Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 1479: The hidden temple!

When Gao Boqi saw his ring and the contents of the ring, he was completely stupid. Some could not believe his spiritual sense. He clearly remembered that the space inside his ring was only about 100 square meters, but now It seems that there are at least tens of thousands.

And more importantly, the countless delicious drinks in the ring are what makes Gao Boqi excited. He couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Lu Chen, and found that Lu Chen was looking at himself with a smile. After Gao Boqi's face turned, he couldn't help but feel a trace of fear because of Lu Chen.

"Thanks...Thank you!" In the end, Gao Boqi just said such a sentence very sincerely, because Gao Boqi knew that even if he said more, it would not have the slightest effect. It would be better to just say this. .

"Thank you, just tell me what happened after I left!" Lu Chen waved his hand gently and said.

"Okay!" Gao Boqi nodded quickly, ignoring his continued drinking. He stuffed the wine bottle in his hand into the ring, and said solemnly: "At that time, half an hour after you left, one line Four people entered the banquet hall, and this banquet..."

It turned out that just half an hour after Lu Chen left, the so-called protagonist of the banquet tonight, the mysterious person Yan Jiayuan had been talking about, finally arrived. After they entered the venue, everyone was taken aback, and then Several council elders in Baihua City took Yan Jiayuan and immediately greeted them.

"My lord, you are finally here!" The sixth elder of the council who told Yan Jiayuan about the banquet tonight, immediately said to the mysterious man with a smile.

There are a total of four mysterious people. Standing in front are two young people with indifferent faces and high cultivation bases. At least Gao Boqi can't see them. Their cultivation bases are standing behind these two young people. It was a middle-aged couple. After entering the banquet hall, the middle-aged couple began to look around in the hall as if they were looking for someone.

From Gao Boqi's mouth, Lu Chen had vaguely guessed that the mysterious person should be the young man, and the couple behind the young man should be Yin Hui's parents who were killed by him. Lu Chen couldn't help showing a smile, and Yin Hui's parents had already appeared!

The four people walked into the center of the banquet under the leadership of several council elders in Baihua City. Under the introduction of the six council elders, everyone finally understood who this mysterious pair was... it turned out to be the Origin God space and has disappeared. I don’t know how many years the people in the Hermitage Temple, their purpose of coming here this time is to accept disciples.

The Hermit Temple is actually the same as the Baihua Palace, it is also the source of God's space, ten martial sects millions of years ago. They disappeared inexplicably on that night a few million years ago, just like Baihua Palace, but they did not expect to appear again now, and they also came to Baihua City to accept disciples!

You know, Baihua City has always been the site of Baihua Palace, although so far, except for Lu Chen, people know that Baihua Palace was born again, and no one else understands it. But even so, the people of the Hermit Temple shouldn't go to Baihua City to accept disciples!

However, what Lu Chen was even more puzzled was that he had just taken the people from the Baihua Palace out of the inner hall of Baihua Mountain, and the people from the Hermit Temple appeared. Although in fact, the people from the Hermitage Temple appeared earlier, after all, when Lu Chen entered the inner mountain of the Baihua Palace, the banquet had already been announced.

That means that at that time, the people of the Hermit Temple will come to Baihua City to carry out the ceremony of accepting disciples.

But Lu Chen always felt something was wrong in his heart.

The two mysterious people in the hidden temple have at least the cultivation base of the **** emperor, plus Yin Hui's parents, who came with them, it shows that the relationship between them is very good, maybe, Yin Hui's parents, the same People who also belong to the hidden temple, in that case, can see the strength of the hidden temple, which is quite powerful.

Before Lu Chen helped Baihua Palace improve his cultivation, they didn't even want to resist the people of the Hermit Temple. Lu Chen was also a little grateful. Fortunately, in the afternoon, he asked the people of Baihua Palace to go back to visit relatives, but did not let them stay here. Otherwise, I am afraid that something is wrong now.

Wait, Lu Chen has forgotten one thing. Not everyone in Baihua Palace was dismissed by Lu Chen. The three most important people are still here. If the beautiful master knows the existence of the Hermit Temple, they will Can't directly fight with the people of the hidden temple?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen hurriedly asked: "Earth, erection, the people of the Hidden Temple, are there any conflicts among those who came with me?"

"Hey, brother, how did you know!" Gao Bo gave Lu Chen a surprised look, and then said, "You guessed it, the two young people, after seeing your women, their eyes were a little wrong. , Have been harassing them, they have now..."

"Where have they gone now?" Lu Chen's eyes were cold, and he secretly said in his heart: No wonder after returning, they couldn't see where Zi Xin'er and the others went. It turned out to be the Hidden Temple... Hmph, the Hidden Temple, I remember you. , If Xiner and the others lose a hair, I will let you remove and disappear into this world!

"Because among your women, a woman named Xin'er gave the two young men a slap, and they were not convinced, so they decided to find a place to fight. Your woman agreed, so they left together! "Gao Boqi said directly.

"Huh? Why are you still here? Didn't you go over and take a look?" Lu Chen looked at the people in the banquet hall curiously, and found that when he left with him, there was no change. Of course, he just lost his own. Those women, he thought it was because his women couldn't wait, so he returned to Yan Jiayuan's back office ahead of time. He didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen.

"Haha!" Gao Boqi smiled wryly, "Do you think I don't want to go to see or leave? But the people in the hidden temple are not allowed at all. It is said that their task has not been completed, so all the people here We are not allowed to leave, we have to wait for them to get rid of...after those women who killed you, come back and finish things before we can leave!"

"Then do you know where they are going now?" Lu Chen asked this question again.

"I don't know, we can't leave here!" Gao Boqi shook his head with a wry smile and said.

"Thank you!" Lu Chen patted Gao Boqi on the shoulder, then released his divine consciousness, and instantly enveloped the entire Baihua City, and then leaned towards the surroundings bit by bit, finally at a distance of tens of kilometers away from Baihua City. Above the mountainside, Zi Xin'er and the others were found.

Without saying a word, Lu Chen teleported and disappeared beside Gao Boqi. When Lu Chen appeared, he had already come to Zi Xin'er.

"Xin'er, are you okay?" Lu Chen had seen it with his spiritual sense just now, and found that they had not started fighting, so although Lu Chen was nervous, he was not worried about the safety of the women.

"It's okay! Why are you here? The matter has been dealt with?" Lu Chen found out that Zi Xin'er, like Gao Boqi, said this, she looked at herself with ambiguous eyes, obviously she also thought that , Lu Chen must have something happened with Lu Xiaoxue.

Lu Chen smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "Xin'er, sometimes, can you not be so shrewd! No one wants a woman who is too shrewd!" Lu Chen curled his lips and said helplessly, but finished. With this sentence, Lu Chen turned around and waited for the four people in front of him.

PS: Today's brother, Quezhiling, is really mighty. He cast five monthly tickets at once! Haha, add one more chapter today! Hey, vote for a lot of monthly tickets, and add more naturally!

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