Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 144: Summoner Michel!

When he came to the door of the classroom, Lu Chen happened to see a male teacher standing on the podium, talking about something. Although I don't know if this is the so-called Michelle teacher, Nalan Rongxue also said that this morning is his class! Even if it is not the one standing on the podium now, he can only be considered unlucky!

Without any greeting, Lu Chen walked directly into the classroom and walked to his seat. Seeing the appearance of this genius summoner in their class, everyone couldn't help but exclaim. They had seen how powerful Lu Chen summoned, and Lu Chen had also received instructions from Nalan Rongxue not to attend classes. What is he doing in the classroom now? Shouldn't he practice his summoning skills in the back mountain?

"Hello everyone! It's been a long time, how are you doing?" Lu Chen didn't take the male teacher on the podium seriously. He walked to his place and laughed when he saw everyone looking at him. Say hello, but forget the teacher on the podium.

"you're good too!"

"Lu Chen, shouldn't you be in the back mountain? How come you come to class?"

The classmates also responded to Lu Chen's greetings one by one, and some even questioned the reason why Lu Chen would appear in the class.

"Oh! It's nothing. I heard that a male teacher who is not very well-behaved came here today, so come and see how the new teacher is not well-behaved!" Lu Chen smiled and waved his hand, then suddenly Turn his eyes to the somewhat angry male teacher on the podium.

Lu Chen's words made everyone in the class stunned, but then they reacted. Especially those girls, who understood Lu Chen's meaning even more, looked at Lu Chen's eyes with gratitude. Cheering in my heart, finally someone can come to save them!

"This classmate, who are you? Are you a student in our class? If so, why haven't I met you! Don't you know that we are going to class? If not, please go out, we are calling here Department class, students from other classes are not welcome!" said the male teacher pointing to Lu Chen.

"I... Of course I am a student in our class. I have a question to ask you, is your name Michelle?" Lu Chen's eyes flashed harshly.

"Yes! I am Michelle, but I wonder if you should call me teacher Michelle. Besides, since you are a student in our class, it seems that I have been working for a few days, why have I never seen you! Even if you There is a special reason, but you are here today! You seem to be late for more than an hour!" Michele looked a little annoyed.

"Really? Oh! That's really embarrassing! I forgot!" Lu Chen looked at Michelle with an apologetic look. Now that the identity of the male teacher has been determined, Lu Chen has already begun to think about how to rectify this irregular guy.

"You are a student, you should remember your class time. Since you have forgotten the class time, are you still a student? Sorry, no one is allowed to be late in my class, so please now Get out! When you come here tomorrow morning, I hope you won't be late!" Michelle pointed out the door and said.

"Sorry, I have been allowed by Mr. Guo Nalan, but I can enter and leave the classroom at any time. If I can, I don't even have to take the usual courses. Just come over during the exam! So, your order, I You don't need to execute it!" Lu Chen glanced at Michelle and sat down directly.

"You!" Michelle's face turned red. "It's my class now, not Teacher Nalan's class. Her permission has no effect on me. Since you want to come to my class, you must abide by my rules. I order you, I will get out now! You are not welcome here!"

"Get out?" Lu Chen asked in confusion, "Mr. Michel, I've never got out, so can you give me a demonstration so that I can know how to get out!" After Lu Chen finished speaking, he looked around with a natural expression, as if he was asking the students around him if he was right!

"Yeah! Teacher Michelle! We don't know what'get out' is. Could you please give us a demonstration and let us know what to do! When you let us'get out', we don't know what to do 'Go!' As Lu Chen's good brother, Xia Dongnan naturally stood up and supported Lu Chen.

"Isn't the teacher supposed to call us something? Why, teacher Michelle, you seem to have a reluctant expression!" Xia Dongnan stood up, and Sun Xin, naturally, was not to be left behind, standing with a smile on his face. He stood up and said happily.

"Hehe!" Lu Chen looked at each other with a smile on their faces. This is a good brother! When are they standing together! Although what I'm doing now is a bit unnatural!

"You three bastards, give me out!" Michelle was already angry, pointed at the three, and said in a tone that was trembling because of anger.

"No way, no way! Teacher Michelle, we haven't learned the knowledge we don't understand yet! How can we get out! You can give us a demonstration! I can't wait! I really want to know what'roll' should be Looks like action!" Xia Dongnan, he was surprised.

With the three of Lu Chen taking the lead, the women who had been misbehaving by Michelle began to booze, yelling one by one, and let Michelle start to demonstrate for them.

"You are so courageous! Very good, very good!" Michelle suddenly took a deep breath and said to a male student in the class who is usually very courageous: "You...come out! Get out of this! Do the action again, let everyone see what is meant by'rolling'" When Michelle spoke, her eyes were very cold.

The student who was pointed at by him began to tremble all over, and after taking a look at Lu Chen, he reluctantly walked out, preparing to roll on the ground.

Seeing the boy's movements, Michelle's face showed a cheerful smile, and then looked at Lu Chen provocatively.

"What a **** rubbish!" Lu Chen said lightly and lightly, then walked to the boy's side and stopped his next movement.

"Hey! I heard them just now, your name is Lu Chen! This classmate will'roll', don't you want to see how to'roll'? Why have you stopped it now?" Michelle smiled It is thicker, but the coldness in his eyes is thicker.

"Mr. Michel, I think we should learn things from you, not him. If he can teach us things, then what do you need to do? You might as well get out early! Teachers are not so good. Don't fool our big students!" Lu Chen said disdainfully.

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