking Steward Lin's son. After all, it is impossible for him to do this kind of following crimes. Otherwise, with those previous behaviors, I am afraid I would have died long ago.

Thinking of this, Lu Yinlang also felt bitter and chills in his heart. Before, he had always relied on his mother and the Lu family behind him, so he was not afraid of anything, but now seeing the black face's practice, Lu Yinlang suddenly understood that his thoughts were still too naive!

"Huh! You treat us like this. Rather than stealing a life in your hands, it's better to die. At least our death can let you be buried!" The black face was obviously annoyed, but the hand holding the knife, Even tighter, the tone in his mouth didn't mean to be afraid of Steward Lin's son.

"Okay! Blackface, you are fine! And you idiot, you wait for me, I will let you know how miserable it will be if you annoy me, death is not the final result! Haha..." Steward Lin's son seemed to be mad suddenly, the cry made people hear him, and he couldn't help being a little bit shy.

"So what, who died in the end? It's not necessarily true!" The black face gave Lin Guanjia's son a cold look, then glanced at Lu Yinlang, and suddenly found that the expression on Lu Yinlang's face at this time, It was very dim, as if it was regrettable because of something.

Because the black face is now because of him, he attacked the son of Steward Lin. Therefore, the black face thought that Lu Yinlang's annoyance was because he attacked Steward Lin and made him and Lu Yinlang the opposite of Steward Lin's son. Black face couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

"Idiot, what are you thinking about? Find something and attack this guy together. I absolutely can't let him leave alive today!" The expression on the face of the black face at this time is very complicated, annoyed and annoying. Bloodthirsty, don't want one at all, usually standing at the bottom of the guy.

"Ah! Oh, I know, I'll be here soon!" The black face's cry made Lu Yinlang wake up instantly from introspection. He glanced at the black face and Lu Yinlang's gaze after the steward Lin, Sweep to this room, start looking for weapons that can attack!

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