"Hey, forget it!" Feeling the slight suction from the black hole, Lu Chen looked at the people around him helplessly, a powerful white light suddenly radiated from his hand, Lu Chen waved his hand and punched him. At the entrance of the black hole, without seeing any changes in the black hole, it disappeared directly into everyone's eyes.

Looking at Lu Chen's hand, once again, the two of the Hermit Temple couldn't speak to the amazement. They just looked at Lu Chen in terror. Originally, they looked at Lu Chen vigilantly, but now they just keep backing away, just for a while. Er, they all retreated, at least a hundred meters away from Lu Chen.

Lu Chen ignored these two guys at all, looking at Yin Hui's parents, he didn't know what he was thinking.

As for Yin Hui’s parents, if it was normal, or if Lu Chen was not the one who burned and killed their son, then they would probably have noticed that Lu Chen let the black hole disappear, but unfortunately, because Lu Chen Killed their son, so they didn't notice this at all!

Yin Hui’s mother expected to see her husband transform directly, so she thought she could kill Lu Chen directly, so she didn’t care much when she stood aside, but she saw that Lu Chen was able to and her husband, and still After the transformation, the husband confronted, and now he was a little panicked!

Thinking about it or not, just like Yin Hui's father, he also began to transform!

The transformation of Yin Hui's mother made Lu Chen speechless.

Like Yin Hui and Yin Hui's father, they were all that werewolf, but she, a werewolf, had to look petite, and she looked comfortable before she transformed.

"Forget it, I won't play with you!" Lu Chen looked at the appearance of the two of them, knowing that they no longer have any tricks, he sighed, and said, "In the next life, don't give birth to a son like Yin Hui, eh. , If you two can still get together!"

After speaking, Lu Chen emitted a purple-gray flame on his left and right hands, burning on both Yin Hui’s parents. However, both Yin Hui’s parents felt pain all over their bodies. Before they could scream, their flesh and body were directly affected. The burning was clean, leaving only two groups of gray souls.

For the two Yin Hui parents, Lu Chen was embarrassed to disperse them. After all, the reason why they found themselves was entirely because they killed their son.

Looking at the two groups of souls, Lu Chen read their memories, and then made a few gestures on his hands, just like a Buddhist monk, directly helping Yin Hui's parents to survive and let them go to reincarnation directly!

"You two, come here..." After dealing with Yin Hui's parents, Lu Chen looked at the two young people in the Hermitage Temple, which was already two hundred meters away from him, waved to them, and asked them to arrive as soon as possible. Come by your side, otherwise... the end will be miserable!

The two young people from the Hermitage Temple looked at each other helplessly. Both saw a look of fear in each other’s eyes, but they didn’t run away at all, because they both knew very well that in this case , They have no chance of escape at all.

"You two are from the Hidden God Temple?" Lu Chen asked with a smile on his face when the two of them walked up to him.

"Yes...yes, sir!" The two young men nodded and said without hesitation.

"Oh!" Lu Chen nodded, with a smile on his face: "But... you should know that Baihua City is the site of Baihua Palace! Your hidden temple does not seem to belong here, so why... you still run here? Come to collect disciples, isn't it...some of them have crossed the boundary?"

After hearing Lu Chen's question, the two young men in the Hermitage Temple felt sad.

When they left the Hermitage Temple and came to Baihua City, the elders of the Hermitage Temple had already instructed them to be careful. After all, the Baihua City is the site of the Baihua Palace. Even though the Baihua Palace and millions of years have not been born, there is no People can guarantee that Baihua Palace is hidden like them.

Originally, they thought that this kind of thing could not happen. You know, the Hermitage Temple has appeared vaguely for millions of years, but the Baihua Palace has never appeared. In addition to the Baihuashang, there is also the existence of the Baihua Palace. , I am afraid that no one remembers what the Hundred Flower Palace is.

But they did not expect that it took less than an hour to reach Baihua City, not only to protect their Yin Hui parents, but also to be killed by this mysterious existence in front of them, but they were also asked about Baihua Palace. , If the one in front of you is from the Hundred Flower Palace, then their fate can be imagined!

However, thinking that Baihua Palace had only recruited female apprentices and two disciples of the Hermit Temple, and felt it was impossible, so with a little distracting thought in my heart, he whispered: "This...sir, Baihua Palace has disappeared for millions of years. In the past few million years, the Hundred Flower Palace has never appeared!

The purpose of the establishment of the ten sects of the Origin God Space is to help all the monsters in the Origin God space improve their cultivation. All, seeing that Baihua Palace hasn't been born for so long, our Hermit Temple, for the sake of the people of Baihua City, wants to help some people with higher qualifications here, so that they can have a good cultivation environment.

At this time, Master Yin Tian and his wife said they were going back to Baihua City to visit relatives, so our elder sent us two to come here with Master Yin Tian to recruit a few apprentices, just as a help. Help the people of Baihua City! "The young man in the hidden temple said.

This young man's statement in the Yinshen Temple was completely contrary to what Lu Chen had learned from Yin Hui's father's memory.

Obviously people from the hidden temple wanted to come to Baihua City to accept disciples. It happened that Yin Hui’s parents belonged to Baihua City. For convenience, I took pictures of Yin Hui’s parents to protect the young couple. Come to Baihua City, recruit suitable apprentices, and enter the hidden temple.

Lu Chen sneered and said, "Oh! Is that really the case? Why do I... The news I got is the opposite of what you said?"

When the two young people in the Hermitage Temple heard Lu Chen’s words, they felt a chill in their hearts, and their mouths trembled. With a "plop", the two of them knelt directly on the ground and said, "Big...sir, I... we don't want to lie to you, but we are afraid that you will kill us, that's why we said that! Actually..."

The two hurriedly told the actual situation. This time, it was exactly the same as what Lu Chen had learned from Yin Hui's parents.

"Haha! I didn't intend to do anything to you, but you deceived me, and...before, it seemed that you had violated my woman, so...I can't spare you lightly!" Lu Chen said. At the time, there was a faint smile on his face.

Looking at this faint smile, the two of the hidden temple kneeling on the ground thought that Lu Chen would never kill them even if he had to punish them severely, but they did not know what Lu Chen was like. People who have such thoughts just appeared, they felt that their consciousness disappeared instantly!

I only saw that the two people kneeling on the ground, like the previous Bi Yuntao, turned into a pile of blood mist and disappeared between the sky and the earth. Of course, the soul still exists. After all, these two people are not too evil, and Yin Like Hui's parents, after reading their memories, Lu Chen "transformed" into the appearance of a high-ranking monk. After a few movements in his hands, the two souls were directly transcended by Lu Chen and reincarnated!

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